With Kingdom versus Kingdom right around the corner and by sheer coincidence kingdom 393 castle siege nearly underway, BIG RAGA (Jesselton W) had to choose a server to participate in the grand KVK event, but why not also conquer a kingdoms Kingslanding while at it. Through some trial and contest Raga comes back to kingdom 393, battling leaders of the alliances on the kingdom and demanding a spot on the Iron throne.

Kingdom 393 has been a common hunting ground for Raga who had previously been travelling with fellow lords upon other servers testing their rallying strength and prowess, but now it is time for them to setting into a home for the upcoming kingdom versus kingdom event, the large scale battles which take place here also reap essential combat rewards which Raga desperately wishes to fight for to increase their solders combat power, but they haven't yet fought for one of the castles in the kingdom. Seeing the golden opportunity with the cities in the seven kingdoms going into war, Raga ported back to the kingdom.

Finding two lords unbubbled at the time, one being S CLEGANE the leader of the r93 (HODOR) Alliance and the other lord being Will Fraser, scouting out both castles shown CLEGANE was an easy target for Raga however Fraser may have been too great of a defense for Raga to take on their own, for now with the lords seemingly unresponsive Raga focused on testing the prowess from the leader of r93.

The first attacking force was armed and marching, breaching through CLEGANE's castle gates they stormed though meeting well over 5 million solders guarding the city, Raga though being heavily outnumbered, their solders were greatly experienced in battle with powerful commanders leading the charge, their unmatched spirit only had few of their own men fall whilst slaying over half of CLENGANE's forces, Raga swiftly called their army back, healing their wounded and preparing the second assault.

With their troops marching again, this time besieging a castle with mainly bowmen troops and the rerouted solders from the previous battle, Raga's infantry quickly dispatched the remaining forces, overwhelming the enemy bowmen in close courters combat and capturing r93's leader.

Turning their attention onto Fraser, scouts had shown well over 3 million tier 4 cavalry solders at the very least stationed in the city with possibly more on patrol, that would be way too much of a risk for Raga to take, even if they were able to rally the opponent it was unclear if their lord would still march home, understanding this and not taking unnecessary risk Raga called upon an lord who had aided them in battle once before.
Calling for the lord Waku Waku, being aware they are a cavalry main lord, they would have much better chances against Fraser's castle, Raga sent a small force to Waku's castle with the scout reports in hand, letting them decide what their next move is.
As expected another hunter would be thrilled at the opportunity to raise their sword and challenge their armies against another lords, Waku swiftly geared their solders for combat and ported closer to the target who'd still hadn't seemed to react to the scouting armies observing their city.
Waku geared with over 1.2 million solders which rapidly pushed controlling the outsides of Fraser's castle before the gates were busted down for the real assault to begin.
Their first attack met a great number of infantry and spearmen front line, seemingly Fraser's were resting their cavalry units, being unprepared for the assault with their troops being scrambled, Waku effectively dealt with the large majority of their infantry and spearmen troops, now before the enemy cavalry can really mobilize their forces Waku retreated back to their own city, healing their wounded and preparing for the real battle ahead.

Waku's cavalry marched back into formation, with their wounded troops recovered the had once again breached into Fraser's city now encountering their great number of cavalry units, though this wouldn't have been an issue, Waku's troops had already been battle hardened through previous conquests, they were no slouch and effectively combatting Fraser's units, dealing a massive blow to their defense and city whilst at it, they had retreated once enough damage was sustained and dealt.

Now for the third assault, continuing with what worked best for the previous two attacks, with Fraser's units greatly down in numbers, they had a much easier time driving through the already weakened defenses in the city, and with only a few bowmen left from the previous assault the final army marched through to capture Fraser's lord, fulfilling Raga's wishes.

As the time passed the kingdom would soon fall into castle siege, Raga eager to perhaps finally get some of the top lords fighting against them, they had joined up the B0o alliance for this siege, agreeing with the leader to bait out any fighters in trade they will be crown upon the iron throne with Raga being the puppet master behind them, they both geared up expecting resilience to come.

Dues would take Kingslanding whilst Raga will wait in anticipation, they would let FCS take all other castles in the kingdom to trigger WdH in an attempt to get a response out of them.
And a response they surely did, the lord Joe BlacK marched straight into Kingslanding with over 800,000 tier 5 spearmen troops and now occupying Kingslanding for the current rulers of the server.
With them swiftly being scouted right as they had began occupation of Kingslanding, Raga had to look twice at the scouting report, it did indeed show strong commanders but without their awakening level, but with tier 5 troops it was expected they would have a commander lineup with powerful synergy yet it seemed not. Raga took the opportunity, knowing whilst tier 5 solders are incredibly well trained for battle they would be weak with under leveled commanders organizing them in battle, Raga brought out their infantry lines and quickly besieged Kingslanding.
As expected, Joe's troops fell, uncoordinated and underprepared even greatly higher leveled units would fall to a much more well organized army, Raga had slain a whole force of tier 5 solders on their own, stunning any other supporters Joe or WdH may of had, leaving the castle free for their taking.

And take it they did, with Dues now on the Iron throne providing powerful titles for them and their allies whilst putting fool titles on the cowards who had yet opposed Raga's conquest, this coming KVK would prove if the kingdom would be worthy of the continual rule of Raga's armies or if the alliances may come together to face of against the threat which continually plague's the kingdom.