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Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/08/2024 00:24

Day 2 of the K432 War

It was evident that the strongest of the K432  remained standing in that realm which was full of destruction and conflicts. alliances vied with one another and alliances were lost over war. The greatest of warriors were at the frontiers leading their arms into the battlefield and the places were gorged with the signs of war. In the storm of wars, there were two forces; 

KARASA - a leader of extraordinary power, The unbeatable Warrior in More than 8000 battles, and known for his true warrior spirit who can destroy everything for friends and buddies( I am one of his best buddies)

RRREVO - a man desperately trying to reestablish himself. The second day of the K432 War would be the turning point as fate brought, two leaders in a duel, one that will change the history of the realm.

Day 2 of K432 War

Daybreak of the second period was uneventful for both sides of the conflict. The fires and smoke from the previous day’s hostilities were still fresh, and zeroed castles could be observed on the battlefield. A member of the BaN Alliance, KARASA was surveying the damages inflicted upon his lands with cold determination. Thoughts of all but one completely wiped out his enemy and consumed him. He cut a formidable figure. His gaze was steely. Self-assurance defined his aura. It was not the first, nor the second for him to trample over his enemies. He was looking for more today, another win to his ever-swelling tale.

In front of him was the battlefield. It was the kingdom of RRREVO, the player of the TwS Alliance. RRREVO was a respected player; however, he was now a pawn in the game as the stronger opponents had emerged. His reputation was tarnished with the progression of the war and words of dissidence came among the men. 

But he did not take this opportunity as it was fatal to him. And within the storm, he moved his city out of the bubble making the city prone to attack. This negligence was soon noticed by some of the scouts under the leadership of KARASA and they reported it to the KARASA. To every easy task, there is an instance of luck. And kudos to KARASA as he could not believe his eyes that ‘RRREVO’ was as good as serving him victory on a gold plate.

The Battle Begins 

He ordered his forces to turn towards RRREVO’s city for a total clean-up attack. 

Disregarded and dismantled outside its protective barrier, RRREVO’s defenses did not stand a single chance against the KARASA’S army. What followed in the heat of the moment was disastrous but quick in time. The army of RRREVO had Infantry, Cavalry, Spearmen, and Bowmen, But They weren't able to stand Against KARASA’s T5 and T4 infantry.

At the fight, RRREVO’s troops who amount to millions got ready for the onslaught. The Royal infantry, standing at 1.9 wafted off the ground first. They however met their fate at the hands of more than a million soldiers of the KARASA Ancient Infantry and Royal Infantry.

Then it was time for the Cavalry who were RRREVO’s 2nd Line and who amounted to over 4.7 million dead 

In the conflict, REVVO suffered heavy losses. RRREVO, whose deployment was estimated to be about 16 million men, suffered severe casualties. After the attack, RRREVO suffered losses of 4.7 million Royal Cavalry, 520K Royal Spearmen, and an additional 1.91 million Royal Infantry in his bloodiest battle. His City was destroyed.

KARASA regarded the developing battle scene with a mixture of satisfaction and contempt. His troops had executed their maneuvers with perfect acuity and the enemy was on the brink of collapse. However, just as he was getting ready to deliver yet another vicious blow, RRREVO took a fateful step of Bubble his castle. He was aware that if he didn't open the bubble now Then this would be one of his greatest regrets.

On the second day of the K432 War, the result was in favor of KARASA all the way. He is a person who was not only able to make the fatal strike into RRREVO’s ranks but who revealed the vulnerability of the other side. RRREVO, once a fierce strategist, was now hiding inside a bubble even as his army was in tatters and exactly his reputation, the most important asset of a commander, was ruined beyond repair, returning to whimpering defense. Meanwhile, victory basked in KARASA’s posture bringing with each battle closer to the KINGDOM with which history will be etched.

With never a never-ending fight over the army and the whole part of the land, KARASA understood as the sun started setting over the battlefield, that it was only one of the victories among hundreds of painstaking ones. But he can now without fail turn his attention onto the goal which he set himself once and for all – the final conquest of K432. The retreat of RRREVO had demonstrated to the entire realm that he was now a non-threatening figure.

To be Continued-

