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The Wildlings' Siege of King's Landing and The Night King Approaches

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/12/2024 21:45
Edited by blackl1on at 09/12/2024 21:48

Two weeks have passed since the battle of Westeros against the slaver masters and the Khal Dothrakis, and the White Wolf and the Lion are still recovering from the terrible battle they had to fight to defend the realm.

Sampls is still resting in King's Landing, before setting out on the march north, where his King Noit will soon claim him.

-The weather in the south is actually rather better than at Winterfell,’ smiled the White Wolf.

-True, friend,’ nodded Blackl1on, with a knowing look.

As they walked through the corridors of the Red Tower, SamRock, now Hand of the Queen, approached the two generals with a hasty, pale look on his face.

-A black raven has arrived from the North, Sampls,’ said the Queen's Hand. The news is not flattering. We must meet urgently in the council chamber.

The three knights climbed the stairs of the tower and entered the council chamber, a beautiful vaulted room with a huge hand-carved oak table in the middle. There sat the Queen Princess Raj at the head of the table and the other members of the council on either side of her. As the three knights took their seats, the Grand Master rose and read the letter aloud:

-‘My Queen... something has awakened in the frozen lands beyond the Wall,’ said the Maester, a lump in his throat. The White Walkers have been sighted again. The free peoples are fleeing, and the Wall's guards will not be able to hold out for long. Winter has truly come.

The silence in the hall was total. The news echoed off the stone walls, filling the room with an unease that even recent victories could not erase. BlackL1on exchanged a glance with Sampls, the King of the North. Both understood that, though the threat from the East had been eradicated, a far older and more dangerous one was beginning to awaken in the North.

-No rest for the heroes, it seems,’ the White Wolf muttered, with a sad smile.

-Nor for the realms we protect,’ BlackL1on replied, his eyes fixed on the Iron Throne, aware that the peace they had won was only temporary.

The Queen Princess Raj rose from her chair and walked towards them. With unusual solemnity, she placed a hand on each man's shoulder.

-The realm is in your debt. You have saved Westeros once more,’ he said, his voice firm, but his eyes were troubled. But the war is not yet over. And this time, we will face not only men... but something far worse.

The two warriors nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. The echo of winter was echoing in every corner of Westeros.

SamRock rose and, in a solemn voice, said:

-"That is not the only news. Several Dothraki encampments have been sighted outside the city. The wildlings you spared, friend BlackL1on, are regrouping and preparing to attack the city, I fear

BlackL1on stood up and said:

-We must deal with this double threat that presents itself by any means necessary. I will stay to contain this rebellious insurrection. Perhaps I did not make the right decision in sparing their lives. Sampls, my friend, you must leave immediately for the north to rescue your queen. And I promise to come to your aid as soon as I quell this rebellion in Landing.

-All right,’ said the White Wolf. I will prepare to march north and leave at dawn.

That night, as the stars shone above the walls of King's Landing, Blackl1on watched the sky from one of the fortress's tallest towers. Victory against the slavers and Dothraki had been bitter. The dead were countless, and though the invaders had been driven back, the price had been high. And though there remained a few strongholds to clear to ensure the protection of the Red Tower and the million people who lived in King's Landing....

-Are we ready for what's coming? -asked a familiar voice behind him. It was Princess Raj, the Queen.

-I don't know,’ Blackl1on replied, staring up at the stars. But we'll fight anyway. It's the only thing we know how to do.

-Then that's enough,’ she said, placing a firm hand on her old friend's shoulder.

Both looked to the North, knowing that peace in Westeros would be short-lived. The true challenge, one that neither men nor armies could easily stop, was coming. And with it, a chill that would freeze even the bravest hearts.

The wind whispered softly over the battlements of King's Landing, bringing with it the echo of distant war drums and the icy whisper of winter.

The next morning, the army of Sampls, the White Wolf, had set out north for Winterfell, where the White Walkers threatened to destroy everything in their path. In King's Landing, BlackL1on prepared to face the Dothraki rebellion brewing outside the city. The hordes they had spared had not learned their lesson, and now clamoured for vengeance.

The sun was barely on the horizon when the war horns echoed through the city. BlackL1on, clad in his imposing armour, mounted his black horse and rode to the gates of Landing, where his troops were preparing for battle. The walls were filled with archers and spearmen ready to defend the city.

With a steady gaze, Blackl1on scanned the horizon, where the figures of the Dothraki emerged amid the dust kicked up by their horses.

-This will be our last battle in the south, friend,’ he said softly, as if speaking to the wind. After this, the whole realm will unite to face what comes from the North.

The clash was brutal. The Dothraki hordes charged the city walls as fiercely as ever, but this time, the defenders were ready. BlackL1on led the defence with unstoppable strength, guiding his soldiers with precision and bravery. For hours, swords clashed and blood stained the lands around the city. BLackL1on had to go several times to the aid of several flagging captains on the flanks where the fighting was at its fiercest, so he sent several reinforcements, who held their own throughout the battle and the link was brought under control.

Finally, when the last Dothraki fell beneath his sword, Blackl1on allowed himself a moment's respite. King's Landing was safe... for now.

That night, after the victory, BlackL1on returned to the highest tower of the fortress, where the Queen awaited him. Together, in silence, they gazed out over the horizon once more, knowing that the peace they had won was short-lived.

-The North awaits us,’ said BlackL1on, breaking the silence. We must unite all the kingdoms. Only together can we survive the winter.

PrincesRaj looked at him with determination.

-And we will, whatever it takes. We have defeated men before. Now, we will defeat death itself

With those words, they both knew that the hardest part was yet to come. The war for the fate of Westeros was not over, it had only changed shape. And as the wind brought with it the icy whisper of winter, the two warriors, united by blood and war, were ready to face the darkness that lay ahead.

The echoing drums of war echoed through Westeros once more, but this time, it was not just from the hordes of men... but from the walking dead.
