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The last defense - Side by side with the dragon queen

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/27/2024 03:45

The sky was grey, the sun hidden behind deep dark clouds. On the horizon even darker clouds grow, streaming up like smoke, promising a bad storm to come. Infront of me lay the deep blue sea with white foam tips like cotton wool on the top of the growing waves. The weather was fitting with my mood and the situation at Dragonstone Lighthouse, our last fort against the enemy reaching the continent, but definitely not a good one to set sail. But we have been called for aid by the Dragon Queen Daenerys Targaryen herself, so no one hesitated no matter the circumstances. The thread laying before us was one of the biggest fleets Westeros has ever seen. Black Sails with the golden kraken blocked the view to the lighthouse and it was clear, if we do not defend it, it will take that army only the blink of an eye to set foot on land and bring terror above all our people. 

The battle was ongoing for 5 days already, hundreds of ships had been destroyed  and lay as wreckages on the ground. Salvaging them will bring some good advantages against the threat of the Euron fleet. Looking to the sky and the increasing wind I decided not to hesitate any longer and leave the harbor without any further delay. 

The sea was even rougher than it looked. Waves pushed the ship up and down, sails could barely be brought out and the mast cracked dangerously with the harsh movements. Water was everywhere, the waves crashing on the deck. The only way to keep everyone on the ship was to secure them with ropes around their corps. It did not take long to reach the first wreckage. I hesitated. Should I really let soldiers down there, risking their lives for some little advantage? But behind me, I heard the fight still going on. Commands yelled above the wind, wood cracking, when another ship was smashed, sails bursting, when the strong harpoons cut them like warm butter. This was not the usual steel on steel fight we are used to, this was a new challenge and I was thinking, if this was exactly the plan, getting us out from our usual territory, making us fight with weapons and strategies, we first have to adjust to it. But everyone, who already fought in this battle, said the same things: Salvage many wrecks and do only a few very concentrated attacks. 

The soldiers went down, the rest of the crew trying to keep the ship in place. Over and over the water roled over the deck, pushing us right and left. But no fear was to see in the faces of my soldiers. Everyone was determined to not let our lands fall under tyranny again. I myself came to Westeros to find a place to live by my own rules, not being dominated by men, seeing women only as brooding machines or house keepers. I surrendered wealth, I sacrificed a live in security to be here, to be free and I will not let that been taken from me. My soldiers around me know my story and everyone of them has the same values and was willing to fight for them until the last breath. 

The divers came up again, bringing a chest full of special armor for our horses, which will make them much stronger during the fight. The rumors are true, the wreckages are worth the risk and we have to keep going. We sailed from wreck to wreck, some giving a big push to our troops, some been pretty useless, but with time, my soldiers became stronger and stronger. 

When our supplies started to run low, we had to make a decision: Keep going for the wrecks or go into the fight. Right when I wanted to discuss that with my commanders, behind us a thundering roar filled the air drowning all other noises of the storm and the fight. We turned around to the lighthouse and an enormous black dragon flew right over it, his wings wider than 3 ships, his scales like red spikes all over his head and neck. On his back, barely to see on the beast and with the distance, set a small figure in black leather armor and braided golden hair. There she was, the dragon Queen, coming to defend the last stronghold of Westeros. For a moment that felt like eternity, the Drogon stood still in the air above the lighthouse, scanning all the ships in the sea. Everyone stared at them, friend and enemy alike, the fight came to a halt and even the storm seemed to take a breath. 

With another world moving roar, the dragon shot down towards the black sails, throwing dragon fire on them. Ship after ship was little like candles on a birthday cake, soldiers and crew jumping screaming into the water, just to find themselves between more burning ships and debris. 

And with that the storm came back. Our ship went up and incredible high wave, rushing down on the other side like a sleigh on a glacier. Now was the time to attack, if we linger any longer, our supplies will run out or the storm will finally destroy us. 

I spotted a ship with Cavalry and Infantry troops. Best we could find. We sailed as close as possible, sending the first attack out. Even with this unusual terrain, my troops moved quick and smooth. Within seconds they climbed above the railing, throwing their swords on the surprised soldiers, cutting deathly wounds, coloring the deck of the ship in red and went straight back to our ship. The report showed a great result, so we did the same again.

The attacks cost us many of our supplies and it was clear, we had to move to the harbor soon again. But one more time, the soldiers wanted to hit that ship of the enemy. Still more and more soldiers poured to the deck whenever my soldiers left. The corpse have been thrown into the water carelessly, I sent a silent prayer to the Stranger to take care of their souls. We needed to defeat this enemy if we do not wanted to end the same. So my troops went over one more time, causing the same picture. Blood mixed with water, washed away with every crushing wave, screams barely heard with the wind howling over the battlefield, the clash of metal, the crack of wood, the breaking of mast and planks. That ship will sink soon, so I recalled my soldiers and we headed back to the harbor.

On the open sea the fight was still going on, but in the distance of the harbor only the light of the dragon fire, shooting down like lightning from the deep dark sky, was to be seen. For today, there was nothing more I could do. All my supplies have been used and it will take the whole night to replenish them. Will that be enough? Will the remaining warrior around the dragon queen be able to send this fleet back to the holes they have come from? Will Westeros still be the same, when I wake up tomorrow morning? Was my contribution enough? Scarcely I have been this unsatisfied and insecure after a battle, as usually I am the last leaving the battlefield. Putting my fate and that of my comrades and soldiers into others hand is nothing I do easily. But within the years I have learned, that trust and hope are sometimes the only things that stay. And so I mounted my horse, still feeling the ground moving like the sea, and rode home, with faith into the dragon queen to rescue us one more time.  
