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GCM's third round of Alliance Conquest!

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 08/27/2024 10:09

In the midst of the Alliance Conquest season and rankings, there was GCM, an alliance up and coming this season after receiving big reinforcements to their banner, they, like many others were asipiring to reach top 16 and venture off into the top of the mountain where others like BaN and WxC found themselves competing on a whole another level, they wished to challenge them.

One of those fighters that has joined them on their conquest was EternalNight, also called as EN, she was an incredibly dedicated fighter, who one could recognise at a glance, she gave off an incredible aura filled with strength and intimidation. However, the leadership of GCM was not intimidated whatsoever, they were rather intrigued, trying to recruit her amongst their ranks. After pursuing her in the first two rounds of the season, she had joined them in the 3rd, ready to face whatever came her way.

She inquired about what had transpired this season before her arrival, the answers were gloom from the leadership: it seemed GCM was in a complicated situation.

The first round was a victory, one where they had been paired with a way weaker alliance than themselves, something which thrilled them to see, but in the following round, NW1 awaited them, ready to destroy any hope they had for the beginning of the season going the right way. The match was an annihilation like never before, they did not know the difference between their strength was this overwhelming, but thankfully, they still had time to recruit members that could give them a better chance in the future, should they meet NW1 again.

One of them happened to be our protagonist EternalNight, who thrilled in the thought of an incredible battle and GCM was going to give her exactly that, whilst making her one of their most important fighters.

When preparing for the fight, the announcement of the opposition had reached her, GCM was going to fight against an alliance she knew nothing about: tSB. According to the leadership, this was going to be a victory on the paper, but not without any setbacks, they had to focus and not give the opponents any ground to make the victory difficult. Eternalnight agreed vehemently, as she was in a big pursuit for victory, seeing the enemy be ahead or her own team making mistakes, was going to shatter her competitive personality.

The plan was to secure every building as soon as possible, preferably with races and the swaps. Eternalnight was tasked with slow marching to some of the buildings, as she was in important rally leader which the team had to reinforce in order to secure buildings. She was ready to do exactly what was asked of her from the leadership.

As the match started, everyone started marching towards all of the buildings, the mother, the warrior and both outposts, all were being raced for. This was a crucial moment in the strategy ensued, who was going to win these races? Will the swaps be successful? It was a stressful situation for everyone involved, but especially for tSB, as they knew they were the underdogs in this story.

The buildings were split equally after the races, but swapping will prove difficult, as both alliances had slow marches at the ready. The first slowmarch for GCM was going to be towards the mother, where Eternalnight was heading her troops. The disband on the building was precise and flawless, however, it seemed as though it will all go flawlessly, but to Eternalnight's surprise, the reinforcements never arrived. This made GCM lose the first swap, tSB had now the upper hand in an surprising outcome.

This angered Eternalnight, who started soloing every building in sight, winning on each and every one of them, soon making the tSB armies disband their buildings one by one, excluding the mother, before the ports managed to unlock.

The ports were now the next targets: capturing them is a vital part of the match, as besides Casterly Rock, they provide the most amount of points per minute, Eternalnight was eager to capture one of them, thus this time attempting to race for the enemy port, but as she sped herself up, she arrived second, after another rally leader, there was no need for a swap in either port, they were secured right off the bat. It seemed that GCM has regained their edge, it may have taken a bit, but now they were dominating the match.

Casterly Rock was the last objective before the match could be called over by the leadership, but they needed to get many points in the rankings if they aspired for top 16, thus GCM was not going to disband after reaching 80k points, instead they were going for over 100k! The slowmarch for Casterly Rock was once again Eternalnight, who hoped that this time everything would go the right way.

Once the building unlocked, the racers sprinted incredibly fast, probably the fastest they have this match and secured the building right away. The swap was where tSB was trying to shine, but this time, once EternalNight reached Casterly, the reinforcements were there, already speeding in and securing not only Casterly Rock, but the win.

This put an end to the Alliance Conquest round and EternalNight joins GCM's AC season with a great win. There a few difficulties, but they can always be and must be improved upon, thought Eternalnight, who knew that GCM had the potential to reach their goal. With this all said, it was time to prepare for the next round already, it announced itself to be a fierce match, as the placement in the rankings will be higher for both alliances!
