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More Glorious Battle Madness!

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 08/28/2022 02:06
Edited by eldas at 08/28/2022 02:39

There's little time to rest where Glorious Battle is concerned, and just a couple of days after our previous tussle against Lordsbane there is more fighting on the cards for BDR and allies. Everyone likes to play this event for different reasons; testing out their strength, helping your alliance and faction, for the glory of winning, the rewards... or in my case the Battle and Bravery tokens 😍So even after my recent loss of troops I was more than happy to gear up and send my brave soldiers out to war. The last fight with Lordsbane was a long and bloody affair, let's see how this one went!

I was keeping my eye on my defending army and noticed the player on the opposite side deleting the armies just in front of me, thought the name of Arvandor looked familiar... turns out he was familiar, and just a couple of days previously in a previous fight he'd run into the wife NanyaS and countered her, kicking her out and inflicting some heavy losses. This then should be spicy... I always love testing my strength out against other strong infantry players, and defeating Arvandor to avenge NanyaS would be just grand!

Just as I always do, my first few marches are always sent with the thought of lowering a bit of resilience for my opponent before my main force arrives. It's a tried and trusty strategy, and can certainly help you kick out or heavily wound a strong player in there. However, my wee army of 10k both times managed to kill off a few of his troops 😱Not often you see that, even without the right dragon skills... perhaps I should have sent another 10k march or two!

Finally my real army arrived and was successful in kicking out a (very marginally weaker) Arvandor. It still hurt me quite a lot to knock him out, his stats are more than good and he had over 40k army size greater than mine! Still though, we take those - I managed to assert the strength of my infantry once more, and get revenge for NanyaS's loss before! I didn't have time to enjoy the victory though as my hit went through, waiting armies were there to jump straight into the fray!

Probably not the strongest account in Gotwic history, but a win is a win, and every army kicked out or defended off the objective is another step towards victory so... no complaints. At that army size baddogpep might have caused a few issues for other players so keeping him out was certainly not a bad thing! Almost running out of tier three troops at this point though which is not ideal... Oh well, there's no turning back now!

A great hit for me, wounding and killing some of his tier 4 after decimating all of his tier 3s. After already having my resilience reduced significantly and thus much lower stats, I was lucky to come across someone I could hard counter - and it meant I knocked out a player who could have cause one of our cav players a problem or two! Nice bit of merit there as well, and Battle tokens no doubt as well.

All good things eventually come to an end, and just as my win streak looked as if it might take off... I was hit by Madian ll, a strong player also running infantry with his setup at the time entirely for that troop type. With strong stats and 100k more army size than I have even at full strength, there was little I could do but get blown away in my weakened state, taking a pretty big hit in the process. Still, I managed to kill off and wound over 80k of his army, and that should have lowered his resilience a good bit for the next army in!

Just as the previous fight had been this was a tightly contested, close affair, and we did well to come away with two successful defences. I'd like to think my little streak helped out, knocking out a couple of strong players and managing to wound the player who then successfully kicked me out in the end. Everyone helps in this event, even for smaller player helping to lower the resilience of powerful accounts is super important!

It's looking like this will be our last fight with Lordsbane for a while now, with both our eyes and those of other faction's looking towards the centre... A few more big fights can definitely be expected soon! Looking forward to them.~
