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Armed to Face a Friend or Foe( The War of Kingdoms )

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/21/2024 23:28

                                           Armed to Face a Friend or Foe

                                               ( The War of Kingdoms )

    With the old month coming to a quick end,thus begins the birth of a new moon. As it begins to rise into the sky the arrival of The War of Kingdoms will soon be upon the kingdom of Westeros.

Soon all the alliances through the vast kingdoms of the realm will start planning to prepare to fight and face their enemies in this great battle to defend their kingdom and claim the Iron Throne. All while The Seven who have now set their deep gaze at the mortals waiting to watch them struggle with many challenges that await them in this coming battle.

   The rift that has been created by the Seven will soon be opened and war will be unleashed between two kingdoms, allowing them both to enter the opposing kingdoms to fight for dominance.

. The rivaling kingdom who had fought with the most strength, might and courage that has achieved the most points will be crowned the victor of this battle, The War of Kingdoms. The victors will not only become the rulers of the Seven Kingdoms in Westeros but will also be rewarded with the rights to collecting level five diamond nodes once the event concludes.

     Queen Bella, stood atop the walls of her castle watching the sun as it shined its last rays of its light onto the land as it drew its final breath, bidding farewell to the day. Night was approaching and soon the ever so graceful and wise moon would do her duty in governing the night along with her stars but not before the sun would shine his radiant light, allowing it to fill and burst into the whole sky with a symphony of gold,rose,and copper.

   The queen waited for the last moment of day to cease, with the new hour not only came the night but also the War of Kingdoms. She was more than eager to know who would be challenging her kingdom since this was her duty as the queen and ruler of kingdom 73 and leader of the alliance TQL. 


  The moment that she had waited for soon came to pass when a raven appeared and flew towards her, thrashing its glossy ebony wings amongst the fading sunset bearing a letter gripped in its talons. Inside the letter was the report that would determine which kingdom would oppose TQL in this battle.  No sooner did the winged creature reach the castle where the queen was and drop the report into her hands before drifting off into the almost night sky.  Bella had waited all day and night for this moment but as she had taken the letter she had then sensed that something was not right. Her hands began to slightly tremble as she carefully opened up the letter revealing her adversaries identity.

    She gasped upon seeing that her opponents were none other than CXI, an alliance whom she had not only had fought alongside against her enemies long ago but was also one who she had befriended and formed strong bonds and memories with. “How can the Seven be so cruel to me and make us face our friends?” She thought tearfully. Bella had no wish of fighting nor harming her fellow comrades and was determined to avoid clashing with them at all costs. “ I will set forth and seek an audience with one of their leaders to try and make a truce between our alliances. I cannot betray my friends, I will make sure that no harm will come to them even if that's not within my power to do so.” Those were her thoughts as she gathered her soldiers and sent one of her messengers to arrange a meeting with CXI. 

     Moments later she was standing with the ranks of her soldiers by gates of the towering castle  at King’s Landing across from the armies of CXI. One of the members while not holding the title of Duke but still held a high position in CXI, Punchy Sanza had come all the way from her kingdom to meet with Bella and sent her armies to bear witness to their meeting. Both the banners of TQL and CXI could be seen as the two alliances came together.

Bella, having been so happy to see her old friend, approached and gave Sanza a warm greeting once the two leaders approached each other. “I have no wishes or desires in my heart to clash against you or any of the members of your alliance. None of us want that.” The queen had said to her friend.  “Nor do I,and any of our members. Let's make and discuss the terms of our treaty inside the battle tent and I will relay it back to our Duke.” Responded Sanza. Bella had nodded and followed Sanza to forge a treaty as some of her companions headed along with her.

   The two alliances had agreed that they would both keep King’s Landing in their respective kingdoms and neither alliance would try to deny and challenge their right to hold their castles while the treaty was still in action. Bella was now making it back to her castle as she smiled out of joy and relief now that the deed had been done. “ I will be sure to have this new treaty enforced to all my members to insure that no one would invoke the treaty lest it be broken. Then I will retire soon after. It is rather tiresome being a queen and I need to have my full strength for the morning so that I may lead us to battle.” She thought as she had entered the gates inside her castle. 


    Several hours had gone by since the War of Kingdoms had begun. It was revealed to us that we would be fighting against Kingdom 132. However the leading alliance that ruled that kingdom was friends with our queen so she had struck a fair deal with them so that we would both keep King’s Landing in our Kingdoms until the treaty had been annulled. All the other Great Cities could be contested except for King’s Landing and friendly fights between our members could be arranged. These were our queen’s orders and each and everyone one of us would be sure not to disregard nor defy them.

   Before I had arrived at the sight of the battlefield, all the Great Cities of our kingdom lay vacant and empty while our adversaries had already captured all their castles and were miles ahead of us with points. Of course I couldn’t stand by idly and allow our kingdom to fall behind or even worse find our kingdom invaded within the next passing hour. Now armed with my soldiers and ready to fight with my soldiers, I was determined to capture as many cities as my forces could muster for the glory of our kingdom. This determination that I carried within me had burned brighter than any of the stars that had shone in the evening sky. We would not delay any further, using that as my driving force I led my armies with haste marching in the dead night towards the Great Cities.

    Our horses ran against the wind riding faster than the speed of light as we arrived at each Great City claiming them all without a second thought. King’s Landing was the first city in our kingdom to bear the banner of TQL as once we came charging towards the walls,destroying the gates easily which all came crashing down. With all obstacles out of the way we had all been able to enter inside and claim King’s Landing for TQL. My soldiers cheered when they saw me placing our banner at the top of the castle. Even though this battle was far from over they had taken great delight in seeing us capture our first Great City then to be followed by Riverrun, and The Eyrie.

   After having taken hold of our Great Cities with great success I had felt the feeling of triumph and that our kingdom would have a better chance of now winning. I held our Great Cities for a few hours without facing any threats or being under attack by the enemy forces. It seemed that our opponents were complacent and kept their word as they remained fighting in their kingdom. All seemed well for the time being and me and my troops were kept happy for a while.

   Then fear and despair  would soon begin to play tricks on my mind. There was this feeling inside me that I could not piece together. It almost felt that the treaty had seemed too good to even exist. The confidence and morals that I had displayed hours ago when I had taken the Great Cities with my armies,was soon beginning to diminish. There were several factions that had taken place. 

     The first and foremost was that  I had fought for and defended our Great Cities in solitude, my only company was that of my forces, The hour was growing late I was beginning to feel weak and exhaustion began to creep in. Our opponents were very strong in comparison to myself and I knew that if our foes decided that they no longer wanted to keep the cease fire and attack our Castle that we would all be doomed. Without any reinforcements there was no way that me and my soldiers were strong or numerous enough to hold off and defend the realm from most attacks that would come our way. 

   I was starting to succumb to the fear and doubt that had been planted into my mind with each passing moment. It was also starting to spread to my soldiers and I could sense that they no longer wanted to be in the midst of incompetent leader such as myself and feared that they would soon abandon me leaving me to fight in this battle alone. This may have happened if it was not for the arrival of another brave warrior who came with his large armies to help me unite and defend our kingdom.

   With the warrior’s arrival my resolve and morale started returning and I felt that there was still hope after all. This young warrior was known to most in Westeros as The Warlord but to me he was simply known as Omaewa and also happened to be my husband.

I felt safe and more secure having Omaewa by my side. I knew that he would do whatever he was able to within his power to protect me and our kingdom from those who tried to oppose and harm us. He was a very powerful and mighty warrior with his combined strength,our kingdom could now stand more of a chance.

   It didn’t take long before some of the members of CXI had disregarded the treaty that both TQL and CXI had agreed to and had set their sights on King’s Landing by sending a spy ( one of the smaller members, PO Lady) to scout our Castles. This gave me the impression that temporary arrangements would soon be broken and that others would arrive to try and conquer our kingdom. Feeling the sense of unease I tightly held the hilt of my sword preparing myself to fight a bitter battle, but that moment never came. Either the spy had been frightened after seeing the size of Omaewa’s armies or had feared further consequences if she had disobeyed the order of her alliance.

    Though both Omaewa and I had managed to keep our Great Cities without encountering inference from our opponents two new problems had arisen. The enemy kingdom was still ahead of us by a major amount of points despite all of our attempts. To make matters worse I now once again exhausted beyond belief after holding our kingdom by myself for many long hours and no longer had any will left in me to fight. My only thoughts during this moment besides trying to take the lead were to return to my castle, rest in the comfort of my home, where I would have sweet and peaceful dreams.

I wasn’t sure what to do at this point. I could not bring myself to abandon my husband after he came to aid me nor did I want to betray my soldiers and lose their trust. However, just as these despairing thoughts came to my mind I then saw HankHill arriving at King’s Landing with a large number of forces ready to hold and defend the castle for us.

“I have come to protect King’s Landing. Allow me and my forces to occupy it for you both. If anyone would dare to try to capture our castle they would fail.” HankHill said.  We both thanked Hank for his help and allowed him entrance into the great fortress, not before Omaewa and I had withdrawn our forces from King’s Landing reinforcing Hank after he had retaken it. We had then returned to reinforce him.

Eventually I could no longer stay awake and sought to depart with my armies from the Great Cities and return to my castle where I would then rest for whatever hours had remained until morning had arrived. I bid both lords farewell then headed to my castle, looking back one last time to see that Omaewa had taken his armies and captured the rest of the Great Cities in our Kingdom. I just wished that after I had rested that our fate in this battle would take a turn for the better.

     The next day had arrived and I had been woken by the sun’s friendly greeting as it shone its warm and splendid light through the sill of my window. I quickly dressed and readied myself  to fight once again in this battle. When I had arrived into the battle that was taking place I was both pleased and astonished to see that our kingdom had now taken the lead and was winning this war. 

   While I had slept the forces of TQL led by DreadEye and some of the other leaders of War had each taken and filled most of the Great Cities that stood in our kingdom while defending the realm from ongoing attacks from the enemy forces. With the peace treaty still intact King’s Landing had remained under the control of both leading alliances in Kingdom 73 and 132. Yet this still didn’t affect the fact that our other Great Cities could still be under threat.

  A strong member from CXI had arrived in our kingdom to challenge our rights to keep our Great Cities. The warrior had taken out and defeated the troops in some of the Great Cities many times but if it were not for Dread and some of the other warriors of TQL, most of our Great Cities would have been in the custody of CXI. Dread using his leadership had luckily been able to stop him.

He had ordered and assigned our most powerful warriors to hold and defend one Great City each allowing the rest of them to reinforce each other using their best and seasoned soldiers.

  Dread’s strategy had really played a large role in enabling TQL to properly defend their kingdom while taking the lead in this battle. However all but Winterfell remained in our custody.

It lay in the cold distant North,empty and far from our reach. No one had taken Winterfell because either it was too far for their reinforcements to reach the other Great Cities or that they were in fear of being taken down by our enemy.  I had decided to put it upon myself and had rode all the way to Winterfell and had captured and held it for my alliance, despite all those in my alliance who were not in favor of my actions once they learned of my whereabouts. This was because I myself was not strong enough to hold and defend Winterfell if the enemy tried to lay siege upon our castle. I would have not only lost our City but would have also suffered many possible casualties giving the enemy our hard earned points to our opposing alliance.

  However seeing that there was no one else in our kingdom that was able to take Winterfell I was given no choice and had brushed this all aside and held the Great City for TQL as long as I could. Eventually I felt that it was held for enough time and returned back to King’s Landing. I was lucky to have not received any attacks from CXI while I had been stationed at Winterfell.

   Time had passed and after many hours had gone by with the mighty warriors of TQL fighting and prevailing for our kingdom. Soon the battle had finally ceased and our kingdom had once again been appointed as the victor. Queen Bella and the rest of the members of TQL had then said goodbye to their friends from CXI, commending them for fighting with honor and thanking them for the great battle before parting ways. I was reunited with my husband Omaewa who had returned to King’s Landing after the war had ended telling me the tales of his feats in battle. 

  Though the War of Kingdoms was now over another battle would soon take place once the sun went down and night had approached. It would be the battle for the level five diamond nodes that would soon appear throughout our kingdom and I would be ready for it. “ Soldiers, be ready to march with our wagons. It's time to gather level five diamonds!”



