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Arena de Honor Highlights - Una batalla muy dificil que conlleva a la disolución del team papasotes

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 08/27/2024 23:52

A fourth round of Arena of Honor is among us, again the papasotes team participates in this magnificent event and represents the House Lannister, where this time Noble Zeus our war hammer has been absent and will not participate with us, so this time Vanette and Vangark will be in charge of the attacks and defenses in this round.

Once again we have as our main enemy HankHill, who has cavalry and is the recent champion of the season, which is a disadvantage for us since he has beaten us in the last round.

fraant the Lord Commander concerned about the match-up does not aspire to come in first place, so all the members of team papasotes, will play to cover only the buildings that are in the area of their territory... strategy provided by Vangark, the king of k276.

The Papasotes team decided to play with trading posts, as they are not yet familiar with the mechanics of playing with troop camps, so they do not want to take any risks.

Once again having the safe style of play, the altar round opened, Vanette decided to attack the Baratheons to gain an advantage and called for reinforcements, where he received attack after attack, all of which he won due to the help of all his friends.

Vanette, the WxC warrior decided to use his double weakness combo with infantry and some spearmen, in case cavalry opponents came... he could withstand or cushion all possible blows coming his way.

On the next road to ranking 1, they opened the Maiden's Altars, where Vanette and Vangark, with the help of reinforcements from the Papasotes group, managed to take over the buildings in their territory.

We are suffering from the beginning, this is unsustainable, exclaimed Vanette the WxC warrior, who questioned his group whether to continue fighting or not, since all their opponents have a meta or semi-metas combo of both bleeding, female and weakness which to win a building requires reinforcements and it is something exhausting for them...

Vangark focused on recovering the maiden altars and anything else that would give more points generation for the trading posts and Vanette focused on attacking the Dragon Wells and any other building that would help to move at least to second or third place, because of the opponents that the papasotes team had to face, taking the City of Glory was an impossible task for them.

Vanette and Vangark, who were the strongest, followed by Megatron, were the most outstanding in that match, Vanette congratulated his lord commander and the king of k276 who led that strategy... but a small quarrel between the group took place.

Vangark, unhappy with the result, questioned Fraant, who is the one who always leads the matches, telling him that the team does not play well....

Because Fraant always wants to take all the altars, including the enemy's, which is very difficult due to the distance issue, since sometimes the reinforcements do not arrive on time... and time is lost, which in the competitive is considered very, very valuable...

However, Fraant also expresses that time is lost due to the difference in power that exists between him and the opponents, since only Vangark and Vanette can fight against them, exclaiming that not even in rally and being at an advantage due to the counter could he beat DreadEye.

And the discussion continued on the team's part, where everyone expressed the reason for the defeats, many supported Fraant, since the power level in their castles is similar or slightly lower than his, Vangark who has played AoH expresses that power does not always influence defeats, but knowing how to move is what leads to winning.

In the end they came to an agreement between all, they decided to separate, because Vanette and Vangark are players of higher leagues than Shin, fraant and WICH... who can almost never get eliminations in difficult games, they have decided to migrate to another group where they are the strongest...

Vanette sad by the news of the group recognizes that they have always been his support in good times and bad, decides to let them go, since he is aware that they also want to get eliminations, but leaving them the opportunity that if things do not work out separately, he will be able to return to unite the group that he worked so hard to unite... for which his friends "Declared in rebellion", said yes to his proposal...

A group of Hispanic players has separated, but with the hopes that they will reunite...

"We'll get back together if things don't work out apart" the team of papasotes exclaimed before disbanding and each player decided to go their own way, hoping... that they'll meet again one day.

No matter what position you finish in, the important thing is to have fun.
