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Alliance Conquest Season 19 Round 5 - [N0X] vs [I4I]-Road to Ultimate Conquest

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 08/25/2024 17:56

Its still summer in Westeros, temperatures are high and when sun its going to set, [N0X] warriors are gathering for the 5th battle of Alliance Conquest, sharpening their swords and preparing their horses for the battle. A day before the battle [N0X] checked the Alliance Conquest rankings and seeing that they could meet really strong alliances like [GCM] or [UTB] both being close on the rankings and playing when sun is about to set, our queen Scythe along with her most trusted commanders sent messengers to other big alliances hoping to attract some help on our side. When we reached to [WxC] and their commanders decided to help us and sent 2 of their strongest commanders to join our ranks for this battle, GA1A and EliaMartell.

On the battle day we received the participation letter and in it the queen found that upon the match draws made by the Old Gods themselves we were chosen to fight against [I4I] a strong alliance and actually a rematch for [N0X] as we fought them on our 1st Alliance Conquest battle of this season. We started preparing for the battle and everyone got assigned their roles as fillers, rally leaders and racers. Shado got his tiny F1 car and was assigned as racer again, will he win a race this time? Most likely not but lets keep hopes high.[N0X] managed to get 78 warriors for this match while [I4I] only gathered 57, but despite the numbers difference we didn’t underestimate them. Match started with races for the two Outposts, Temple of the Mother and Temple of the Warrior opening and Shado was assigned for the Targaryen Outpost, he kept telling to himself that he's gonna win the race, went ahead and noticed everyone in [N0X] too that he’s gonna win but what a surprise he lost and the voice chat filled with laughs, some friendly banter could be heard from the back rows too.

After the races buildings were split 50-50, [N0X] took Lannister Outpost with SnkyDragon and Temple of the Warrior with Mickyvee and [I4I] took Targaryen Outpost with Painter and Temple of Mother with Acesz. [N0X] proceeded to swap Mickyvee with suba bee and the swap was successful

Once the buildings open both Temple of Mother and Targaryen Outpost reinforcements weren’t a match for our warriors as they easily soloed the enemy out. Belore II proclaimed himself as the new Tower of the Mother owner despite us not agreeing with it(I think there was some booing going on too), while Gloriee took the Targaryen Outpost.

Race for ports followed after and Shado was assigned to race for Targaryen Port a race that as its probably no surprise for anyone by now, he lost, this time not being his fault, he got betrayed by lag. Targaryen Port was won by subarushi and Lannister Port by EliaMartell, then [N0X] swapped subarushi for DYW. [I4I] started rallying our buildings but they decided to split and go for different buildings trying to counter our rally leads that were holding the buildings. Most of their rallies were successful but they weren’t enough in numbers to take the buildings from us so we sent reinforcements and filled the buildings back.

The race for Castelry Rock was drawing close and Shado put on his racing shoes back on and tried to win his 1st race of this season this time against every other racer [N0X] had and a few rally leaders that weren’t holding a building at the moment. This time Shado was close but GA1A was just a tiny bit faster and considering his account is very strong he kept the building and we reinforced.

[I4I] continued to rally our buildings but they kept the same strategy, splitting their rallies into 2 or even 3 of our buildings and that didn’t help them get any of them. Then the personal castle bubble dropped and hunting season started, [N0X] warriors quickly rushed to get all hive points and so did [I4I]. Shado managed to catch 2 warriors with their guard down and took their points, 1st being a bleed inf against inf spears with no synergy and 2nd inf bleed against bows but with no bows into castle so quite easy wins.

As game went on and [N0X] being known for giving points to the enemies after we hit 80k, as we went over 60k and mines were about to open, a question was raised in chat: we do give [I4I] points or not? on which with the UC in mind the leadership answer was quite swift: we can’t give them points this time cause we need as many points as possible to get a good score for this match and keep on track towards our objective of reaching Ultimate Conquest, we all agreed and proceeded on taking the mines, one going to mini Yagami and one to Verdianna, and this kinda concluded our fight against [I4I], they fought well, had good rallies but ultimately having 21 less people than [N0X] got the toll on them and [N0X] won.

With this win, getting 366 points for it and having a 4-1 record over this season now, [N0X] has a very good chance to make’it to Ultimate Conquest for the first time, going up in ranks as high as 8th place after 5th match. We hope that the Old Gods will be good to us on last round too and not give us a very tough opponent. Looking forward to the next fight and don’t forget we win, we lose, we always try to have fun.
