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Every month, this event returns where 1 person ends up with a crown for a month. In a kingdom not far away from here Meridianos resides at kingdom 157. While the cold fall winds were blowing through the perfectly silky brown hair of Meridianos, he was thinking of the next champion city siege. This time it would be the 54th season. His determination to win is high. As of last season his home kingdom has had a few less ideal match ups with lately always matching up with WxC players.
This time was like no other, the kingdom 157 was matched up with the kingdom 410. In the kingdom 410 Black Bear is inhabiting. He is one the strongest accounts. As this was the 4th time in a row, Meridianos was disappointed by this match so much, he started searching for another kingdom to play the champion city siege. Merdianos shares his concerns with LoliEdd.
Meridianos: “Hey Loli, would you be willing to jump for this champion city siege? I don’t see us winning in the current grouping and want to jump.”
LoliEdd: “Hey Meri, sure, we can look for a grouping. Let’s look around and see what’s out there buddy.“
LoliEdd and Meridianos searching high and low for a better match up. Finally after a long search, the kingdom k122 came up as the ideal match. In the Kingdom 440 NBe is residing, which are friends with BaN. So BaN and NBe are teaming up to fight all enemies on the map.
A few hours later
LoliEdd: ”What do you think about the grouping of k277, there are still some BaN players there and BANAna is there, he could be a fun opponent.”
Meridianos: “It looks good, for me as long as we get first place, with good support, I’m willing to jump. Does our crew here on kingdom 157 want to join us?”
LoliEdd: ”I asked Heaven, Hyber and Jack. Jack can take a podium spot as I promised so he’s excited to jump.”
Meridianos: “That sounds amazing, but after this jump I will be stuck here for a while.”
LoliEdd: ”I know buddy, so will I, so don’t worry about it. We will get you that crown.”
Meridianos: “It’s been a while, let’s hope it goes well.”
LoliEdd: ”I know buddy, so will I, so don’t worry about it. We will get you that crown.”
In the first seconds, Merdianos takes the great city. As it’s an event this doesn’t go without counter attacks. Merdianos is feeling very confident as he’s the strongest in this grouping. Full confidence he’s holding this time with spearmen, as everyone was expecting him to be infantry.
LoliEdd made a deal where they give a spot to NBe Beelzebuth, and one to BaN Jackdaws.
In this matching only Spimmer and Steel could contest this. However we shouldn’t forget that k14 is in this matching as well, which means that NW1 could be a tread as well. As Merdianos and his crew have ported in Kingdom 122, where FDH lives. FDH is on high alert that BaN is in their kingdom, whilst BaN hasn’t zeroed anyone yet, in hopes that they join their side in this CCS.
After 8 minutes of Merdianos holding the great city, NBe wants to swap, both Beelzebuth & Jackdaws are racing for the great city. Jackdaws gets in first. Merdianos is a little worried that his buddy Jackdaws won’t hold as well as him, but has faith that the team will support him well.
Jackdaws gets attacked left and right until it’s that faithfull time to give the great city to Beelzebuth.
After Jackdaws has held for a few moments, it’s time to secure Beelzebuth to hold. Again he’s a lot weaker than Merdianos, so he worries. Will Beelzebuth be able to hold for long enough?
As Meridianos isn’t holding, the great city is under siege by all the enemies. Everyone is worried, as Beelzebuth lost even against Spimmer, who isn’t that strong cavalry which Beelzebuth counters.
After Beelzebuth got 8 minutes, it was time to give it back to Meridianos, as he was getting worried he wouldn’t get his first place. After some pingponging when Beelzebuth, it finally landed back in Meridianos. Meridianos could breathe again, now that he is resting back in the great city.
While it wasn’t a painful champion city siege, it was still eventful, with many people trying to catch some blood. Meridianos stood up proudly as he secured his first place and even his friends shared in his glory as NBe got a second place spot and Jackdaws from BaN got the 3th spot. Meridianos was proud of this achievement and was grateful that LoliEdd arranged it so well. He looked forward to the next champion city siege and is hopeful to replicate these events once more.