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When I tell you it has been a rough Arena of Honor season this time around, I am not exaggerating. What came so easily last season turned into the impossible challenge. I had long since given up on even King ranking. Sure, I got to experiment with the event a bit. Learn more about the mechanics of the event. The cost was my pride lol. For the final match I joined Killshot and the gang. There was a certain comfortability playing with friends, at the very least I will close the season by having a good time with cool people.
We were assigned to the House Lannister
I don’t often get to play as the uber reach clan that is hated by everyone, but when in Rome…. Lol
I glanced around the map, seeing some strong accounts, but no whales. I felt good, we had a chance. The event always starts the same. Secure your clan castle, build out the strongholds and wait for the bulk of the map to open as juicier targets appear as the match wears on. The early part we had down to a science. It was refreshing to watch the strongholds finish quickly so we can free the troops for other shenanigans. When you go in solo, this can be the make it or break it part of the match. Being able to count on your team to do what needs done is essential.
Since the early part went smooth, we were ready for the altars. The goal was a few altars of the warriors and then whatever other shenanigans we could stumble into. I took a Warrior
Hey, look it’s the Fonz lol
I lost the altar lol
I was even bullied off by my own alliance…. Stooopid Cav lol
Vegeta had grabbed his altar, and we rushed to reinforce him
So far, the match was going smoothly, we were doing all the right things. As the dragonpits opened I grabbed one, even though I am still not sure what they do lol.
And I lost a dragon pit lol….
It was shaping up to be one of those rock, paper, scissors match. Where I may beat that one player, but another can come and beat me. Then lose it all to the first player. It would be costly to heal this match, I could already see it.
As the City opened Killshot made his move a took it. Our communication faltered a bit so he did lose it before we could get the bubble, and therefore a portion of all the enemies points. I imagine he looked like this….
He did manage to take the City of Glory back, and we all focused. Making sure to refresh troops when needed and get them back quickly. He took so many rallies and solos. Even from the Cav bully from my own alliance lol…
and yes I was hiding behind Killshot going Paybacks muther plucker lol..
Every hit, whether it was the NPCs or the players, I watched while holding my breath. Could we actually win again? Or would we be fighting for placement to just try and end the season on a positive. Killshot was holding on for dear life.
As the seconds ticked down until we had a couple minutes of safety, Killshot was making this castle holding thing look easy, I was getting new gray hairs. Afraid that if I kept watching the city I would somehow usher in some bad luck, I opted to grab a mine shaft since those had just opened.
Now that I had that, I looked back to the city, don’t judge me lol. The final few seconds ticked down and we managed to bubble the city. Not just that, once the bubble opened up again, there would not be enough time for any of the other clans to take and bubble the castle. While at this stage, some flukey things can still happen, we were feeling a lot better on our placement this match.
We could finally breathe a bit easier. We still had to be aware and not do anything foolish to fully secure the victory. It was our moment to win or lose the match. We kept up with the reinforcements since the rallies and solos continued, despite them not being able to benefit from taking the clan castle. At that point, I guess the players were scrambling for the elimination rankings. And let’s be honest, when you are going for the elims you will usually get them healing rankings in too lol.
For the final match of the season, we pulled off a first place finish. I was relieved, for a season that had been more bad than good, it felt nice to end it on a high note. But that wasn’t even the best part. That win put me in the Kings ranking. I know I know, you are rolling your eyes and going King that’s it lol. But after this season, I thought I would be lucky to make lord lol. I achieved the same rank as the first season, but it took a lot of work this time to do it. It won’t be long for season 3 of Arena of Honor to start up and the grind starts again. I wonder, will those hard learned lessons from Season 2 help to make a better season 3? We are going to find out soon enough…