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Alliance Conquest Round 1

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 01/19/2025 20:02

BaN vs NBe 


Alliance Conquest has returned, in Round 1 all the teams need to get accustomed to the new changes, some additional features have been added to this season which make 1 troop type building defense easier to manage. 


BaN is going up against NBe in the first round, and both teams want to test their strategies from prior seasons to make sure new members are quickly brought up to speed. NBe is the third strongest contender in this Alliance Conquest season, and thus this matchup will prove as a good benchmark for BaN to see their performance.


As the timer reaches 0 to start the battle, both teams have brought 97 warriors to this matchup, BaN has the advantage in score and top power with Tholking, Ur Candy and Meridanos leading the charge, NBe on the other hand have accounts such as Barbarossa, TheOnlyKing and Dra999. The opening races begin with a hush, the first races of the season, and it goes 2:2, Mother and Outpost for BaN, while NBe take warrior and the other outpost. 


BaN prepares for their swaps while NBe does the same, in the midst of it, BaN realizes they do not have any rally speeds for this match, laughter in the team as we plan to practice rally timing instead. Solo attacks are also tested by the top accounts of each side, curious how the balance between defense and offense is, some see major success – Candy and Meridanos are able to inflict devastating damage on their forces, while others go for rallies. 


BaN is able to occupy all 4 buildings through solos and rallies, as ports open the next set of races begins, and the BaN forces shift uncomfortably, NBe had taken both ports and was preparing their swaps, our counter rallies prepare to intercept but it is no use, NBe and their quick reinforcements are able to take over the port, BaN generals call for rally waves to be set against the close port, a quick target for us to capture, and the troops fill their bannerman’s rallies and the onslaught begins, the BaN rallies are able to quickly capture the port. Meanwhile a rally offensive against the enemy port takes place, with good reinforcements BaN is able to maintain the defense with Chainsawman. 


Casterly rock approaches and the teams quieten down again, preparing for the next big building, races flash and it turns red, another win for NBe, however we do not lose hope and have our own slow marchers preparing to counter this swap. Falconn sneaks in the mix, carefully stalking the enemy and setting his arrival time to match their bannerman, NBe prepares the swap but boom, Falconn is able to take it over. Now BaN prepares to defend the remaining buildings until CR opens as they know this will be the next target of NBe. 


As predicted, a mix of solos and rallies being set occurs as the bubble drops, strong infantry such as Dra999 or Degenerate are able to win solo attacks, but with full reinforcements falcon is able to withstand the blows. Before the rallies march, BaN is busy replenishing the defenders to have the largest troop force waiting inside, and as the NBe rallies launch they trap the BaN reinforcements inside the building – with 25/25 no fresh defenders can send support, so we are locked until space is made by losing a battle. NBe rallies start hitting and as defenders are returned, new fighters prepare to speed in as fast as possible, it gets very close – down to 7 defenders, down to 5, but then it jumps to 15 – the number of still open rallies is falling while more and more defenders pour in, successfully keeping the building under BaNs control. 


NBe, almost tasting victory directly sets up a second wave, hoping to be able to capture it this time with better rally timing. BaN goes through the same routine, returning weakened defenders in place of fresh marches, and preparing to defend, only a few lines until the rallies are launched to not get caught by surprise. 


The shot callers prepare and call as the rallies are launch, approaching CR and quickly a few defenders return to allow the entire legion to send marches headed to casterly. As NBe speeds the rallies BaN is quick to react, and this time it is not as close as being fully prepared allowed sufficient troops to already be marching and directly reinforce without having to start from base. 


In terms of solo attacks Wrong troop type defense is a big component of why most strong accounts are able to be solo attacked – even if they have a strong defensive line backing them up, the wrong troop types where you do not have the best stats easily make your defensive rally weaker. 


As the battle came to a close, mines went uneventful as the fate of this match was sealed. BaN, pleased with themselves as the forces chattered, however still aware of the unseen force so far, WxC being on the list for Ultimate Conquest
