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ROCKMACHINE in the Arena of honor

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 10/07/2024 02:22

In the heart of the Arena of Honor, where legends rise and fall, ROCKMACHINE, an experienced fighter with high aspirations of the GCM alliance, stood ready for the upcoming battle. Although he wasn't the strongest, his aspirations were of the highest calibre. GCM had always strived for greatness, constantly seeking to carve their name into the history of Westeros and make sure everyone knew about them. ROCKMACHINE, though as mentioned, not the strongest fighter, was determined to make his mark, especially in this round. His eyes were set on the City of Glory, the ultimate prize in this contest, but deep down he knew the challenge would be immense. He wanted to prove that despite the difficulties, he could reach those heights.

As the fighters entered the arena, signaling the start of the round, his team swiftly began building infantry camps after capturing the strongholds that initially unlocked. These camps would be their foundation, designed to bolster their defenses on the House and hold off stronger opponents that wished to capture it, they would not make that mission easy for them. ROCKMACHINE was known for his tactical mind, and he understood that brute strength alone wouldn’t be enough to secure a victory today, but he believed in the team being able to reach enough points should they fail in their goal. His team had to play smart.

Their first objective was capturing as many of the altars as possible, especially the trading altars as they would provide a good income of points per minute. The altars provided valuable bonuses as well on top of the points, and control of them was critical for staying competitive in the rankings. As soon as the contest started, ROCKMACHINE and his team split into smaller groups, each targeting different altars across the battlefield. The altars were fiercely contested, with the opposing team from WTF—a notoriously strong alliance—pushing hard to claim them.

WTF was formidable, stronger than ROCKMACHINE's team by far, and their presence was felt immediately as they attempted capturing their altars. Their fighters moved with confidence, overwhelming several altars in the early minutes. But ROCKMACHINE and his team didn’t back down, as it would mean admitting defeat, something that they did not want. They fought tooth and nail for control, using everything they could in order to not seize the control. Despite WTF’s superior strength, ROCK's team held their ground at a few key altars, determined to remain in the fight.

However, the real challenge loomed ahead. The City of Glory, the most important structure in the arena, was set to unlock soon. Whoever controlled it would gain massive advantages and a direct path to victory. ROCKMACHINE, ever the strategist, knew that his team wasn’t strong enough to gain control of the city from WTF, whose elite forces were already gathering at its gates.

To make matters worse, another team from GCM was present in this round—GCM’s strongest fighters. Though they were allies, this created an awkward situation. The stronger GCM fighters were also aiming for the City of Glory, and they couldn’t afford to let weaker teams, even their own alliance, divide their attention.

Seeing this, ROCKMACHINE made a tough call. He knew his team couldn’t hope to compete for the City of Glory against the might of WTF and the stronger GCM team. “We can’t win the city,” he told his team, “but we can secure the altars.” His voice was calm, but filled with conviction. “Let’s focus on what we can control and make sure we finish strong.”

With the City of Glory now open and chaos breaking out at its gates, ROCKMACHINE and his team turned their focus entirely to the altars. Their strategy was clear: let the giants fight over the city while they solidified their hold on as many altars as possible. If they couldn’t claim victory, they would at least make sure they placed well enough to stay competitive in the rankings.

ROCKMACHINE led his team from one altar to another, coordinating attacks, setting up defenses, and making quick decisions on the fly. They fought hard, avoiding direct confrontations with WTF whenever possible and instead focusing on going around them. The infantry camps they had built earlier came into play, providing crucial points from catapults and watch towers when their altars control were stretched thin.

Meanwhile, the battle for the City of Glory raged on between WTF and the stronger GCM team. The two titans clashed repeatedly, trading blows in a brutal contest for control. In the end, WTF’s strongest fighters managed to claim the city, but the victory was hard-fought, and they didn’t have time to secure other objectives.

Back at the altars, ROCKMACHINE’s strategy was paying off. Though they couldn’t match the raw power of WTF or the stronger GCM team, they had managed to control enough altars to stay competitive. They held firm as the clock ticked down

When the dust settled and the final rankings were announced, ROCKMACHINE and his team found themselves in a respectable third place. The City of Glory had gone to WTF, and GCM's other team had secured second. In the end, ROCKMACHINE’s decision to focus on the altars had been a wise one.

As the round ended, ROCKMACHINE allowed himself a brief smile. They hadn’t won the City of Glory, but they had fought smart and finished strong, earning their place on the leaderboard. For him, the battle wasn’t just about victory—it was about showing that even when faced with stronger opponents, he could still fight with honor and intelligence.

“This is just the beginning. Next time, we’ll push even further.”
