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The White Wolf and The Black Lion confront the White Walkers

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/21/2024 20:59

The morning in Winterfell dawned cold and with a blanket of snow. The war for the salvation of the west has begun and all the generals are gathered in the council room of Winterfell where they must debate the strategy they will follow to stop the advance of the army of Winterfell. the dead to the south.
At the head of the table, the White Wolf watched the others with a serious expression, aware of the enormous responsibility he had on his shoulders. BlackL1òn, standing next to him, remained silent
The White Wolf decided to keep a large number of troops stationed on the outskirts of the city to prevent the White Walkers from taking Winterfell at all costs.

Theon Greyjoy, volunteered to defend Winterfell alongside Daenerys' golden cloaks, and the men of the Night's Watch, commanded by Jon Snow,

Rober Barateon will march to the wall and attack the armies head on. Robert's men have proven to be well trained, and must hold off the bulk of the forces for as long as possible.
Sampls and BlackL1ion will strike from the flanks, to weaken the forces and force them to deviate from wintertime. Sampls and BlackL1òn detailed their plans to attack on the flanks and divert the army to the east, where the lonely hills would offer them an advantage. On the other side of those hills, the Bolton men, ruthless and efficient, waited with a wall of pikes to stop the dead.
The boar stew and wine accompanied them throughout the night, most of the generals viewed the plan favorably, trusting that together they could stop the advance of the Night King. However, the White Wolf and BlackL1òn exchanged glances full of doubts. They knew that the army of the dead was immense and that behind it hid a cunning general with a look that chilled the blood
The next morning, the Westerosi troops left Winterfell, marching toward their destination at Last Hearth. The silence weighed on them; The tension was palpable and the fear was reflected in the men's faces.
Upon reaching the pass of Último Hogar, the fight began, the purpose of which was to free the siege of Último Hogar. There was one of the generals of the white walkers and his hosts, which he himself had transformed one by one.
Sampls and BlackL1òn, knowing they had to act quickly, charged the walking general. They knew that this advance was key to weakening the enemy forces and that they could not give them a truce. They attacked without mercy. Each attack by Sampls' armies was accompanied by reinforcements from BlackL1on.
The general's forces were weakened and he ordered the withdrawal of the last home towards the south, as they had planned in the council meeting.
The dead retreated and entered the lonely hills, where they were trapped by those immense gorges. And at whose end the Boltons were waiting for them with a wall of pikes that would prevent them from leaving there.
BLackL1on attacked with his army and Sampls followed him with determination. The battle continued throughout the night and the armies of the Lion and the White Wolf pushed the general and his army further and further in until they were slowly reduced by half.

The battle on the lonely hills had been devastating. The walking general, seeing that his forces were weakening in the face of the resistance of the united armies, decided to change tactics. With an order, he directed the dead towards the exit of the hills, where the Bolton pikes were located. The carnage was brutal. Thousands of corpses were skewered, and the resistance of the men of Dreadfort was fierce, but despite their bravery, the sea of ​​dead advanced and breached the solid formation of the men of Dreadfort.
In the midst of the chaos, the walking general charged directly into the center of the formation. Ramsy Bolton, lord of Dreadfort, tried to resist, but his sword was broken by General Walker's white spear, which pierced his head in a horrifying sight. His life was extinguished in an instant. Seeing their leader dead, the Bolton army crumbled, and fear gripped its men. The pike formation collapsed, and the dead were slaughtered mercilessly.
The Boltons, seeing how their lord fell brutally and due to the very fear they felt of the army of the dead, sank and the army of pikes decomposed and was massacred by a sea of ​​walking corpses, which trampled them and finally left the hills. lonely
At the bottom of the valley you could see Fort Terror, and the image was desolate, a sea of ​​dead crossed the valley that overlooks the castle, and in turn thousands of Bolton soldiers were fleeing in all directions.
Sampls and BlackL1òn, seeing the seriousness of the situation, aware that within Fort Terror there were hundreds of families, women and children, decided to attack the dead who were advancing towards the valley from the rear. They knew that if the walkers took the castle, all would be lost.
Dawn was beginning to break when The White Wolf and the Black Lion charged with their troops against the dead. Without rest, they fought fiercely. The valley was filled with screams, blood, and fallen bodies, as the two commanders made their way through the walking corpses, trying to stop the army before it reached the castle walls

Before the morning was over Sampls and BlackL1on were already in the lead with the most deaths

The final battle was fought at the very gate of Fort Terror. BlackL1òn, with his troops, stood on the walkway that led to the castle, knowing that it was the last line of defense. The dead attacked them again and again, but the Black Lion troops resisted. The walkway was filled with fallen bodies, the cost was enormous, but BlackL1òn's army resisted.

Sampls, having cleared the valley, arrived at the castle gates. There he found BlackL1òn, sitting against the wall, exhausted, with a deep cut on his face that crossed from his ear to his lip, and his face was bloody.
"This isn't over yet, my friend," said The White Wolf, looking northward. This was just an advance.
BlackL1òn nodded as Sampls helped him up.
"If this is just the beginning, I don't even want to imagine what the end will be like," replied the Black Lion.
Suddenly, they both felt an intense cold that ran through their bodies. They turned quickly, and there, among the advancing fog, they saw a huge figure with deep blue eyes. 
The Night King is here!—said BlackL1on!
