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The mini-final! - HOH vs NBe - Ultimate Conquest Season 19 Round 6

Wars & Stories in Westeros Alliance Conquest
Article Publish : 09/22/2024 08:23

So here we go! HOH managed to advance to top 4 alliances in Ultimate Conquest Season 19! But we could go even further than that IF we win today's game vs... NBe! It won't be easy for sure, cause NBe is one of the strongest alliances in the game and they recruited several strong players to join their UC roster like MUSA dra999, Polkaking or Aruman99. However, they lost one of their top accounts - Lancelot69, who joined WxC to help them beat BaN in the final. Wait... What? Aren't BaN and NBe allies? Well... I think that the person who played on Lance forgot about that!😂

Let's get back to the match... HOH and NBe have a long history of battling each other in major events like Alliance/Ultimate Conquest, Siege of Winterfell or All-Out War, so both know what to expect from their rival more or less. Surprisingly though, HOH didn't face NBe earlier in the season and there were some changes made to the event itself as well as a new AC research tree introduced to the game, so some strategies changed. Who will take the advantage of it? Let's dive straight into the action!

Part 1: The Early Dominance

With several minutes left to start of the match, both teams had already all their 70 players on the map ready for the upcoming battle. The tension was rising as the timer counted down last seconds to the opening. 3... 2... 1... GO! Racers from both sides rushed as fast as they could to capture first locations available! It turned out to be a draw with each team capturing one tower and outpost. However, NBe messed up one of their swaps which resulted in losing Tower of the Warrior to HOH! Wait! They lost the Outpost as well! HOH took it down with a massive wave of solo attacks and they control all initial buildings on the map! Early dominance established by HOH! How will NBe respond to that?

They were thinking a bit which target to rally and decided to go for their Outpost as it was the closest one to their hive. HOH had some extra reinforcements on their way already, ready to defend the building against the upcoming massive wave of rallies from NBe. But NBe knew that HOH won't give up on the Outpost easily, so they used a trick! After sending some of their rallies, they used their bugles to speed in one of them to bait some reinforcements from HOH side! And it worked well enough, cause when other rallies were hitting, HOH didn't have enough people to help with defending the building and lost it to NBe! So if anyone thought 'Oh, another easy match for HOH', they were wrong! And NBe was only warming up. Time for ports!

Part 2: Taking is harder than defending

Both teams sent out their fastest racers and again, each team captured the same amount of buildings, so one port for HOH, another one for NBe. In the meantime, HOH picked up the pace with soloing the Outpost they lost before and NBe couldn't do much to keep it for longer. However, after several minutes the roles have reversed and it was NBe who started hammering the Outpost with deadly solos and HOH struggling to defend it. They managed to keep it thanks to the Casterly Rock opening which forced NBe to shift their focus there and it was worth it for sure as they won the most important race so far to secure the central building on the map! But they needed more than that to catch up!

As the time passed, both teams exchanged a lot of rally waves, but the situation on the map remained unchanged. NBe couldn't take anything from HOH despite trying hard and making the healing bills expensive. At some point, they focused too much on the offense, forgetting to defend their port and losing it several minutes before the mines open. However, it wasn't as bad as it might have looked for NBe, as they approached the mines opening being only 10k points behind HOH, so they could still win IF they secure both of them! Let's see how it went!

Part 3: The Final Blow

Well... it was a draw. Again!😂But HOH still needed to quickly swap their racer out for a strong rally lead, so NBe had a chance to intercept it! But guess what happened... It was HOH that intercepted the swap from NBe on their mine!😂So HOH secured both mines and denied NBe their last hope to win the game. But wait... HOH still need to defend those mines until they get enough points out of them! Back to the game then, it's not over yet!

Unfortunately for NBe, two top HOH players, Depravity and delthulu, were relentlessly raiding their hive and NBe started to struggle to fill rallies to take any mine and they needed BOTH of them! Seeing what's happening, NBe decided to give up and not burn any more speed-ups and boots for this game. HOH won the match with 88k points to NBe's 54k securing the top 3 finish in the entire competition for the second time in a row!!! What a great achievement for HOH!

Thanks for reading guys and until next time! Bye!😀
