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UrCandy invades Dracarys!

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/14/2024 00:35

UrCandy, the leader of the Bully Squad, situated in K99, filled with BaN members, was in the midst of the Ultimate Conquest season, where only the best fighters were present. There was a bit of a break however, in the middle of the season, as in the winner's bracket, where UrCandy's alliance BaN resided, was going to fight only once a week, this would pose a threat to his form, which he wished to keep before the next fights.

In order to not lose his edge, UrCandy wanted to fight further and hone his fighting skills as much as possible as the competition went on. He was one of the best in Westeros, not only from BaN, who were the favourites of winning it all. Together they have finished the alliance conquest season on the first spot, a feat which was incredible as they only lost one match against PLQ, followed by a flawless victory against LEG in the first round of action.

This all however, was not enough preparation in UrCandy's eyes, who started wandering the seven Kingdoms in hopes to find a good target for himself to hone his skills against. His search required meticulous skills in order to not notify the enemies, but also had specific requirements: the Kingdom had to not be expensive to move into, but also the target needed to have many troops waiting for him.

Finding such a target would normally be difficult for many, but not for him. He was used to doing this for years, and now he was only honing his skills further by doing that.

It was not long before he could find a target, he had found the perfect one: a player that seemed to be away unbubbled, with many troops by his side and very cheap to transfer to. It was all he could ask for, he was going to go for him.

The target was Templarios 1, a member of WTF, he is someone of notable strength, as he has much merit to his name and an incredible rating, this combined with millions of troops, made him the perfect opponent for UrCandy to keep his edge until the 2nd round of Ultimate Conquest was starting.

Despite Templarios 1 being a strong opponent, he was not located in the same Kingdom as his alliance, which would have made it difficult even for UrCandy to attack him. Instead, he was in K255, alongside his friends, he was more open to attack that way. WTF, his alliance, are incredible foes, against whom even UrCandy would struggle to fight. UrCandy felt lucky to have found such a target in an easier Kingdom to move to and fight for himself.

Without any delay, he teleported next to his target, starting his attacks relentlessly. The first one was the most important, as it would reveal the formation which Templarios 1 was using. This would enable UrCandy to counter him and continue his attacks with lesser damage received. UrCandy was going to be a difficult opponent for him, and as the first hit arrived towards his castle, that was proven to be the case, UrCandy won by a large margin.

It was an attack that cost Templarios 1 a lot of T5 and T4, incredibly costly, and it was not yet over. UrCandy had barely broke a sweat, but he still had to analyse the report in itself. In the report, UrCandy already had a counter for Templarios 1, it had explained why the outcome was so one-sided even though it was the first attack. He now only had to continue using the same setup as he attacked him for a second time.

The second report was an exact copy of the first one, only this time, it signaled the end of the first line of defense for Templarios 1, who now was struggling without a proper defense against the incoming third attack, which announced itself to be the strongest from a distance. Ur Candy was showing no mercy as he continued his attacks, gaining merit and fending off the nearby castles, scaring them all away.

After the third hit, the high tier troops had finally run dry for Templarios 1, who had no chance of winning against such big difference, especially when unprepared. Ur Candy triumphed in his goals, but he still needed to finish the job, which he followed with two quick attacks before emptying his opponents' castle fully.

The quick invasion to train his edge was successful and without a hitch, he had finished what he set out to do, now only having to wait in order to go back to his Kingdom, where the Bully Squad of BaN awaited his return. He was going to return stronger, more motivated for the fights ahead in Ultimate Conquest and also more eager to fight against strong opponents that awaited them as the tournament raged on.
