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Basic ways of boosting your account damage – Stage 1

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 10/06/2024 11:11

Entering the GoTWiC

Hello and welcome, this story will be a bit different than others, it will have the purpose of explanation to those of you who have not started your journey with GoTWiC yet, to understand easily how to boost your small account damage, somewhat a tutorial for the beginners. Once your account is created and you march towards your level 25 castle, certain buildings, technologies you will also have possibility to unlock additional futures within those buildings, such as for example refinement in the blacksmith, or very important statistics increase within the tavern. It is important to know what to invest, and to what, especially when it comes to the tavern, to get the best results. I know this as I have been doing mistake of using wrong items, for the wrong commanders, which resulted in wasting a lot of them. Let me help you not doing my own mistakes, and speed up to the beginner-medium account setup.


In the game there are many ways of boosting your damage, I could simply categorize them on 3 levels.

Stage 1 - would be what we will focus on today, which is mainly Gear and badges, Refinement, talents and buffs.

Stage 2 – Castle exteriors and marching skins, weapons and tavern

Stage 3 – Commander combinations (weakness, bleed, female synergy)


It is important to make one decision at the very start of your game, and choose troop type you decide to focus on, and that is between Cavalry, Infantry, Spearman, and Bowman. Based on which troop you choose; it counters the other troop type giving you advantage. The only troop type that doesn’t counter anything, and is not countered by anything, is Bowman, yet I believe, it has a slight disadvantage towards Infantry, compering to others.

I hope you are ready to make notes as we are about to start!


Important buildings and their effect

Within your castle you will be able to construct a lot of different buildings within which will be some that will have passive effect on your statistics while in battle. Some others will allow you to boost your account for period of time, and others, will require some kind of item sacrifice, in order to try and boost your statistics. All this is about to be revealed but we will go step by step, to not get you confused.



Blacksmith is a very important building which allows you to not only gain additional buff of total defense, but also, it is the blacksmith house where all your gear is being crafted, the badges are being kept and merged, while at the same time, you can somewhat enhances your gear, by doing refinement for them.


As you will progress in the game, and the blacksmith will be increasing its level (maximum 25) the possibilities will grow, for the better gear, and more powerful refinement. It is all connected so it is important to understand this connection.

In the game there are 14 different gear sets which each will deliver different type of statistic buff. Your job is to firstly gain them, by killing Rebel leaders, and then as you will receive rewards for attacking those, combine them for a better level of the gear.

As you might see on the top, there are 6 different levels for every single gear. It starts as a Grey, continues to Green, Blue, Purple and Gold. Recently, this has been increased by another level, which is Red, and that is usually something that very advanced accounts obtain. As you do enhance your gear, the statistics received from them, will change on better. I must mention that between gold and red level, is a long road, just like you would be starting all over again building your gear from scrap, as there is a star level, starting from 0 stars, you have to upgrade your gear to 4 stars before having possibility to change it on red. Each one of those require special items, obtained only form a maximum (6) level rebel leaders so not something that you would be able to deal with for a long time, as it requires a lot of research to get to that point.

Simply to explain the difference to you based on item above, please see the difference between 0-1-2-3-4 star gold weapon, if we are looking on stats.

As you can see it can raise from simple 30% up to 90% so the difference is huge especially if all your gear is red, that can increase your statistics a lot.



Refinement is yet another way of boosting your account, and is very important one. To unlock next stages of refinement, you have to progress with your gear leveling, meaning once you unlock green stage of gear, you will be able to increase your refinement by additional level, and so on.

Looking on the picture above you see different stones in the right top corner. The green stones are required to enhance your refinement, while the yellow ones, are to re-roll the skills your gear should possess. Account I am presenting you all this is based on cavalry (there is also infantry, spearman and bowman in the game). So simply I am focusing on boosting my statistics for cavalry.

There is a little button in the bottom left corner called stats, once you click it and then select all attributes you can select which attributes you are interested in when re-rolling, so then it will double check with you asking if you are sure you do not want to save, and continue changing them, as soon you meet this attribute. This is very useful as usually people click automatic re-rolling, instead of sitting there for 20od minutes and click till they find the right one.

Currently refinement can go up to gold level, and once refined on maximum those are the statistics you can pull out of it.

As you can see it is 320% of each that I am getting, which is a lot! So make sure you do focus on your refinement. Small tip from old player like me, do not focus on total attack, on which you will feel there is a lot of hype to get it as biggest as possible, as this is just an attack that boosts all your statistics in terms of attack, while for a beginner – medium account it is a lot better to purely focus on the statistics that boost your specific troop type, as you should focus only on one, unless your account is very powerful (Stage 3 and above).


You can also boost your other statistics, not only the ones that are for fighting, so when you are growing your little new account, there is no point of you focusing on the refinement for battles as you will not do many of them. Instead, focus on boosts like training, building, research, and endurance recovery. You can later switch the building speed to motivation recovery, to do more Rebel leaders, which are very important in the game, yet that should not be discussed in this story.


To make it easier for you to understand, here are the statistics you can gain from boosting ‘construction’ buffs.


There are a lot of different type of badges, which mostly can be obtained by killing rebel groups. For attacking rebel groups, you will need endurance, this is where adding endurance recovery to your refinement, starts to make sense.

Same as with the gear, badges can be improved, and those are recognized by the colors. Once again, grey, green, blue, purple, gold and red. It works exactly the same way as the gear, except the fact that there is no need of 4 star level between gold and red.

In order to enhance a badge, you will require 4 badges being on level below, to change them in to one badge. This means that you will require a lot of badges to even get it to the gold level.

Looking on the math’s side of it, you will require 1024 grey badges to get 4 gold badges, and remember, there are 8 gear parts you can wear, so make it double!

Research and Talents

One of crucial buildings in the game that you will have to upgrade, will be Maester’s Tower. This is allowing you to gain different type of buffs, unlock higher level of troops, and also, being able to craft higher level equipment. Depending on your needs there are 14 subcategories in which you can find different type of research

I would highly recommend to focus on Building mastery which can be found in section – Production as this allows you go upgrade your buildings faster.

Once this is on a high level, try to upgrade your Military and Expedition and Pacification, as this will get you higher level troops, and bigger damage to the Rebel leaders.


Talents is something different, as talents are given along with growth of your account, as higher level your account is, as more talents you can allocate.

As you see, maximum account level is 60, and that is allowing you to give over 200 different talents. Those can be obtained also by research in Maester’s Tower, yet that is advanced research.

Talents are being separated on two different sections, one is the productive side, and other is the military side. It is up to you to allocate your talents wisely, but don’t worry, you can recall them at any point, or change to a different sub-setting, which you can create at any time.

As we are focusing on damage, so I will show you how many points can you gain from talents, to boost your damage

This is my cavalry setup, which increases my cavalry attack by 70% and also total defense and health by 100% with addition of 5% total attack.


Test of the statistics.

Now that you know all of the above, lets check the difference in the hits I perform on the rebel groups.

Firstly I did a hit on a rebel group, while having no attacking gear, no attacking badges, only attacking talents and that is about it. Lets see the score.

It has resulted in the defeat, and that was because my stats were a lot smaller than they used to be.

 Now looking on the hit while I changed the refinement and gear on attacking, there was a significant difference.

As you can see I not only killed level 245 rebel group, but also killed few above them, including level 248, why? Lets see the statistics.

You can clearly see that is a huge difference, which can save your life at many occasions.




I would suggest to anyone who decides to start their journey with GoTWiC to firstly join their game discord, and try to gather some useful information. There are loads of people within this world, that will help understand the basics, and trust me, mistakes made early, hurt through entire late game. Use the time when you have the biggest hype for the game to learn as much as possible, as later on, you will need to simply catch up with all the add-ons game delivers, while any simple mistake, that you did not focus on, will hurt you twice harder.

