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GCM's fourth round of Alliance Conquest!

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 08/27/2024 12:00

GCM was on the rise in the rankings of the Alliance Conquest competition and amongst their own ranks, fighters became stronger and stronger. They were pushing hard in the Alliance Conquest season, determined to crack the top 16 in order to qualify for the Ultimate Conquest tournament, but they weren't fully just GCM members, they had a few secret recruits they managed to gain over the course of the season, their secret weapons. Their secret weapon? A new fighter named EternalNight, or EN as some of her teammates called her. She wasn’t just any fighter; she had grit and skill that made everyone take notice, alongside the desire to get better and better, no matter what it took. GCM had high hopes for her, knowing she could be the difference-maker they needed.

When EN joined in the third round, she quickly caught up on what had happened so far. The first round had been a breeze for GCM. They went up against a much weaker alliance and won without breaking a sweat. Spirits were high after that win, anticipating a great season ahead. But then came the second round where it all was about to change. They faced NW1, a powerhouse that crushed them with ease, something that GCM did not expect. The defeat was a hard pill to swallow. And they knew they had to step up their game if they wanted to survive in the top tiers. That’s when they started recruiting stronger members, and Eternalnight happened to be one of them, as she peaked their interest.

Their next match was against BvM, an alliance that GCM had a fair bit of experience with. When EN heard the news, she felt a bit of relief but also frustration. BvM wasn’t as tough as she’d expected which meant they were going to win, but she wanted it to be more intense, as it would be a declaration of how matches were going to be in the future. They were weaker than tSB, the team GCM had faced before. But EN didn’t let her guard down as underestimating her opponents could come with dire consequences. She knew that underestimating an opponent was a mistake. The plan for the match was clear: GCM needed to take control of the buildings and hold their ground. They couldn’t afford to let BvM gain any advantage whatsoever, they needed a clear cut win.

EN was given the important job of slowmarching to the Mother just like in the previous round. She knew how crucial this role was as it secured the healing speed bonus for the entire alliance. The Mother could turn the tide of a battle, giving the team that controlled it a big edge. EN set out with confidence, leading her troops toward the building. But just as she was marching towards it, something unexpected happened. BvM’s racer, moving faster than anyone anticipated, got there first. EN’s heart sank as she watched the building slip out of GCM’s grasp, as they executed the swap perfectly. Losing the Mother was a big blow, and it put GCM on the back foot right from the start.

But EN wasn’t one to dwell on setbacks. She quickly shifted her focus to the ports that were about to unlock. These were key buildings, and whoever controlled them could rack up points quickly, together they gave more than the most important building, Casterly Rock, this meant securing them was going to be vital. The races for the ports were tense and very close. Both sides fought hard, and in the end, they each claimed one port but the situation they found themselves in was entirely different as for BvM, they could be soloed out, however going equal on races wasn’t good enough for EN. She wasn’t satisfied with a tie in terms of racing when it came to a weaker alliance versus GCM. She decided to go after the port closest to BvM’s side, the one that was lost, in order to secure it herself. EN launched a series of solo attacks, hitting the port over and over. Her determination paid off. After wearing down BvM’s defenses, a teammate swooped in and captured the port. It was a small victory, but an important one. GCM was in the driver's seat, just Casterly left.

With the ports under control, the final objective was Casterly Rock. This was the most crucial building on the map as when a standalone, it was providing the most points per minute. Securing it would give GCM a huge boost in points and put them on the path to victory, closer to their objective. EN was once again tasked with leading the slowmarch. She knew this was their chance to seal the win.

As the clock ticked down, GCM’s racers sped toward Casterly Rock. They reached it first, just as planned. But BvM wasn’t ready to give up. They managed to intercept the swap, catching GCM off guard. For a moment, it looked like BvM might steal the Castle but EN wasn’t about to let that happen, nor was the rest of GCM as they rallied instantly once the building unlocked. She rallied together with her teammates, and together they launched a fierce counterattack. GCM hit BvM with everything they had, pushing them back and regaining control of the Rock. The fight was intense, but in the end, GCM stood victorious.

The match ended with GCM racking up over 100k points. It was a hard-fought win, and it ended up pushing them closer to their goal. They were now nearing the top 15, just a few steps away from where they wanted to be. EN felt a surge of pride as she looked at the results. GCM had proven themselves once again. They were getting stronger, more confident with each battle. The top 16 was within reach, and with fighters like EN leading the charge, they knew they had what it took to get there.
