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A Young Lord of the Ancient Kingdoms Part 35 (Battle after battle part 2)

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/29/2024 08:14

A Young Lord of the Ancient Kingdoms Part 35 (Battle after battle part 2)

After a long battle, the western sunset turned a semi-red tone, it was a sign of so much blood that was spilled in the battles...

And our Lord was preparing for the next battle, where on the recommendation of DYT, he ended up in the Ebony group, a quiet group of Spanish-speaking Lords, who were preparing for the fourth and final round of the Arena of Honor.

Among them was the Leader of the happy group, called “Carvajar”, ​​a Lord with low combat power but a very good amount of merits for someone of his low power, our Lord already assumed that he was a capable hunter of merits (Lords who carry only the exact number of troops for their hospital which reduces their power and they can go to small kingdoms to attack sleeping players), but after all it turns out to be somewhat kind with the decisions at hand, since our Lord had just met him and did not I had a lot of information about what he was like.

Our Lord had the intention of applying DarkSama's strategy with them, but he did not know if they would accept it, since now taking the towers and catapults with his troops is essential to reduce the siege attack that could turn against us. .

So for this reason he requested to have total control to be able to direct the troops, surprisingly he agreed despite being a recent acquaintance of our Lord, of course it also took an intervention from Ebony for him to agree.

And so together with the rest of the lords they marched to the last battlefield, our Lord did not have such high hopes since there were several Lords who did not have much power to reinforce attacks, he only had faith in Ebony, but even so apart from that it was to be very lucky to win two consecutive battles in one day.

“A tiring job, and at the same time it involved a lot of effort”

Very separately, with the battle group already positioned, prepared, our Lord already had in mind how to make the alignment because it would not be easy to win it, because two other factions were also going for alignments, so he took the measure of going against them. which would be the alignment of cavalry and hybrid troops with infantry to obtain a better victory.

Meanwhile the rest of our battle companions were dedicated to defending the towers, as they did not have much troop capacity due to their low power, it took time to build the buildings, but they were always active and saw a way to support the battle.

Our Lord also, apart from commanding the troops, not only played the role of directing them and seeing if the victories they had, but also had to support the defense of the altars, he had the knowledge that his group, only he and Ebony, were among the strongest, and they had to take action or else they would lose and he had to make an effort to continue gaining great control of everything.

Until it was possible to initiate attacks against the city of glory...

Our capable Lord did not obtain the first obtaining points in the towers and catapults, he already had control of it and when other enemy Lords besieged and gained control of the catapults, they attacked with a few bursts of attacks.

That no matter how strong the Lord who dominated it was, he lost 15% of his troops due to their attack.

That was taken advantage of by Ebony who, after the weakening of a Lord who had control of the city of glory, led the entire faction towards it and took control from him.

In which, regardless of the rest, continuous reinforcement was sent to be able to defend the castle...

But the problem would come as always after taking the castle, multiple attacks from the rest of the factions would fall before us, our Lord sending his best dragon to reinforce Ebony; which carried the risk that his attacks on other sides or defenses would no longer have the same strength that he normally always has.

Very apart from that, the battlefield was also dominated by the Lord's faction, one could mostly notice the great control that the faction had in itself, they were third in place.

And while that was happening, Ebony, enduring the great attacks of different Lords, achieved the task that was sought, something that our capable Lord did not expect from this group, but it was achieved with great effort and that was to take the great city of glory.

Which would enter a 3-minute protection state, in which they could take a break and be able to replenish the raid troops that were located in said city.

The great battle dragged on in other areas, but now the worry was less, our Lord took the opportunity to withdraw his maximum dragon and place another in its replacement so he could defend and entertain himself by attacking or defending.

Since the mines had been opened, he took control of one of them and was defending there.

From there, a little more time would pass when everything calmed down, the other factions had given up attacking ours and were fighting among themselves for second place.

And thus securing the great castle, the time of battle ended, in which our Lord's faction was crowned in first place.

In the end it ended up being a great victory for a long story that took 2 battles and surprisingly won.

At the same time, he was a little disappointed in himself and should not have drawn bad conclusions from those little Lords who supported him in everything they could and were also a key part of the victory.

Proud, our Lord tiredly marched home calmly in k37, and happy and satisfied, because he obtained the maximum reward and thanks to this he was able to be in the top 300 of the arena of honor...

Finally ending this great streak...

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See you next time!
