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K50 + KVK

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 12/15/2024 08:41

Hello again, here I am back with another story. This time I would like to tell you what was happening on K50 in the recent time, and also, how did we do on the last KVK event. I hope you can stay with me till the end, as there has been a lot of unexpected situations happening which have affected even my own castles, being hit!


K50 – GOON – Cleaning

Following departure of SHS and GOON to different kingdoms I have started my clearance project about which I already was writing for you guys, where I was hitting all unbubbled castles to both teach them to keep constant bubble, and also, reduce power level on the kingdom, so it costs more scrolls to teleport to our lands, therefor it is more expensive for merit hunters to visit us, and very often will choose different place.


We did not notice any new accounts on the kingdom for a long time, no merit hunters, no new arrivals, it was pretty peaceful life, except me constantly teaching a lesson our local residents.


After some time, GOON decided to return to the kingdom, which was making me very happy, as finally I did not need to fight on my own during the KVK events, and had very high hopes towards this teamwork of ours. QGD and PEX so the only remaining clans learned pretty much how to stay under bubble, so not much was going on until, just recently, when the castles started to lose protection and we had another wolf hunt of ours.


The arrival of GOON that used to be part of QGD back in the days, made hopes to the LordLionel who started to communicate with him, about potentially getting Great city of Sunspear back, yet this has been quickly blocked by myself, as I expect results first, then rewards to be given. QGD has proven in the recent years, that they expect too much, comparing to what they give, and someone had to teach them a lesson.


On the kingdom we also have clan T&T which are small players, living their own life, peasants who don’t really know whats going on in the bigger picture and seem to be pretty happy about being able to gather some resources and build few soldiers. They were not significant threat or anything like that to be mentioned in any plans, yet were always good opportunity for resources support if anyone had to plunder a castle.


The cleaning

Firstly GOON has started the hunt, and I was very jelaus seeying his report of hitting a T&T guy killing over 100mln of power, as my merit was constantly decreasing due to no action, because everyone were under protection!

Following this hit I started once again pay more attention to the castles hoping I will find one that is not protected.

And that is when fortune has winked to me, once again offering me a big juicy dinner allowing me for additional days of construction.

All those resources were very needed, even I was a bit sad that grain was missing, as it is my main resource I am looking for, I was happy to gather all those from this not protected castle. I hope lesson has been learned and bubble wont drop ever again.


You could’ve thought that is enough but no! GOON was lucky once again, and once again with QGD member, this time it was famous D1retor which never fails to leave his castle unprotected giving us all his goods. Some people seem to never learn.

KVK and the struggles

The KVK event which is kingdom versus kingdom was always a struggle and even bigger one following SHS departure, as much as they were not putting much impact to the game in terms of fights, Brauni and Hawke never failed to lead their team to sit in GC, after we cleared the battlefield from extra troops. Now days, we had few of PEX members supporting us gathering, and few QGD members, but not many, so main points were needed to be made by either me or GOON. As the KVK has been starting on Sunday I was in work when it has started so I could join only in the morning, where usually things get quiet, as all unprotected castles are already cleared.


I have noticed we were fighting against K254 and there was nothing to hit. I received message from GOON as he failed at some point and lost lord to the bow castle, which gave me some kind of information as there are bow traps. I had to be careful!



K254 has been settled by clan N0W which was not too demanding, however they had few players which had t5 troops at least, so that signals an alarm, no matter what. I have noticed also merit hunter from HHH, fortunate for me, was Calvary so no threat for myself or GOON which switched to spear prior to the KVK.



Back to KVK, time to make some points

As I have returned from work, the points have been quite equal, a bit on enemy side. I have immediately sent my alternative accounts to gather, while my main has occupied kings landing on enemy kingdom to generate points. I felt like enemy is asleep, and if will wake up I can always return my troops. Once I did that GOON followed with same idea, but for kings landing on our kingdom. Unfortunately as we couldn’t be re-inforced as all of us were representing different alliances, the points were not coming in huge ammounts, while enemy was clearly outgathering us generating more points than us by gathering.

Nothing was happening for quite a while, except a small assassination attempt from a player of my own kingdom! What was he thinking about!?

After that I was just waiting and got tired after work, I have fallen asleep..

Unfortunate for me, enemy has noticed that, and decided to rally me in the kings landing with a lot of troops!

First hit was quite equal, considering I had 1.5 mln troops and enemy had almost 4mln troops! I was proud of myself when I have seen it after I woke up!

Everything would be fine at that point as my T5’s were untouched, but enemy has noticed I did not make any move, and started soloing it.

Second hit was on my favour, but I was already losing my T5’s. to then move to the 3rd hit, where I have died. 600k T5 spearman have fallen, and this was a big loss for me, considering I had only 1.2 mln of them. I was then looking for my revenge since.

As the match was progressing, we kept looking for easy points, which I see as hitting enemy castles!

Well I did not have to wait long, and returned the favour by hitting enemy Kings Landing.

As it was calvary, did not put any pressure on me, and was an easy win. I then moved on to look for more targets, scouting them with my alternative grain castle.


In the meantime, the Kings landing has been taken away by enemy, as I had no troops inside, and once again, I decided to teach them a lesson!

My scouts have reported to me that significant amount of infantry troops have been holding the other Kings Landing, and obviously me as a spear I couldn’t hit it on my own, as I would fail. Fortunately, I had an alternative account which was specialized in calvary which is a counter to the enemy infantry, so I tried my chances!

This was a great victory considering amount of troops representing enemy side. I was very happy!

I must say this has opened gate to the hell, as the battles have just started by then. GOON found his target in attacking previously holding kings landing castle, enemy home castle. Great teamwork by us!

Another hit by GOON was soon enough, that the corpses of the last battlefield have not yet gone cold, and there were more to add!

At that point GOON decided to communicate with enemy, and make a deal, as will release their lords, but they will try to rally him. That was a big mistake of theirs, to agree on it, as I knew, GOON has a fortress, that even strongest players in GoTWiC struggled to conquer, well lets see how N0W did against him!


Just as I expected, it couldn’t end up well for N0W. Goon’s castle once again has shown that there is no way of conquering him, without huge losses prior to it.

In the KVK we can travel to another kingdom only once every 30 minutes, so it is important we do stay on the correct place, at the correct time, when protection drops, to be able to use it for our advantage. Unfortunately, my main account has been on a different kingdom, while I have noticed opportunity to kill few enemy troops towards the end of KVK. I decided to use my small account, feeling confident it will be enough. Let’s see the results!

The KVK was quite fun, we had few battles, and they were either victorious or not, but managed to enjoy it, and that is what this game is about. I was contented with the way it went, just wish, more people would participate from QGD, supporting us in farming, as then we would definitely win the event.


Once KVK has ended, we returned to the struggles of K50

Few days after the KVK, when the kingdom protections have dropped, my scouts have warned me about potential threat, as there might be people observing our kingdom. I took it easily, maybe too easily, as it looks by the events that are about to come. Few days later I must admit I felt very sick, maybe it was some disease I caught on the battlefield, sharing the blood and tears with the enemy, I am not sure!

However, I did not feel well, and took some medication, which made me dizzy, and eventually I have fallen asleep. While I was in dreamland, thinking about whatever, things were happening, very bad things were happening!

Once I woke up I have seen firstly that I was late to work, which already put me in bad mood. When I looked on the time, I noticed my protection could’ve dropped, so I immediately turned on my laptop and seen many messages from GOON and E L O H I M which meant only one thing… Merit hunter.

It was a truly sad experience to see my two main alternative accounts being killed off, by a solo GCM player, but end of the day, it was my fault, to not put a longer protection, while I felt bad. Lesson has been learned.


We have lost KVK, and then i have lost significant ammount of troops on my alternative castles.

All I can say, after such eventful time, is to always keep your protections up, no matter who you know, and how strong you might be. There is always someone stronger than you, and when sheeps are asleep, wolfs are hunting!


Till the next time!

