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Night King returns

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/21/2024 15:02
Edited by lorddoom2come at 09/21/2024 15:03

We've heard many rumours, legends of the past, full of an unstoppable force, none other than the White Walker army, made up of dead men who lived beyond the Walls of the North. This army is not like any other, they are immortals, they don't die from simple steel, they have to be fought with Valyrian steel and dragonglass, otherwise they won't go down. There's also a leader of this army who is the Night King himself, he's an ice-cold monster with blue falmes in his eyes. He has no other desire than to destroy the North Wall and pass through it to enter Westeros and bring eternal night upon the people who live there and make them serve his ice-cold kingdom as living dead.

Just a legend, right? Actually not, when winter came we thought it would be like any other in Kingdom 26, not realising that something was approaching our walls, we felt the winter getting longer and darker by the day, but we treated all the legends like any other and were busy storing resources and harvesting our last fields before winter covered all our lands. 

This time, at the North Wall, our guard experienced a blood freezing moment at the top of the wall, they got to see a huge fog coming towards the North Wall, and a roar could be heard, which was none other than a dragon, as it turned out when it emerged from the fog, and there was a rider on its back, none other than a man with a huge ice spear. He flew from one side of the wall to the other, unleashing a blue flame that struck the centre of the wall, breaking it, shattering thousands of years of defences in an instant, causing the wall to collapse.

Leaving a large hole in the defence of the wall, there was another sound coming from far below from beyond the wall, it sounded like a marching army, but what army can make such a noise, not a thousand or twenty thousand to make their marching sound reach the top of the wall. At the end of the fog, it began to clear, and like ants, the troops appeared. They were not common, they had a loose movement, less coordinated and slow, just like dolls that you pull no strings.

The Watch began to defend the hole made by the dragon, for these troops, living or dead, were advancing on them with great speed. Ravens of the Watch immediately flew out to various houses of Westeros, alerting high commanders to take their horses and armies and help with the breached wall, but the advancing army, was much faster than expected, already taking regions in the north, and it seems they are unstoppable for now, a brave group of commanders began to fight back, with their well trained armies, these commanders were none other than DOOM2COME, Silenteye and Peugeot. These commanders are specialised in fighting with infantry and spearmen formations.

Their battles began in the region we call the Land of the Last Heart, the first real line of defence after White Walker's army entered Westeros from the north. A line of fortresses was the first thing the army of the living dead encountered, the first thing the Night King had to overcome in order to advance, and it was here that our brave commanders began to devise a strategy for stopping or slowing the Walker army. Their first idea was to find the leaders of this army, commanders like them, because every army is controlled by some, and they were right, there were commanders of the white walker army, such looking monsters like the Night King, tall, strong and ice-cold warriors they were, wielding ice-made weapons and having the same blue flames in their eyes, their eyes reflecting nothing but terror. 

They are the weak point, but there are many of them, not just a few, one could even count 20 of them, which tells you that the army of the walkers is much larger than anyone could imagine. Clumsy lines of dead all around them, but they never speak or act more than raising their horns and spears in the air to give a signal. They ride their icy horses calmly, or at least they look like horses when you look at them.

These are the monsters our heroes must face, and they must succeed in their battles, or else there's no chance for the living in Westeros to survive, and it all depends on our brave commanders and their armies to stop the advance of the walkers and the Night King's will to bring terror to the whole of Westeros.

The first encounter was started by SilentEye commander who started to attack the General 3 who was marked as a high commander of the Night King, really strong army he has, but SilentEye and her infantry seems to be even more, strong and could damage this clumsy army of his and himself the commander after a few hours of fighting.

With being outnumbered, her 4 million army, could damage well the army of the deads what could reach even 23 million of the walkers, that's a huge number of troops, but there's the difference, what is the walkers are weak and clumsy, a single living can defeand hundreds of them single handedly a day, but here comes the plot change, the army of the walkers are reviev every day, if they aren't killed by dragonglass or Valyrain weapons, so the VIctory for our commanders are just temporary. They need to gain the right weapons before the walkers reach more lands and andavance way too much into the Northern Region.

The way they need to fight is long, full of death and sorrow, but there's always a chance, and we will find out if our heroes find their way to defeat the Night King and its powerfull army. Our story doesn't end here.
