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K29'S journey of no return, but always leaving memories...

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/24/2024 07:52

After a rigorous CCS that was fought in the Hall of Ages together with the KAC alliance, Vanette the WxC warrior prepared his weapons, resources and everything necessary to go on an expedition again but this time without return...

Without first making a final exploration of the RRH members who made him make that difficult decision to move to another kingdom, without a strong reason to return, since Monikoo, his wife, also decided to make that trip with him....

And he just finds QUEEN I and his entourage without a bubble, to which he jumps without thinking twice, without first scouting to know what to hit him with without losing soldiers.

"I need a rally for QUEEN I but I can do it alone with the entourage," Vanette exclaimed to his friend Diablita, and the attacks for the army of SirBaloo, L A R A and WarBeast.

"Wow, the soldiers from QUEEN's entourage didn't even kill you, Diablita said to her friend, I used the reinforcement skill, friend so as not to lose anything to him... exclaimed Vanette after having zeroed out QUEEN I's entire entourage, Not happy with that, Vanette, with the exploration he had, decides to take away all his resources to make his name remembered by the two RRHs who were bothering him.

Already looted and without resources Vanette the WxC warrior asks GeN if they can help fill his rally with the objective of zeroing out

QUEEN I, who has the scout of the soldiers that he has.

The GeN people didn't even listen, despite having that golden opportunity, for the reason that Antares set them to zero.

Well, the reason is understandable, Vanette exclaimed to the GeN alliance, after seeing that QUEEN I put a bubble in his account.

Vanette, saw that he had the lords of the QUEEN alts, wanted to give him a souvenir, he decided to use the Dragon Execution skill on the spot, decapitating the head of the lord of SirBaloo.

After that last act of civil war and having left QUEEN I without resources, Vanette the WxC warrior gets his things ready to retire from the kingdom, once again leaving his QUEEN I alts without the possibility of being able to bother any member of k29.

But he is still aware that there was still a complete enemy, Antares... who there was never a confrontation against him, since their level was similar, perhaps Vanette was a little inferior to him, but not enough to be able to be zeroed with solos.

He waited patiently after the Savage Siege event for the time to be able to jump with Monikoo, his wife in the game...

Vanette already had everything prepared...but not his wife, she had sadly told Vanette.

"I can't jump, the kingdom asks me for many transnational companies, I will stay here until I can jump."

Vanette, sad, tells her, no, my wife, don't stay, if you stay there it can be dangerous, many of your companions have fallen, you are still growing, you have to come with us anyway, I will do something.

Thank goodness that among his many alt accounts he had 3 accounts to raise power and surpass that of his wife with the purpose of saving her from the danger of being in k29.

Wife, whatever it is, you will jump today and get rid of danger, Vanette exclaims to his wife happily.

Now we have a new group... wife, where the war players are here, I know you don't have it yet, but here you will learn how to do it, it is never too late to learn and start the path as a warrior, Vanette exclaimed to Monikoo after having received her in the new kingdom.

Monikoo responds, thank you husband, for bringing me here, I want to learn to fight, I have seen all your fights, it is very dangerous, but I will help you when you attack.

With the arrival of Vanette and Monikoo the group was completed....

This new group was formed with the purpose of fighting and supporting each other in events, since the situation in K29 is unsustainable, with the arrival of Antares and the constant civil wars that had occurred....

They have left many players who supported Vanette at zero...

In short, k29 is buried and no one could take action on the matter, but Vanette leaves with his head held high, knowing that QUEEN I has no more means to continue fighting or bothering.

And with the topic of Antares, well maybe that versus will be pending in the future, since if he decides to bother Vanette in the new kingdom, he will have help from his new friends...

The story with k29 has come to an end for Vanette and his entourage...

His last act of civil war said it all.
