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Ashun starts his Ultimate Conquest journey!

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/13/2024 22:39

Featuring in the Ultimate Conquest tournament was a dream come true for most alliances, but it was a must for BaN, the favourites to win the event. They have managed to win the regular season of Alliance Conquest, a fact which would help pave their way towards the finals with easier matches. But as they considered it, there were no easy matches, everything needed to be taken seriously and no mistakes were allowed.

Every member played a crucial part in their strategy, everyone having different instructions and strategies to follow from their leader, Falconn. He was the pivotal part in leading them all this way, and making them the fearsome alliance that they are today. He was not only a wise and precise leader, he was on top of it someone who understood everyone's necessities and accommodated them entirely in his plan. One of those who needed help from him was Ashun. A racer who was helping out select the buildings and people that would race for them, he was knowledgeable in what was needed to achieve the best results. Despite that however, he needed a lot of sustain from Falconn, as the demands required everyone to move around the spots in each round. This was something which not many strategists would allow, but Falconn had the utmost faith in Ashun to have the best results.

This trust was necessary to be built amongst not only them, but everyone inside the alliance, as they were only in their first ever Ultimate Conquest tournament. The waters were still cold, and they needed to learn and trust each other before heading into the fights for the title. The battles ahead of them, starting with this round were going to be fierce, and everyone needed to understand the stakes.

For the first round, BaN was going to face against LEG, an alliance which they knew very well. They have met each other in events many times before, and have fought side by side in the past as well. They both knew each others' strengths and weaknesses, a reason why Ashun felt like LEG could be demoralised and not participate in the match fully as they normally would have done, if they considered the match as being a possible win.

Ashun hoped for his thoughts to be wrong, but no one could know what was going to happen before the match started. Falconn, taking his initial approach to every match very seriously, had to reveal the strategy for the incoming match and make sure that there was no way for BaN to lose, they needed to do everything perfectly as always.

''I know we were allied with them in the recent past, but we need to show no mercy and win it with everything we've got, we need a lot of practice if we wish to win the Ultimate Conquest tournament.'' Falconn added before giving everyone their roles. Ashun was to race for three buildings this match, all of which were very important and would be a crucial part of the future matches.

The first building he would have to race for was the far outpost, the one located closest to LEG, it was a difficult task, but Falconn wished that Ashun could pull it off.

With the instructions handed out, they all departed for the battlefield. Once they arrived, the sight in front of them, left everyone speechless. LEG chose to join the event with only 1 troop. This was something no one had foreseen, all of the preparation was in vain, the opponents were not even going to try for a bit, despite being on friendly terms with each other.

Ashun was demoralised at the sight, but the words of Falconn resonated inside his mind as he looked towards the soon to be unlocked buildings. ''We need practice, I need to do all I can in order to do my job properly.'' Ashun thought.

The buildings have now unlocked, the racers, were only from BaN's side, almost no one from LEG's team could even attempt to race successfully, thus they did not try. Ashun was giving it his all, managing to win his race, being faster than every other BaN member, that despite what was told to them before the match, were not fully trying, these races were not a satisfying win for Ashun nor Falconn.

The swaps went a bit slow, they knew they could improve on that area, and thus they will try to do so with the ports. Ashun was tasked with racing for the closest port, a task which was changed from his previous matches, but he was ready to attempt it. Once the bubble dropped, it was clear why Falconn preferred Ashun to race for the close port, he had captured it!

It was yet another bitter-sweet result for him, winning like this was not something he desired. The swaps that followed were lackluster again, but they had improved a little bit, the one on the far port had been precise.

The last race of the match for Ashun was going to be on Casterly Rock, the building where all racers compete against each other, only the best one could come out on top. Usually, this would be the pinnacle of racing, but not this match, there were not stakes whatsoever in it other than practicing.

Practicing in itself was important, but it did not motivate people enough to try their hardest, but as the bubble on Casterly Rock dropped, two racers stood out from the others, Patton and Ashun, they raced side by side with only one being able to win it in the end, and it was Patton that came out on top.

The swap on Casterly went on without an issue, and the practice was now over, the win was secured and BaN was going to advance into the next round of the winners' bracket. The practice was well needed, at least that is what Falconn thought, as he was going to revise how the swaps were done. He needed everything to be in place for the next important rounds. Their next opponent was bound to be stronger, and they will continue to grow better and stronger the longer the tournament goes on.
