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Guide on weakness synergy

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/14/2022 22:50
Edited by handoftheking at 07/29/2022 17:52

This guide is based on author's personal experience in game and with the currently available commanders


Currently in the game there are three different commander synergy options available for players to build for. The synergies are Weakness, Female and Normal attack. In this guide we will focus on weakness synergy.

Link to guide on female synergy:

Link to guide on normal attack synergy:


The build enabling commander for all weakness setups is Jaime Lannister.

Jaimes 4 star ability converts your troops normal attacks into weakness attacks when your troops receive healing. Weakness attack always targets the enemy lineup with most casualties, it cannot miss its target and it causes enemy lineup to take 3% more damage for each weakness stack applied. So effectively, the more often your troops receive healing, the more weakness stacks you can apply and the more damage you will be dealing. The amount of healing is not important, only the amount of times healing is being applied.

Sources of healing

Your troops can receive healing currently from two different sources, dragon skill and commander awakening abilities. 

Dragon assist skill works so that every time your dragon launches an attack there is a 40% chance for your dragon assist skill to heal your most damaged lineup. By leveling the skill you only raise the amount of healing done, but the chance stays the same. More details on how to obtain the skill in Q&A section!

Currently available commanders that can heal your troops are:

Enzo (cavalry only)

 Latz (infantry only)

 Drake (Spearmen only)

 Hector (frontline only) and

Arslan (all types).

Enzo, Latz and Drake all work in the same way. First they increase corresponding troops' defense by 7% every 3 seconds, stacking up to 4 times. After 4 stacks the skill will turn into healing your troops for 1% every 3 seconds. Hector works a little differently. When your frontline receives active army skill damage, hector will heal 50% of the casualties and increase that lineup's damage by 15%. Hector's skill can proc only once in the battle. Arslan is the least effective healer in this list. Arslan heals your most damaged lineup every 8 seconds for 2% of the wounded troops.

Other good supporting commanders, weapons and dragon skills

There are some other commanders that work very well with weakness teams, despite the fact that they are not healers. 

Petyr Baelish four star ability can cause disharmony on enemy team. Disharmony makes it so that there is a 50% chance for your troops to attack your own frontline in battle. Disharmony will be applied with 80% success rate after 8 weakness stacks or after 25 seconds of battle. 

Daena four star ability increases your spearmen Defense by 40%. Also whenever 10 weakness stacks have been applied that lineup will receive a shield that lasts for 3 seconds and absorbs 60% of damage taken.

Currently in the game there are 3 weapons that benefit weakness synergy. These weapons are for Jaime, Petyr and hector.

Another supporting dragon skill is Dragon weakness skill. Dragon weakness skill works so that for every 10 weakness attacks initiated the targeted enemy line will have its health being reduced. The amount of health reduced increases by the dragon skill level.

Conclusions and commonly asked questions

You can get your weakness setup going as soon as you have Jaime at four stars and any source of healing mentioned above. The weakness mechanic works so that it can stack an unlimited amount of times, but weakness stacks can also reset during the battle. Reasons for weakness to reset during combat is either that your healing sources did not apply often enough and Jaimes four star ability could not refresh. The second reason is that the enemy lineup you were applying weakness stacks for was being killed during combat. The second scenario is very likely to happen if the enemy has multiple troop types with low amounts, meaning they get killed before the battle ends.

Q:So how can you stack weakness attacks as high as possible? Firstly you need to understand that the more healing sources you have, the more weakness stacks are being applied. You can use dragon assist skill combined with Jaime and 4 healing commanders to maximize stacks that are being applied.

Q:But you mentioned earlier that latz can only heal infantry and enzo can only heal cavalry so how can you use 4 healers? The game divides your troops into 5 lines when battle starts. Each of those lines contain 20% of each troop type that participates in that battle. So if you have infantry, cavalry and spearmen in your deployment, then all those 5 lines will have each of those. When healing is being applied, it will heal one of those 5 lines. So If latz heals infantry in line 1 it will grant one stack, then if enzo heals cavalry also in line 1, it will grant a second stack. Therefore all 3 different types will stack together instead of splitting up to individual troop types. 

Q: Does this mean I need to play 3 type setup in order to benefit from 3 healing commanders? No. You can work around this with your formation (with certain limitations) If your deployment has an infantry frontline, then you can send a maximum amount of infantry and add a little bit of spears and cavalrys for 2nd and 3rd row. As long as your troops in the backline are alive, they can receive healing and they can stack the weakness.

Q: How can I obtain the dragon skills that benefit weakness synergy? All the dragon skills are obtained from the Kingdom Celebration event. The event appears monthly and by doing spins in there you can obtain fragments that can be traded for the skills. Both Dragon assist and dragon weakness skills cost 300 fragments ( or if there is a discount event they cost 250 fragments). The key packs are the best value to obtain shards. The more spins you do, the better the stage rewards are!

Q: Are dragon skills good for weakness synergy? Short answer is yes. Dragon assist skill is an extra source of healing to boost your weakness stacking ( and it's great skill because levels only affect the amount of healing, not the chance). Dragon weakness skill is more of a damage approach. The more weakness you apply, the more often weakness skill reduces enemy health and the more damage you can deal! I suggest getting assist skill first and weakness skill 2nd!
