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From Numbers to Victory: A Comprehensive Guide to Immortal Attributes in Infinity Kingdom!

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Article Publish : 09/07/2024 01:09
Edited by m a ë l at 09/07/2024 01:28

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Immortal Attributes ID Card: Breaking Down the Numbers
  3. Strength: The Core of Physical Power
  4. Agility: The Key to Speed and Evasion
  5. Intelligence: The Power of Magic
  6. Physique: Balancing Power and Resilience
  7. Aptitude: Unlocking Magical Potential
  8. Energy Regeneration: Sustaining Your Immortal’s Power
  9. How to Increase Attributes
  10. Conclusion

1. Introduction

In Infinity Kingdom, mastering your Immortal’s attributes is key to winning battles and creating strong strategies. The word "attributes" comes from the Latin word attribuere, meaning "to assign" or "to give." Philosophically, attributes are essential qualities that define an entity’s nature and abilities. In Infinity Kingdom, these attributes are more than just numbers; they shape how your Immortals perform and how successful you can be in the game.

This guide will break down each attribute, explain their roles, and show you how to make the most of them. Think of it as a roadmap to mastering your Immortal's strengths and weaknesses.

2. The Immortal Attributes ID Card: Breaking Down the Numbers

Let’s start by looking at the Immortal Attributes ID Card. This card gives you a quick view of an Immortal’s main stats. It lists important attributes like Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Physique, Aptitude, and Energy Regeneration. To view an Immortal's Attributes ID Card, go to the Immortal Section from your kingdom and then select an immortal and click on the icon illustrated below.

Understanding this card helps you see how each attribute affects your Immortal in battle. By examining these numbers, you can make better decisions about how to use and upgrade your Immortals.

It's important to note that an Immortal's type and class directly impact its base attributes. For example, Attack Immortals will have higher physical or magical base attack stats, while Defense Immortals, in contrast, will have higher physical or magical base defense stats.

3. Strength: The Core of Physical Power

Strength is a key attribute that affects how much Physical damage your Immortal can deal and take. It includes two main stats:

  • Physical Attack: This tells you how much damage your Immortal can do with physical attacks. More Physical Attack means more damage.
  • Physical Defense: This shows how well your Immortal can protect against physical attacks. More Physical Defense means less damage taken.

Strategic Insight: Balancing Physical Attack and Defense is important. When your Immortal’s Attack is higher than the opponent’s Defense, you deal more damage, but with diminishing returns. Conversely, having high Defense means you take less damage from attacks.

Now that we know about Strength, let’s look at Agility, which helps your Immortal move quickly and avoid attacks.

4. Agility: The Key to Speed and Evasion

Agility affects two things: Critical Hit and Dodge. It helps your Immortal strike a crit and avoid getting hit.

  • Critical Hit: This is the chance of making a hit that does extra damage. Higher Agility means a better chance for Critical Hits.
  • Dodge: This is the ability to avoid physical attacks. Higher Dodge means fewer attacks hit your Immortal.

Strategic Insight: Agility is great for Immortals who need to dodge attacks and land powerful hits. We can see on the visual above that critical hits on average yielded a +106% damage increase compared to normal attacks. Note that Dodge only works against physical attacks, not magical ones.

With Agility covered, let’s move on to Intelligence, which boosts magical power and defense.

5. Intelligence: The Power of Magic

Intelligence is crucial for Immortals who use magic. It affects:

  • Magical Attack: This is how strong your Immortal’s magic is. More Magical Attack means stronger spells.
  • Magical Defense: This shows how well your Immortal can resist enemy spells. More Magical Defense means less magical damage taken.

Strategic Insight: Increasing Intelligence boosts your Immortal’s magical abilities and defenses, making it essential for magic users.

After Intelligence, we’ll look at Physique, which affects how well your Immortal hits and resists attacks.

6. Physique: Balancing Power and Resilience

Physique is about making sure your Immortal hits accurately and can handle damage. It includes:

  • Accuracy: This is the chance of your Immortal’s physical attacks landing. Higher Accuracy means fewer misses.
  • Resilience: This shows how well your Immortal can resist critical hits. More Resilience means fewer critical hits from enemies.

Strategic Insight: Physique is crucial for hitting targets and resisting damage. High Accuracy ensures your attacks land, and high Resilience helps you take less damage from critical hits.

With Physique explained, let’s explore Aptitude, which improves magical effectiveness and defense.

7. Aptitude: Unlocking Magical Potential

Aptitude is important for magic users. It affects:

  • Magical Penetration: This is how well your Immortal’s spells get through enemy defenses.
  • Magical Protection: This shows how well your Immortal resists enemy spells.

Strategic Insight: Aptitude is key for making your spells more effective and for defending against magical attacks. Assigned Immortals in your castle will also directly affect buff growth.

Finally, let’s discuss Energy Regeneration, which helps your Immortal casts his ultimate skill more often.

8. Energy Regeneration: Sustaining Your Immortal’s Power

Energy Regeneration is the attribute that determines how quickly your Immortal can recharge to use their ultimate skills. Each Immortal starts with a set energy regeneration rate, which can be enhanced through various means, such as Lord Talents, Academy Research, and certain skills. When an Immortal accumulates 1000 energy, they can unleash their ultimate skill, making this attribute crucial for battle success.

Having a high energy regeneration rate means your Immortal can use their ultimate skills more often, leading to quicker healing, more damage, control, support and a better chance of winning battles. While the ways to increase energy regeneration are limited, they are essential for a strategic advantage. You can boost Energy Regeneration through talents like "Owl Guardian," researchs at the Academy, specific Immortal skills, and by equipping "Surge" artifacts with energy-boosting properties.

Mastering energy regeneration can be a game-changer, especially in close battles where the timing of ultimate skills can decide the outcome.

With a good grasp of how to boost your attributes, let’s explore how to increase your Immortals attributes.

9. How to Increase Attributes

To improve your Immortal’s attributes, you can:

  • Level Up: As your Immortal levels up, their stats improve.
  • Upgrading your Immortal Boosts
  • Upgrading Immortals Stars.
  • Artifacts: Powerful artifacts can boost key attributes.
  • Equipments / Gears.
  • Research at the academy:

Strategic Insight: Focus on upgrading attributes that match your Immortal’s role in your team, especially for artifacts and gears. For example, improve Strength and Physique for tanks, or Intelligence and Aptitude for mages.

10. Conclusion: Mastering the Attributes for Victory

Mastering your Immortal’s attributes is essential for success in Infinity Kingdom. By understanding and optimizing these attributes, you can create powerful strategies and lead your team to victory.

Now that you’re equipped with this knowledge, dive into the game and start applying these tips. Experiment with different attribute combinations, share your experiences with the community, and keep refining your strategy. Victory in Infinity Kingdom is within your reach—go claim it

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m a ë l

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