It was time for AoH again. And before the match had even started or his group had even registered, HotepRa knew this one would be special. A week ago, Hotep had finally unlocked t5, and an hour before the match, he finished training enough for almost a full march of t5. In so many battles in both seasons of AoH and beyond, he had lost just because he did not have t5. With a full march ready and some more account improvements, he was ready to test his accounts' new limits.
Those upgrades came just in time, as this was the last match of the season. Untypical for Hotep’s AoH group, he had issues getting a group together, so he had to play with 2 accounts. When one more player did not wake up for the match, Hotep had to register with 9 accounts and accepted the fate of having to play with 7 players and 9 accounts. When the matchmaking phase started, they could see that they got a player called “SIR ST” from [SKR] as the 10th player. That account had Night King as Lord and full red cav gear, so Hotep had to assume it was a strong account. Good for them, but it would probably also mean it would be a hard map, something Hotep was not looking for. He wanted a competitive map to test his t5, not a swoop where his faction was just holding on to a few altars to not get last.
Then the map opened, and his fears seemed to come true. To the right of them there was a big faction from [FDH] with both Steel, a very strong Bowmen account, and MysticGolden, the strongest account in FDH.
What was even more interesting was that the main [N0X] group with their strongest accounts was at the opposite end of the map. His alliance was on the map; not only that, but there was also a N0X account in the FDH faction. That meant the map had a total of 14 N0X accounts present, almost 1/4 of the map.
The other factions were not as strong, but had decent accounts as well, so Hotep decided to go trading as they would have a hard time contesting fighting buff altars to compete.
After wishing his friends in N0X good luck, the battle started.
The first phase of the strongholds was just like normal; when the first altars opened, Hotep went to the Altar of the Stranger to see how his new t5 would perform.
It took a while, and he did tank once, before he got kicked by a spear account with good stats.
Within a few seconds, WAO would lose the altar, though, and Hotep would get to see his alliance mates for the first time.
As Hotep’s faction had no use for an Altar of the Stranger and Belore would be impossible to kick anyway, they focused elsewhere, for example, on the maiden altars that opened soon later.
2 of those they would get without much opposition; all enemies either did not care about trading or decided not to solo reinforce buildings (or died trying).
Still needing a third, Hotep went for another one, and this time there would be resistance, namely in the form of xXRangerXx, who soloed Hotep with a strong female lineup. Thanks to good reinforcement and probably also the t5, Ranger died before the battle was over and so did not win this encounter.
With 3 altars in, the FDH group started to see that Hotep’s group could be an issue, and so they started to go for the maidens Hotep had just taken. Knowing it was a lost cause, Hotep still had to try to solo MysticGolden while he was not reinforced, but of course, against a maxed infantry lineup, he could not do anything.
Trying to get another altar instead, Hotep would then face a solo from Steel, and although Steel is bowmen, it is still a strong account, far too strong for Hotep
Trying to defend an altar of them another faction was occupying, Hotep’s group ran into another N0X friend who wanted to go for the same altar.
Even a rally could not get her out, so it seemed like Hotep had to search for more altars, which he ended up finding.
Still, there was pressure on the altars they had.
After Hotep tanked a solo from the N0X account in the FDH faction, they had to rally out a strong cav player:
At this point, it was a head-to-head battle for second place between the FDH and Hotep’s group, while the main N0X group had secured first place already.
With MysticGolden being unkickable for Hotep’s group, they always had to get new altars to keep their point income going. One of which was from the N0X faction (the one Ice Bear had taken before), and so Wind5 got a broadside from N0X solos, but they all failed, and they lacked time to set up a rally.
Now they only needed a good mine run, but it was not meant to happen.
All 4 accounts who went for a mine got instantly sniped before enough reinforcements could arrive, 3 of which by the FDH faction.
After that the Maiden chase continued, but now FDH had the upper hand
Hotep also won solos on some FDH accounts, mainly due to them reinforcing secondary lineups.
In the end, they were unable to get more than a marginal lead in points per minute over FDH, not enough to catch up. It was not helping that other factions also targeted their group, even including Hotep’s alliance mates.
2 minutes before the end, Hotep had to call the match with only 800 points difference. It did feel bad to lose with such a small difference, but in the end he was happy that they had been able to compete with FDH and their very strong banners.
The only thing that was left to do was to join the N0X voice chat to say GG and blame Belore for their group not getting second. Of course, it is Belore’s fault, who else could it be?
Hotep’s t5 had proven to be effective with him securing 6th place in Eliminations for a relatively cheap healing bill. He had won reports he otherwise would not have and was a great help for reinforcements as well. His first t5 test had been successful, even though they only got third.
Some more testing would be needed though, and what better place to test than in the greatest events of them all: AC…
GOT WIC Chronicler HotepRa