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The Battle of The Hall of Ages

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/26/2024 00:52
Edited by lordverm at 07/26/2024 00:55

Throughout the years, several tragic stories were told in the realm of the Seven Kingdoms. One of these tales was about the battle of the Hall of Ages, where many met a devastating fate at the hands of the alliance of KAC, which was renowned for its strength and ruthlessness! The Hall of Ages was a magnificent castle in ancient times with many hidden treasures and where it was said that the walls of the castle had witnessed the rise and fall of alliances throughout the ages. However, one day it saw another alliance fall in tragedy, as the alliance of House of Dragons major forces got annihilated by KAC.

I already knew that the alliance of KAC was strong, but never had I thought about them trying to conquer the Hall of Ages in front of our noses. Moreover, they marched with their full force, led by “Black Bear”, an undefeated commander of legions of Infantry whose strength was unmatched. Alongside the commander was yet another strong foe, Ganicus, A master tactician who was feared throughout the Seven Kingdoms. Yet the monstrous dualist Peacetown who is said to never have lost a fight, marched under the banners of KAC towards the Hall of Ages. 

As all the lords of House of Dragons had gotten word from the ravens, Stuunz, Korillion, shrike, The Plague and I marched towards the Hall of Ages. Each mile felt like an eternity as we could feel the weight of war upon our shoulders since we knew that it was inevitable. As we rode through the last valley the air started to grow thick with the scent of blood and smoke and when the Hall of Ages was within our sight, a huge cloud of smoke was coming out of it… upon the castle walls the banners of KAC were hanging but where was their main army?

As we rode closer to the castle, we were wary as both our sides had a forest and our position was vulnerable, but where were they? Suddenly different trumpets could be heard, and the fierce roars of enemy soldiers could be heard as thousands of thousands of troops came rushing towards us with one intention, to kill. It was the troops under the command of Blackbear on the one side and on the other side were Ganicus troops. The troops under the command of Korillion were annihilated as they were unprepared and a horrific scene played right in front of us, as we saw our comrades falling one by one at the hands of KAC. 

This horrific sight only decreased our morale, however, we stood unwavering as we wanted revenge for all those souls that lost their lives as that said the troops under the command of Stuunz were still fighting on against Black Bear but they got quickly surrounded and within a few minutes the battlefield was silent, as if there had never happened a battle… the enemies that were slaughtering them retreated as well and a new enemy appeared with his armies in front of the Hall of Ages, and it was the commander Peacetown. An army so large that it seemed like an endless sea and banners of KAC fluttering behind them in a smoky breeze. This was a strong reminder of the power that KAC wheeled and their ruthlessness.

Our commanders Plague and Shrike split up their forces to hit Peacetown from different angles, one far right and one the opposite. We knew that His forces consisted of spears and a few cavalries, and we only had spears and infantry left to deal with them. Even if infantry had the upper hand against spears, Peacetown had strong commanders under his leadership, that was exceptional at dealing with infantry even as spears. I split my forces up, as the spearmen I commanded joined Shrike and my infantry joined Plague. As we ran like savages with all our might and the ground trembling under our feet, a symphony of clashing steel, cries, and roars of the soldiers filled the air…

Our right flank commanded by Shrike was in dire of help, as the overwhelming forces of Peacetown were subduing us and pressing us back. Their strength was simply overwhelming but with sheer luck, some of us managed to press back it was in peril… as the enemy spearmen kept pushing and striking with their spears with all their might and we had to chance to retaliate without knowing they were trying to surround us! I quickly yelled to retreat before we were surrounded by the enemies. The little forces that had left all concentrated at one point, so we could retreat. We kept pushing as we all had one thought in our mind and that was to live to fight another day!

Plague was also fighting but losing badly as well and Peacetown’s forces closed in around him. He and his men fought valiantly, but in the end, they lost, as they were outnumbered. But Plague and his few men that were left fighting for their lives as they were trying to fall back and regroup with us to retreat. The retreat was chaotic as we were all trying to fend off the pursuing KAC force and our best hope was the river, as its swift current would make it difficult for the enemy to pursue us. As we reached the riverbank, we could see the enemy forces closing in behind us. There was no time to lose, and we began crossing the river, the current was strong, and the wounded troops struggled to make it across, but with the help of each other and the thought of refusing to leave anyone behind, we made it across.

On the far side of the river, we regrouped breathless and soaked and, in the distance, we could see the army of KAC stopped pursuing us. Stuunz & Korillion lost their lives in this slaughter and the battle for the Hall of Ages had taken a heavy toll on us. But those who were still alive and breathing retreated, but all had one thing in their mind, and that was to grow in strength so that we one day may win against the forces of KAC and get revenge for the many lives that were lost on that unforgettable day. 
