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Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 01/02/2025 00:21

Arena of Honor is back for its final round of the second season and the teams have one last chance to show what they have learnt from the prior fourteen rounds. One of these teams is led by exceptional NO REAL, he has been having issues with sealing first place with a plethora of second and third places respectively. The team’s goals are to sure up their mistakes and come back fresh and reborn for the third season. Will this be the round, NO REALs team finally take the first place they have been aching to achieve or will they fall back into their old ways? The competitors are ready for their final showdown, who will take the crown in the final round of season 2?

NO REAL has been a huge advocate of Trading Posts and their accumulative value in the match, “Altar of the Maiden is our goal, take as many as you can from the other teams, Watch Towers won’t be a problem as long as one team doesn’t take them all,” NO REAL is hoping for multiple teams to build offensive strongholds, which will lead them to fight over the Watch Towers and catapults. “Once we see a team build offensive strongholds, we take their Altars of the Maiden, they won’t fight as heavily of those than their Altars of the Warrior,” ChAoS the second in command, knew of the dangers of leaving the Watch Towers uncontested but believed they would eventually catch the offensive stronghold teams up with the consistency of the Trading Posts. The danger of allowing teams the first capture points of the Watch Towers and catapults have come to bite teams in the back before, will this be another one of those times or does ChAoS have something new to show? 

The main core of this team has been together for some time but with new members joining for the final round, things that were known by the main core has to be stated once more, “Beyond will be taking the clan castle, he will be needing infantry reinforcement, don’t forget about protecting our strongholds, they will be attacked by the Glory City,” ChAoS was meticulous with his orders, making sure every team member knew their role. As for Arena of Honor, it starts with six teams who fight for objectives on the map, each objective provides a first capture amount and then points over time, the team with the most points at the end of the match wins. “If we follow the orders correctly, we will prevail today, NO REAL and ChAoS have real experience in this competition, I know we can do it, “Beyond really wanted to end the season with a bang. Will the team finally be able to achieve the win they so desperately want or will the new members inexperience be their downfall, the Arena of Honor is about to open its gates for the final time this season.

Finally, the teams enter the arena and can scout their opponents and gauge how powerful a team would be, “a lot of cavalry warriors in the arena today, this will be tough against us, “ChAoS was referring to the fact that their team had an infantry centric base while cavalry warriors would counter them. The strongholds opened and the strategies of each team came to light, “two teams are building infantry strongholds, House Stark and House Baratheon, lets focus on taking their Altars of the Maiden,” NO REAL had a bad feeling with only two teams having a Watch Tower strategy, this could leave the door open for one of them to dominate the other thus giving them first capture points and a clear lead. “House Stark are on our left side, therefore their clan castle will be attacking us, “Beyond was worried, if House Stark captured enough Altars of the Warrior, House Greyjoy could be overrun. 

House Stark led by powerful Ratibor, “infantry strongholds for our first line of strongholds, we will decide what our second line will be once we have more information from our opponents, “Ratibor saw House Baratheon had the same strategy but was unfazed by their challenge. “House Greyjoy has gone with a Trading Post strategy which means their clan castle could be at risk if they don’t reinforce properly, watch out for that.” House Stark could be a dark horse for the win but other teams had other ideas and wouldn’t go down so easily. 

Another contender for the win would be House Tyrell, led by the formidable Lowis, “our goal is the main prize, the Glory City, once it opens, its all-hands-on deck, we are taking the win today but be mindful these teams seem strong today, so give me everything you have, it’s the last match of the season,” Lowis was ready for anything that came his way and thought starting would Trading Posts would be the best way to achieve his goals. If House Tyrell can secure a solid position in the Trading Post phase and transition effectively to their Glory City assault, they may have the momentum to claim victory. However, if their focus wavers, Lowis and his team could find themselves destroyed by teams who know this strategy inside and out. 

Finally, we come to House Lannister led by the powerhouse DrGreenThum, he planned to overpower his opponents, “ I’m clearly the strongest here on the battlefield, the Glory City won’t be contested, doesn’t matter what we choose for our strongholds, as long as we secure the Glory City,” DrGreenThum was confident in his abilities and for good reason, even though he was an infantry centric warrior, he knew the cavalry warriors on the other teams were not strong enough to beat him with a single rally. As the first ten minutes of the match flew by, it became clear which teams were going for Watch Tower strategies and which went for the more standard Trading Post strategy but how each team adapt to this information would decide the rest of the match. “Each altar become more valuable with the first capture points, we need to make sure we take our enemies altars before Watch Tower strategies get out of hand, let’s hope both House Stark and House Baratheon are evenly matched,” NO REAL was already feeling the pressure with DrGreenThum and two teams building infantry stronghold, this could get out of hand. 

While House Greyjoy began taking Altars of the Maiden around the battlefield, Ratibor ordered his team to disrupt any captures of this important objective, “if we allow the Trading Post teams to take the Altars of the Maiden, our plan becomes harder, we need to make sure they don’t succeed in amplifying their points accumulation,” Ratibor knew the key to success for these teams and wanted to hinder them as long as possible. All eyes would now turn towards the Watch Towers and which of the two, House Baratheon or House Stark would claim the prize.

The was the moment both House Baratheon and House Stark were waiting for, the team that dominates the other will surely have a clear lead in the match. “House Baratheon went full infantry strongholds, while we made some cavalry strongholds to counter them, they have made a blunder, “ Ratibor was confident House Stark had made the right choice but now it was time to see his plan come to fruition. As both clan castle attacks marched towards the Watch Tower, a wind seemed to blow in the arena, heading towards House Stark and before anyone had time to celebrate, it was all over with House Stark taking the first Watch Tower and a huge lead. “That was predictable, we countered them, what did they expect”? Ratibor had masterminded his team’s path to victory, all they would have to do now, was keep an eye on what House Baratheon did and counter their moves. As House Starks lead increased with every Watch Tower they took, the time had come for the Dragonpits to open and a lifeline for teams that found themselves further down the rankings than they wished. 

As the Dragonpits became a point of contention, House Greyjoy were feeling the heat, “these cavalry warriors are taking us out of the Altars of the Maiden too easily, we need to switch it up and take something else,” ChAoS was worried for his team, they found themselves in an awkward position, facing the bottom half of the rankings. “Perhaps when the Glory City opens, we will have more luck as teams’ attention turns towards it, right now it seems like we are being targeted,” NO REAL really wanted to end the season off with a bang but his goals were being crushed in real time. “Don’t allow any of the Trading Post teams any breathing room, we have the lead, take the Dragonpits as well,” Ratibor was in a ruthless mood and had no mercy for his opponents. 

As the electricity in the air became noticeable the fight for the Glory City started, most teams were swapping back and fourth between themselves, “ we don’t stand a chance against DrGreenThum, he takes a lot of rallies to dislodge from Glory City, we should wait till the Mineshafts open and focus on them, while the others continue their fight for the Glory City,” NO REAL could see the writing on the wall, with House Lannister having a clear advantage in the Glory City, it was damage control time for House Greyjoy. As the first Mineshafts opened, House Greyjoy took four but yet again there was House Stark to foil their plans, “it seems like House Stark is countering our moves or perhaps they have a vendetta against us,” ChAoS couldn’t help but notice a pattern and wondered why House Stark wasn’t paying more attention to the Glory City as they held first place and wouldn’t want the Glory City taking that away from them. 

The once electrifying arena became explosive as within three minutes the match got flipped upside down, “make sure we don’t let House Greyjoy take any Mineshafts, do what they did to us in the past,” it was clear Ratibor had some unfinished business with some of the warriors on House Greyjoy. As ChAoS secured a Mineshaft, he couldn’t believe his eyes, as multiple soloes flew his way. Meanwhile DrGreenThum stood unchallenged in the Glory City with one minute until he fully captured it, “seems like our enemies rather fight each other than me, smart move from them,” DrGreenThum and House Lannister look set to take first place from House Stark, unless someone started a rally against them soon. As the first solo came in from House Tyrell, it was quickly dispatched with but two others flew against the Mineshaft from House Targaryen, “looks like teams have given up taking on DrGreenThum, we are the ones they have set their sights on, our infantry centric team is coming back to bite us with so many cavalry warriors on the battlefield,” ChAoS could only watch his Mineshaft be taken by House Stark, as their tunnel vision on House Greyjoy opened the door for House Lannister to take the Glory City and the lead. 

With only twelve minutes left in the match, House Greyjoy found themselves in a miserable fifth place, “our only chance now is the Glory City, fill my rally up and let’s give it one more shot,” NO REAL was going all in as he neglected the Altars of the Maiden for the main prize. House Stark also started a rally hoping that House Greyjoy would weaken House Lannister and they would be able to dislodge the invincible DrGreenThum. NO REALs goal of ending the season on a high was all but over unless his rally could take the Glory City from House Lannister, “I see multiple rallies being started against House Lannister, now is our time to show our true form,” NO REAL was hoping for a miracle, if this didn’t work, his team would stay in fifth place with no chance of catching House Targaryen.

As the first rally hit the walls of the Glory City, panic started to hit the air, “can we do this? House Targaryen did nothing against him, only House Tyrells rally in front of us,” ChAoS didn’t want to admit it but he was already resigned to fifth place. The second rally came in from House Tyrell, as gasps hit the arena, “sorry guys seems like third place is what we will get today, “Lowis was content with that placement with the arena being full of sharks. Finally, we had two last rallies with House Greyjoy and House Stark respectively, as NO REALs rally finally hit the Glory City, doom started to set in the camp of House Greyjoy, they barely scratched DrGreenThum, “ their reinforcements were great today, I don’t expect House Stark to take it from them,” ChAoS was right as House Stark bounced off the walls of the Glory City, cementing House Lannister’s dominance in the final round of the Arena of Honor. 

As the final minute ticked away, House Greyjoy held their hands on their face in disgust, “perhaps not having all our regular members, made a difference today?” ChAoS was grasping at straws, any excuse would do but NO REAL was having none of it, “ thank you everyone for the season, I will be disbanding our group and trying again in the new season, good luck to you all,” NO REAL said his goodbyes and with that disbanded the group, it was a sad end to a mediocre season for his standards and shows the competition in the Arena of Honor is as tough as its ever been.

On the other side of the battlefield House Lannister celebrated their win, “we didn’t hit Glory King rank but we got close, well done everyone, “DrGreenThum was content with finishing in the top 200 and was looking forward to the new season and another chance of hitting the coveted Glory King rank. As things in the arena cool down and teams think about any changes they want to make for the next season, NO REAL would be on the hunt for new team members that could elevate him and finally bring out the raging beast all of Westeros fears. 
