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Upon the kingdom of k86 stood the alliance WxC (WorldExtremeColectiv) the vast lands filled with castles all under the extreme legion seemingly endless, leaving Kingslanding you wouldn't find a plains patch within miles of travel, but with this left many buildings exposed, as even the most powerful Alliance in the game could track all accounts under their banner, it would simple be too taxing, GA1A saw the opportunity to fight within the kingdom
GA1A was easily one of the strongest know Cavalry leaders amongst the many kingdoms in the game, with powerful commanders like Cassana and Daenerys the Queen of dragons on their side, they would be a fierce force to face against, knowing their power could rival many of the players even in an alliance such as WxC, they ported over to the kingdom in search for easy prey.
WxC had gotten word of there may be a player who'd dare travel to their kingdom and threaten their players and allies, merchants whispered maybe to get onto the good side of the most power groups favor. Regardless of the fact it was still uncommon for players to dare seek any battle on WxC's home soil, rumors could just be gossip but were still noted by their officials. In an effort to prepare for such, WxC top players take it upon themselves to release their bubbles and equip themselves for war if ever an invader dared to port over.
And perhaps just as expected a raider did come, WxC had set up one of their players just outside of their hives defenses, the player named Squire. Seemingly a non threatening target for GA1A to attack as they were in rebel gear and their lord being Theon which usually is a commander lords will use when battling Rebel leaders, it would be the perfect target for GA1A to start of their raid.
GA1A commanders stood in the front of their assault force with nearly 2 million Cavalry units behind them ready to charge, no scouts could get close to the castle without setting off alarms within the WxC hive, GA1A knew their assault had to be done swiftly and efficiently in order to avoid a fierce counter attack.
Daenerys commanded their dragon to launch a fire attack onto Squire's castle front, intending to bring down any basic defenses, troops and their castle walls for the Cavalry armies to charge into the heart of Squires city.
This couldn't have been anything more then a grave mistake, using the dark of the night may have concealed GA1A army movement but also shadowed the vast number of bowmen troops housed and prepared to swarm the aggressor, GA1A had besieged a trap castle.
Despite the grim circumstances GA1A found himself in, the battle had only just began, Cassana took to her knee, praying to the sevens Gods, whereby she unleashed all allied commanders attacks, Cersi had cast wildfire explosions within Squire's castle, eliminating a large number of their forces and leaving many others disarmed from the wounds inflicted. Leila who empowered hey fellow commanders, allowing them to cast multiple active army skills and Senelle who blessed her armies weapons which grants a mightier strike for all allied commander actives, dealing significantly more damage then before.
But GA1A wasn't the only one with a powerful lineup, where Squire had employed the commander Melisandre, with her magical arts, she set flame to Squire's tier 5 Bowmen's arrows. Such high level bowmen had been brought all the way from the northern armies commanded by Sansa, these warriors had dealt with the threat of the Nightkings forces before and GA1A armies would be nothing more then target practice for them. Along with Kravras who's armies were able to shoot multiple shots per second, covering any light from Squire's city under the shadow of hailing arrows, along with Theons legion from the house Greyjoy and Egbert who once he escaped from being a servant of a wealthy Magister, his continual hunger for knowledge made him a crafty and proficient bowmen leader, able to enhance legions of solders under his command with unique techniques to increase their attacking power, with all these armies brought together into squires castle, GA1A army would slowly fell.
The skies filled with arrows raining down upon every Cavalry unit in GA1A assault, moments passed with seemingly only scattered troops retreating back to their castle for recovery being heavily wounded by the furious onslaught from Squire's castle.
The battle was said to have only lasted for mere seconds, GA1A armies executed and their lord despite the devastating counter was left wounded to be captured by Squires. Their army though had lost nearly 4 million troops and over 800,000 wounded in the battle, these would only be weakly frontline troops intended to shelter the main force, compared to GA1A who had lost over 1.6 million troops with a large amount being tier 4 and tier 5 units which are the highest level of training solders could be brought to other then the Kings/Queens guard.
at last the invasion on K86 had proven to be a failure, WxC untouched and unbattered their banner hailed supreme adding GA1A head to their collection of slain Kings.