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Arena of Honor, a lonely journey S2 R4

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/13/2024 20:29

It was a cool summer evening when ChristianOr started to prepare to participate in the Arena of honor with a heavy heart. Circumstances had led her to a different part of Westeros, and it would be the first time she would join Arena of Honor on her own, without her usual friends and allies.

She cautiously selected her troops, choosing mostly infantry soldiers that were her main strength but trying to include cavalry and spearmen as she had no idea what the team she ended up with would need.

She shyly looked around her in the battlefield, but before she had time to identify the banners of her fellow Tyrells, she received a raven, telling her to look alright beside her. Her old chronicler  friend Azazeal was standing right beside her.

The Tyrells were composed by an OBV force and the only wild cards were herself and Przemo78 who was an EKS player. The OBV leader was VinJulia, whose reputation as a fierce warrior was widespread.

  • What do you think, Az? Do we have a chance? she asked, looking around the field.

She did recognise some banners but thankfully no knight seemed to be out of their league.

  • Lannisters will be a problem, he replied looking sideways. We are neighbours, and i bet they will try to dominate us.
  • And the plan? she asked, used to how the Duke of MBL, MAJ, always had a strategy in mind.
  • Relax, he said smiling. We will go trading posts so we get some easy points and from then on, do what you feel is right.

He noticed her panicked face, and almost laughed.

  • It will be fine, at worst, we lose. I would relay messages but I am off for a different OBV mission that has been entrusted to me.

ChristianOr waved him off and sighed. She really hoped she would not end up hindering the Tyrells due to lack of communication.

The trumpets signalled the commencement of the arena, and everyone started by capturing the strongholds. As Azazeal, had told her, the Tyrells converted them all to trading posts, and by looking around in the map, it seemed that most teams followed the same strategy. It made sense. Since the map was balanced, no team was the favorite to capture and hold the Glory City, so the risk would be too great for those who went offensive to end up last, if they lost the Glory City.

As soon as the altars opened, Lannisters attacked ruthlessly. ChristianOr scouted and immediately rushed to Altar of the Maiden, recapturing it for the Tyrell side.

The Lannisters replied in kind, sending SerBronn whose strong cavs were death to her inf.

Leaving Maiden to be recaptured by the other Tyrells who were mostly spear warriors, ChristianOr rushed to the Altar of Crone. 

Once more she was countered, but as her opponent had no synergy, no cav weapons and cav base, and no T5 soldiers in his ranks, she had no trouble ousting him. Once more the Lannisters attacked her swiftly.

This time though she was happy to see her inf bleed managed to withstand the inf hybrid favored by Meow, and she was definitely aided by the presence of Jon Snow in her commander ranks. Her joy was short lived as before she could replenish her losses, another inf player hit her and the few troops she was lacking led her to being ousted from the altar. 

She gnashed her teeth in frustration and she looked around to see which altar to attack when she realised that the dragonpits were about to open. She heard MAJ’s voice, as she had heard him so many times in the past arenas, instructing them to go after the dragonpits. ChristianOr had faith in OBV to take their own dragonpit so she set out to capture the Stark dragonpit, hoping to remain undetected.


Her invisibility cloak apparently was not working as she was attacked almost within one minute.

She managed to hold on the first time, but had to cede defeat when she was rallied out. Still she did feel very proud it took a rally to remove her solo army, and she took heart to attack even more. Maybe because she was alone without anyone instructing her, but she found herself to be unhesitant and quite ruthless. It felt exhilarating.

VinJulia, catching up to what she was about, responded by rallying. And she was vindicated.

Tyrells were hanging in there, but the competition was tough. As most factions chose the same play, the difference between them was infinitesimal. 

Przemo78, thinking along the same lines, called for a cavalry rally upon the Glory City. Everyone rushed to his aid, and as the city was held by infantry, Tyrell hopes were up.

And just as cruelly they were crushed. A slow sense of despair overcame them, but ChristianOr was determined not to be beaten. She noticed the mine shafts were open. If they could get as many as possible it might help them pull ahead in their close race. 

A crazy plan formed in her head and she attacked not once, but two enemy mineshafts taking the second with her non lord spears. She was fully expecting to be kicked but every point she managed to take form the opponents was a point gained for Tyrells.

She was kicked pretty fast with her lordless few spears, but she was holding on for dear life on the inf one.

And as soon as the inf mineshaft was emptied she cat around and discovered one more with points still. Again she did not hesitate.

Tyrells pulled ahead in second place. Intoxicated by the win, ChristianOr as soon as the third mineshaft emptied tried to take the Glory City. And looks like FOrtune favors the bold, as she almost captured it.

Immediately VinJulia started rallying. Alexander had been kicked, but Tyrells managed to kick, even if the holder was inf against their spear rally.

It was not to be though. Hades had proven the executioner for the Tyrells, and the blow was dual as Lannisters now passed ahead and dropped Tyrells in the rankings. 

Desperately as one, the Tyrells looked around. Every single point counted. No altar was too insignificant. Boots were wasted as every single Tyrell was attacking anything that was held by enemies’ banners.

ChristianOr glanced over at the Glory City, and saw that the Greyjoys had kicked the Lannisters. The difference between them was a hairline and second and third place kept alternating between them. 

  • One more minute, to take second, screamed VinJulia. Attack everything!!!

ChristianOr looked in desperation an enemy altar and calculated. If she kicked now, she had time to capture, but she needed to be fast, and hold. Speed was never her forte, but for once she moved lightning speed fast and kicked.

She looked at the rankings, and started jumping for joy. They had beaten Lannisters by a mere fifty points and they were in second place.

Next day, she met Az for a cup of mead in the inn. She was still in good spirits, enjoying their almost win.

  • So was your alliance happy with my performance? she asked teasingly.

And she choked on her mead and started coughing when Azazeal told her, without being able to control his laughter.

  • Oh yes, they think ChristianOr, the Bloodthirsty, is a great warrior, a great guy altogether.
