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“All Out War” and the invasion of Essos

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 10/08/2024 23:45

Following the war against the Night King, Westeros is left wounded and vulnerable. The once prosperous south faces the threat of raids. Dothraki lords, slavers from Meereen and Astapor, and even mercenaries from Braavos have begun to raid the unprotected lands, taking advantage of the chaos.

Queen Daenerys Targaryen has returned to a destroyed home. Dragonstone has been attacked; several of her dragons have fallen in battle and dragon eggs have been stolen. After months of fighting to restore peace in the south, Daenerys summons the great lords of Westeros.

The queen, accompanied by the great houses Lanister-Baratheon, Tyrell and the House of the Black Lion, reveals her plan to invade Essos. With the fleet of ships she is determined to march east. His goal is not only to recover his dragons, but also to end the oppression of the slavers and reestablish a new order in those lands.

If Westeros succeeds, his power will be consolidated and the balance will return again. The fate of Westeros and Essos hangs in the balance, and the game of thrones has never been so deadly.

BlackL1on, leader of the House of the Black Lion, sails the waters of the Narrow Sea, to support the Targaryen queen in this "All Out War." After several days of uneventful travel, the ships finally land on the east coast of Essos,

Upon landing, the troops from Westeros quickly establish a stronghold: Fort Excelso. The fortress, built from the timbers of their ships and the stones of the region, becomes the command post. While the soldiers raise walls and prepare the facilities, the Targaryen queen calls a council with the great houses to discuss strategy.

Sylmentra unfolds a large map of Essos, drawn up with the help of explorers and emissaries who have traveled to all the major cities of Essos, with all the points of interest: houses, villages, castles and towns that make up this vast continent. The queen talks about possible alliances and the enemies they will face.

Meereen, the great slave city of Essos, stands with its great pyramid as a symbol of the power of the cruelest masters of the continent. This city not only represents oppression and tyranny, but also the first target for the Targaryen queen. The queen is convinced that the masters of Meereen are responsible for the theft of her dragon eggs.

The walls of Meereen are protected by an army, the Second Sons, mercenaries feared for their brutality and their loyalty in exchange for gold. At their side, the Harpy Lords operate in the shadows, sowing fear among the population and protecting the interests of the masters.

Astapor, another cruel slaver-trading city. Known for its army of Unsullied, men trained from a young age to feel no pain. These warriors, castrated and ignorant of pain, are feared throughout Essos

The Avenue of Punishment, where hundreds of slaves and rebels hang crucified as a warning. The cruelty of the masters of Astapor knows no bounds, and the queen knows that her mission is not only to recover her eggs, but to end slavery

North of Essos, the deserts of the Dothraki Sea stretch, home to the Dothraky kahls; the horse lords. Scouts have identified three large clans, each with its own khalasar, all depicted on the queen's map.

The closest to her position is the khalasar of Khal Drogo, marked in purple. With a powerful army of horsemen, this khalasar has been detected because some of its warriors landed on its shores months ago, razing villages and wreaking havoc. The queen knows that confronting Drogo is important.

BlackL1on suspects this khalasar's connection to the slave lords of Essos. According to him, Drogo and his riders may be behind the theft of the dragon eggs, based on clues he found in the looting of Dragonstone.

To the northeast, in orange, is the khalasar of Khal Moro, who rules Vaes Dothrak, the Dothraki capital. This khal is known for his ruthless nature and scars. His reputation for cruelty and ferocity is known throughout Esos and the queen must be careful when attacking Vaes Dothrak.

At the northernmost tip, in red, lies Rhaego's khalasar, the most powerful of all. Though his riders have not been seen roaming Westeros, they are known to maintain close ties to Braavos. Not only are Rhaego and his army skilled in the use of the Dothraki arak, but they have also incorporated armor and swords into their arsenal, making them a fearsome force on the battlefield.

The Targaryen queen has wanted to add two more factions to the map of Essos as possible enemies, since, based on the traces left behind in the sacking of Dragonstone, it is believed that Pentos and Braavos could be involved.

Pentos is the largest port city in the world and is represented in red on the map. Scouts have reported that they have recruited a large army of mercenaries called the Golden Company, who are reputed to be military experts.

Lastly, Braavos, represented in green, is arguably the largest and most powerful faction in Essos, known as Braavos, the Thousand Islands, and the Titan as its representative. It is funded by the Iron Bank and is a very sophisticated city, even more so than many in Westeros. It has the best swordsmen in the world. The Braavos are experts in swordsmanship and love war; they practice water dancing with the sword, a technique that would defeat any swordsman in Westeros. Also found in Braavos are the Faceless Men, known to be expert assassins who kill without being seen.

BlackL1on tenses his hand against his sword when Braavos is mentioned, as he had a bad experience with a Braavosi named Syrio Forel in one of the landing campaigns. In a lethal duel, he faced Braavosi and was defeated in combat. The Braavosi's mastery of water dancing surpassed the Lion's skill in battle. Despite this, Syrio Forel spared his life, but not before leaving a scar on his back.

The meeting at Fort Excelso lasted until late at night. At dawn, they agreed that the next day they would meet again to finalize the attack plans.

The day passed quietly. BlackL1on sends some of his men out into the countryside to plow the land and prepare a small garden of tomatoes and peppers, aware that the campaign would be long and they would need supplies. Food production would be vital.

Miners were also sent into the mountains to begin excavations in search of obsidian, a crucial resource for weapons and armor.

The other lords of Westeros also got to work. The Tyrells focused on grain production. The Lannisters focused on the search for silver and obsidian.

The Baratheons and Targaryens began to build villages in the surrounding areas, where the families of the soldiers and the warriors themselves would settle. The creation of a stable settlement will be important, since the campaign will be very long.

After weeks of debate and preparation, the decisive moment has arrived. A massive army, made up of the houses of the Black Lion, Targaryen and Baratheon, sets out south with a single goal: to free Essos from slaver oppression and reclaim what belongs to them: the stolen dragon eggs.

As they approach Meereen, BlackL1on's army organizes to lay siege to the city, whose walls, although imposing, show signs of weakness. BlackL1on's troops launch attacks on nearby villages. The war is total, the fighting is merciless. As the days pass, Meereen, aware of its vulnerability, decides to leave its walls and face the enemy. The slavers attack, and BlackL1on is overwhelmed, forced to retreat.

Robert Baratheon charges from the flank, charging with his infantry. Meanwhile, in the skies, Daenerys' dragons descend, incinerating the enemy armies. And terror grips the armies of Meereen. The siege continues for days, with the forces of Westeros gaining ground. The masters of Meereen, cornered in their main fortress, refuse to surrender. BlackL1on's troops, the Baratheons and Daenerys' dragons, prepare for a final assault. Each battle is brutal, and the casualties are numerous,

Finally, the Mereen troops retreat to the city and Westeros gains valuable land, which expands throughout the south.

In the North, the siege of Khal Drogo's khalassar begins. The battle in the north between Khal Drogo's forces and the Lannister and Tyrell alliance is brutal. Jaime Lannister faced the Blood Rider, who was protecting the khal. After an intense fight, Jaime managed to kill the Dothraky with a precise blow from his sword.

Meanwhile, on the eastern flank, Ser Loras Tyrell attempts to break Drogo's line. However, the riders' arrows stem the Tyrrells' charge, forcing the men to take cover.

Suddenly, Khal Drogo himself appears, with his long hair and imposing stature, and sees Ser Loras Tyreell's royal banner in the distance. With uncontrollable fury, he attacks the king's personal guard and, after killing several commanders, goes into battle directly with Ser Loras. The fight is brutal. Despite Sir Loras' great mastery of his sword, he can do nothing against such a fearsome adversary, who, with a block of his arak, rips the swords from his hands and, grabbing him by the throat, tears out his windpipe, screaming and despising him after killing him.

As the day progressed, the field became littered with the dead. Khal Drogo, though he had inflicted heavy casualties, realized that the battle could not be won. With a look of defiance, he decided to withdraw his forces, aware that his opponents' military superiority was greater thanks to their armor and better organization.

The war had only just begun, but it had already claimed the life of a great lord of Westeros. Khal Drogo's khalasar had been decimated, and they retreated to their main fortress, although Khal Drogo celebrated that night as if it were a victory, and ended up eating the tongue of the parrots he had extracted.

News from the north reaches the queen and that night she holds a funeral in the lands of Meeren, in honor of the fallen lord of Highgarden.

The first phase of the total war is over. After days of fierce fighting, the Lannister and Tyrell forces began to expand, pushing Khal Drogo's khalasar back into the mountains of the north. There, Khal Drogo's troops took refuge, waiting for a propitious moment to counterattack.

Meanwhile, to the south, the situation in Meereen is dire. Blackl1on, along with the Targaryen queen and the Baratheon forces, had managed to surround the city. With a total blockade, the masters of Meereen find themselves isolated, unable to receive reinforcements or supplies.

The war is raging on two fronts. The north is against the Dothraki, while the south Meereen has been besieged and the armies have a clear path to continue towards Astapor

At the nightly meeting of the southern council, Robert Kitten Targaryen and Blacklion debate the next steps to take in their campaign. Blacklion, his gaze on the ground, is worried. His head is spinning, because he believes that Meereen has not been completely controlled, and a counterattack could occur at any moment

"The Second Sons have not appeared on the battlefield," the Black Lion told those present at the council. "We do not know where they are. They could be planning a surprise attack. We cannot allow ourselves to act without having complete control of Meereen."

But the Targaryen queen disagrees and is determined to advance to Astapor to attack the other great slaver city that is also reportedly behind the theft of the dragon eggs.

Blacklion finally nods, although his look is distrustful, as he knows that this has been a half-victory. The battle may be ours, but the war is not. Let us not underestimate the masters. If they have hired the Second Sons, they have an ace up their sleeve. We need more information."

The evening passed between wine, roast pork and the Black Lion's doubts. Before falling asleep, the question assailed him once again: "Where the hell have the Second Sons gone? Where are the rest of the troops of Meereen?" With those words in BlackL1on's mind, the lands fell silent for the night and sleep.
