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A new prince in k29

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/26/2024 00:22

After having traveled in search of new horizons, Vanette and her entourage are happy in another kingdom, but k29 is still a kingdom that attracts attention.

Brisssy, the former queen of k29, looks through the battle reports as her careless members are zeroed by Antares, feeling guilty for the situation her members are experiencing.

Vangark, the new king of Brisssy, tells her, "It's not your problem anymore, cut the umbilical cord you have with k29, it's their fault, not yours, they're not babies for you to be taking care of day and night."

The same comment was said by Diablita and Vanette.

Not possessing or synergy plays a role against Mirkoo, which was easy prey for Antares, who uses the meta female combo to zero him out.

His friend QUEEN I, who claimed to be on vacation, was sad to find his alt at zero but at the same time happy because one of the greatest in GeN dropped his bubble and left him at zero.

The next day Antares continued looking at the GeN who had forgotten the bubble.

Terri, who was feeling strong having recently unlocked t5, decides to receive Antares' attack, with everything prepared for war.

While he was doing hof, he had forgotten something very important, he did not put the anti-scout so Antares, knowing that he is lancers, cannot go with cavalry, but he also attacks with lancers, decides to change his attack formation and advances with Terri, defeating him by a very narrow margin, with almost nothing left for the lord to lose, Terri decides to retire.

Vanette, who has a lot of experience withstanding rallies and blows in solo, shows a lot of discomfort with the attack and scolds him, telling him, what are you doing with many troops that are of no use to you, if you had only had spearmen the lord would have caught him, and Antares would have been gone without knowing your stats, now he'll probably send some infantry to k29 because he already knows what your strongest formation is.

Lady Brisssy, annoyed with Vanette, asks him to come in and explain how to withstand blows. He takes his time saying what they should do to catch the lord, where some companions like the Hispanic lord and Anais question the issue of troop distribution, saying things that stop them. They were not pleasant to listen to, he calls Diablita, who has experience playing as castle zero, proposing that they only train the troops necessary for the war and the rest only 1M, which the members of the GeN alliance question about that style of combat , not being to their liking, feeling ignored and that they wasted their time... they let them stay with their thoughts and continue dying when attacked by Antares.

Diablita, very uncomfortable with her alliance partners, she doesn't say much about them, she just wished that one day they would change their thinking, learn how to fight...

Vanette always clarifying that for any defense more than the issue of troop distribution, statistics, synergies, weapons and everything necessary to hold out is a set... she sees potential in some GeN players who are being wasted, But they can't do anything to change that thought, only wishing that one day someone who will burn them will make them see their mistake and reconsider.

Lord Vincen's bubble had fallen after the sermon that was given to Terri, in this case they did not have much opinion, only Vanette, the WxC warrior, realized beforehand about said player, expressing this phrase: "If he falls the bubble, it sets it to zero, Antares"

It has a poorly configured wall, added to the fact that it had neither talents nor war clothing.

Antares, after having zeroed out Vincen, tells his partner QUEEN I, saying, I have finally managed to hunt him down.

QUEEN I has no choice but to congratulate his alliance partner, since he has always wanted to obtain all the merits of the GeN alliance, but at the same time he did not have enough power to kill everyone...

On the other hand, Vanette analyzes all the merit obtained by Antares telling his new combat group.

"Antares will obtain the Prince rank next week from so much GeN that he has set to zero in recent days and will become stronger, but well it is no longer our business", do not be surprised that he takes office and is the new king of k29.

A future prince will be born next week thanks to GeN's carelessness, and he will maintain it for a long time..., the situation in k29 will get worse but no warrior is there to protect said kingdom...

But what will happen to QUEEN I?, seeing that his friend only gets the merits and not him... he will talk to him to move his weapons and go where the warriors will wait to fight him or he will go as an invader to another kingdom.

It is very likely that another civil war will be generated for conquistadors but it is a fact that there will be no one to support Antares or QUEEN I.
