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shenanigans squad gets ***'d

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/07/2024 22:05

For match 6 of Arena of Honor, we made some changes to see if it elicited better results. Realistically, we don’t need to come in 1st all the time, but we should be finishing top 3 at the very least, in my opinion of course and yes I am biased. Lol The biggest change was getting into voice chat. Yes, it is something obvious lol. But it had never been an issue before, so we didn’t bother. Our poor results in most matches had called for drastic measures lol.

For this match we were to be House Stark… All hail the North…..

I glanced around the map and saw several strong players… FUK I thought lol.

And there was a few other strong accounts too.

This would be a perfect match for our version of communication on steroids. Being a chronicler and recording the matches can make it difficult for me to be in the game chat. Not to mention the multiple accounts. This would make it easier to adapt to changes in the match. We all had some ideas on strategy. M1lf felt we should just ignore the City of Glory and focus on securing 2nd or third. The rest of us thought that it is worth it to try for it. If we can get it, we can take a percentage of everyone’s points.  M1lf did have a point though, learning when to say when was a lesson we had not yet mastered. Balance would be the key. Ary and I were trying to figure out the best stronghold ratios, noting the watchtower defender appeared to be spears. One of the things that had been hurting us this season was not getting those. The prep phase goes so quickly. It was time to race for the strongholds.

I sent 1amy0u to the strongholds, so she could capture them. It was best to be more flexible with my own troops. Especially as the match went on and more buildings became available. Our first line of strongholds finished in decent time, I pulled back the alt and sent her to the next set of strongholds. She would hold the ones most vulnerable to loss by being the last line of defense. I reinforced her, but also began exploring the altars. They are a great opportunity to learn who your opponents for the city would be. It was here I began to see how FUK’d we were lol. They had a strong inf presence.

Sidenote, it is one thing to lose to your counter, but it is a special pain when your inf is out inf’d. lol 😂

They fuk’d me on Dragon Pits

And fuk’d me in the mine shafts. The Icemanx cometh. Like dang at least buy a lady dinner first lol. 😂

M1lf’s idea of securing 2nd or third was seemingly where we were headed. We would try for the city but the chances of holding it with the FUK group being stronger than us. But since when has logic ever stopped me from trying something stupid for your entertainment? Lol

As the City opened, we made our play. It was switching hands quickly, but I made my play and won….

HOWEVER, I was knocked out before I could even blink lol. Ponished even lol 😂

M1lf also managed a win

He too was knocked out quickly. We made a couple more attempts before we began to accept that M1lf's strategy may be the way this match. We couldn’t hold it long enough for a bubble so now the plan is to secure a decent placement, since first was not going to be an option this match. We went back to taking altars, dragon pits, mine shafts, anything we could get our grubby little hands on. The key was points, we needed as much as possible to progress our rank. While we were in 2nd place so far, 3rd place was sniffing at our heels.

The FUK team managed to secure the City of Glory. They were a very strong opponent. Our placement went down to the wire. We were constantly fighting for the altars, pits and mine shafts until the event ended. I was scared to look…..

We actually placed decently keeping our 2nd place spot.

In this match the lesson was learning patience and flexibility. We all want to be the one who conquers the City of Glory holding it until the end while fending off an endless stream of attacks. While I believe the City is always worth trying for, I have learned the value of having a solid plan b for when we can’t take and hold the castle. It can be hard to manage the feeling that you are giving up but the results from this match showed it was worth it. Besides we didn’t really give up, more like we recognized our limitations and focused on what we could do.  We also learned sometimes M1lf is right, but we won’t focus on that since it happens so rarely lol.
