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Eternalnight finds a new AoH team!

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 08/27/2024 20:47

Arena of Honor, an event where many fighters in teams of 10, face against others with the same goal in mind: capture of the City of Glory. An important objective in winning the event, providing grandious rewards and fame for the winner, they were going to have a great boost in their personal rankings, and everything went well, one would desire to have the same team always.

Sadly for Eternalnight, who has been wandering off from team to team, this was not the truth, as she needed to change her team very often. In the last 4 rounds, she had 4 different teams, none which impressed her. Now she was a part of the team of Tweety, a GCM rally leader who aspired for great heights alongside of his team, which seemed to be filled with BaN fighters.

In their recent matches together, they have always fought for the City of glory, but fell short, something that EternalNight could perhaps change with her strength, at least, she hoped to do so. With that in mind, she joined their forces and hoped for good results to come their way, maybe even remaining inside the team for good.

When the round was about to start, EN was looking around at all of the factions, her team ended up in the House Tyrell, a prestigious house among Westeros, but so were the other houses, in this arena, the best of the best were duelling. The opposing factions seemed to be filled with incredibly strong fighters, house Greyjoy especially, they were all members of HOH with a high quality of fighters, ranging from Oni Fae to Grombold, they made their presence and intentions clear: they were going to be the ones to occupy the City of Glory.

Compared to them, Eternalnight didn't seem to stand much of a chance, but she was willing to give it a try regardless and fight until the very end, she was a very honorable fighter and was going to abide by her code of honor and fight until her resources gave out. House Baratheon also seemed to pose a pretty big threat, they were filled with NFI rally leaders and experienced fighters.

With this all in mind, EN was a bit demoralised but excited for what was to come at the same time. She knew the team would be unable to get the 1st place in the rankings, but she was excited for what was to come from their fights against everyone, she loved a good battle and she was going to get it.

As the battle had begun, trade posts were built on the first row of strongholds, the aim was to have a good income of points as the fighting went on, whilst the second row, built of spears, was going to aim to capture the watch towers and catapults around the map, providing a massive amount of points at the beginning.

This approach was new for EN who wasn't used to it, but it seemed like a smart idea, it would help a lot if they could not keep altars as a team. And as soon as the fight over altars had begun, it seemed to be the case. All factions clashed in an all-out brawl out of which not many came out unscathed, including EN, who struggled for form against anyone from house Greyjoy, the team was beyond stacked in terms of warriors.

Many others on the battlefield were perfect counters for her, despite her strength, countering was powerful, she couldn't handle it well, leading to time wasted in trying to capture altars, losing points in the process. Thankfully, the strategy had started to pay off, as the team capture two watch towers, putting them in the second place in the rankings, despite their lack of altars.

But now, the catapults and city of glory were free to capture, it was going to become a dire fight if they wanted to keep a good ranking. Tweety, being as competitive as ever, has asked them to start fighting more eagerly, those words were exactly what EN wanted to hear, everyone in the team had then started pouring their hearts out on the battlefield.

The City of Glory was nothing but lost once House Greyjoy captured it, but the focus was on altars and catapults, and it had started going great! The first catapult was captured, the first capture points were secured, although it was not held for long. Then next the altars fights had gotten easier, as Greyjoy was focusing only on the City of Glory, they had lost one of their most powerful fighters from the team. Everything seemed to be in the right place at the right time, EN and her team were going to have a good ranking.

Towards the end of the event, altars were starting to crumble against House Baratheon, who managed to snatch a 2nd place finish, leaving EN and her team on the 3rd spot. Overall it was not a bad finish considering the teams they were up against, it made EN happy that they reached a good spot, although she wanted to push for more, the team felt the same way as a whole, and this made her happy, she knew they could push for better together in future matches.
