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Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/22/2024 07:29

A Call to Arms!

Another edition of CCS (Champion City Siege) was heading upon us! Advisors from GoTWiC have sent their letters confirming the date and time for each of the regions to be ready for a bloody fight at the Fort Lordsbane grounds. The event was happening on the Sunday 21.07.2024 where warriors of multiple kingdoms were meant to meet and either combine forces, or face against each other. This time I (MakeMeAngry1) did not have any team prepared, and i was not sure if i will participate, yet i decided to observe the battleground till the last 10 minutes before the event starts, and then potentially ask to join one of the teams. Once i have entered the battlefield, i noticed a lot of groups gathering, but the two that have caught my eye, were team Uws and NoG. It was clear at this time, this battle will be mainly between those teams, and the only unknown part was to find out who is going to be the ultimate winner.

Uws vs NoG - Challenger matchup.

While castles kept arriving, new warriors were joining NoG, one great warrior could have been noticed very quickly. It was BAIZIMING, this warrior was known in whole Westeros for his old battles where he was representing teams like BDR and currently BaN (combination of N3O + BDR, plus few others). We could see his great game knowledge during the famous battle between Russian warriors of GoTWiC against Asian team IKW, which resulted in IKW being disbanded. It was clear this fighter will be the one trying to enter the Lordsbane Fort, and keep it for as longest possible, while other members of NoG would try to reinforce him.

What about Uws you could ask? here is a bit of a story from my personal experience. When i have firstly joined this intriguing world of legendary battles and constant game-changers delivered by spy services or betrayals, i have been assigned to Kingdom 203, kingdom where Uws was residing all their life. I know this team very well as we combined forces once, where myself and TryTon fought evil forces in order to force them to stop attacking - at that time - our kingdom, and eventually, later, leaving the kingdom.

This time i was glad to see that this was the tag we will be using during this battlefield, and i could very quickly notice couple of names i know from my own alliance. Members of WTF such as Noble Zeus, Vangark or W1SEWOLF, were known to me, yet never had opportunity to get closer contact and cooperation with them on the battlefield, so it was something exciting and new.

I must mention there has been always great rivalry between WTF and N3O / BDR, which those 3 teams usually conquer for the top3 spots in every alliance event. Players knew each other from countless battles, and definitely this was keeping them even more motivated to achieve the glorious victory.

Noble Zeus was a great Infantry fighter, supported by a spear warrior Vangark, and the rest of the team which was there to reinforce rallies including myself, we were hoping that this might be enough to beat BAIZIMING's spear/cav formation. How do you think? was this enough to beat such experienced warrior? this is about to be revealed..


While we were about to start the battle, one lonely but a very dangerous warrior, could have been spotted next to our hive. It was Problemka, known mainly from his tenure within team NW1. Amazing skills exposed while using his sword on countless of grounds, where he kept getting out of the troubles even while outnumbered, have made him very famous in the world of Westeros.

As you could see, Problemka was under WxC tag, i knew this is very experienced infantry warrior, so another great addition to our potential squad. It made me feel very pleased knowing few minutes later, he decided to join our squad to fight against the NoG! The morale have been boosted and this could be clearly seen when everyone started welcoming our new/old friend. We were ready to face whatever the future was about to bring.

Battle has officially started!

Shortly after Problemka joined our forces, people were more than ready to fight for the throne of Lordsbane Fort. They knew as whoever will end up victorious on this battlefield, their name will be known and passed from one to another within the kingdoms. I was a bit skeptical, looking from my personal point of view, as infantry is not my troop type, so i could only be of service to send my troops for what we like to call 'meat shield' so then the real damage could be coming from warriors like Noble Zeus or Problemka. I had small hopes Vangark will lunch some rallies, so then me and my spears could do some additional damage!

Shortly after the fort has been open for invasions, BAIZIMING did not hesitate and take it, after which immediately reinforcements from his NoG friends were incoming. We knew the time is not working on our favor so we have lunched rally as soon as possible. Noble Zeus was leading, and we all put our trust in his experienced hands. Unfortunately, the reinforcements were too fast, and before our first rally hit the castle, it was fully reinforced. That would not make us loose our faith in the ones who were leading us on this battlefield, we kept fighting, sending our infantry to the battle, from which many could not have returned home.

First series of attacks and a surprising guest

First hit was sent to the Fort and as long we have won the fight, we did not win the battle, and the enemy has remained within the walls of the Fort, with a bit smaller numbers of soldiers.

This was a very good hit, and very promising for the whole battle, if you start like this, it can only lead to great things.. Well this is what would potentially happen, if we would face anyone less experienced than BAIZIMING. Unfortunately, this great warrior was not having any of this, and shortly after, has prepared few 'surprises' for our next attacks, by asking his friends to reinforce him with cavalry, which counters our infantry.

As you can see the numbers of cavalry soldiers have greatly increased since first attack, yet it was not strong enough defense to defend from Noble Zeus rally. BAIZIMING had to call for more cavalry to join his forces, which has resolved in better result during 3rd attack of ours, unfortunately.

The next rally has hit the Fort and here are the results

As you can see, the results were looking more and more equal, as the cavlary reinforcements were overtaking the spear ones. We had to think about a new approach, and this is when Vangark called for a duo rally, asking Problemka to start running his own rallies against BAIZIMING, which were meant to be timed closely with Noble Zeus rallies, this way both rallies hit at about the same time, and do maximum damage.

Unfortunately as both were infrantry, this did not work either, as more and more Cavlary has been coming towards enemy fort, to counter us.

We kept trying anyway, and never gave up!


While reinforcing our great leaders, and healing those who were returning from the battlefield, i have noticed there is a sleeping giant in the corner, which doesn't perform any action. It could be clearly understood as they were there to reinforce NoG in case they lose the fort. We are talking here about HOH, which was also one of the strongest alliances in Westeros, so a great addition to the enemy team.

It is worth mentioning that while we kept fighting NoG and we were the main challengers to occupy the fort from BAIZIMING hands, there were other teams trying that too, and one that shown up in big numbers, was known to us team NoS, which was constantly rallying the fort, even not doing too big damage.

Just next to them was also clan IXA where was one player which caught my eye, using Denearys as his main lord. It was Macas, who later during the battle, was able to mark his 'appearance' to everyone.

At the same time, we have greet more WTF warriors who came to join us, yet we did not have any more empty spots in the team, and unfortunately they could not join us. It was Abigor and SlayerHUN.

Continuation of the battle and new approach

As our infrantry kept doing damage, yet not big enough to kick enemy from the fort, we decided to try something new. This is when Vangark and RAWRR decided to rally enemy with their spears, while Noble Zeus would be keeping sending his infrantry rallies at the same time. This could potentially work as spears would counter the weaker line of BAIZIMING troops - cavlary, and Zeus could face his main forces of Spears! How did it go? Look for yourself!

As you can see, the first hit was from RAWRR which was just not the same level as BAIZIMING, and got slaughtered. Shortly after Vangark called for troops, and i knew i want to join that one. My spears and the dragon have joined united forces at the rally point, and shortly after they have been sent to hit BAIZIMING, this resulted in a great hit! I must say this was also mainly because previous hit of RAWRR was able to eliminate a lot of Tier 4 Spearmen, so hit of Vangark could focus on Tier 4 Cav mianly.

We have attacked the fort and the minute enemy cavalry started charging towards us, we could only wait and defend forming a line with our long spears upfront. The horses were dying, the sound of an animal in agony was unbearable yet we had to do it, to knock the enemy down, and then finish them off. Unfortunately this was still not enough to enter the castle and take it for ourselves.

Change of the Fort owner

At this point BAIZIMING has already claimed the fort for longer than half of the battle time, hence allowed his teammates to get some points in the ranking. He has left the castle and DIA3LO took over. To be honest i did not know this fighter, i did not even know what kind of troops should we expect, yet it did not matter, we just kept continuing hitting the enemy!

It did not take long for this fighter to be kicked out of the Fort and finally we could claim it for our own.

Unfortunately for us, that is when the sleeping giant woke up, and immediately, without hesitation, HOH has hit the Fort, to then shortly after leaving it for NoG. It felt like we are very outnumbered, and overpowered, yet the courage and stubbornness we have shown, kept us going.

The battlefield has gone a bit chaotic, where the Fort has been constantly conquered by different team, NoS, IXA, HOH, NoG, or Uws.

When we finally felt like only two enemies are able to do any damage to us, wangchuang came from nowhere. His hit has been very painful to Noble Zeus, where his infantry battalion has been crushed.This was very surprising considering enemy was using spearman, which normally should be countered easily by our leader.

In the meantime of everyone fighting each other, even IXA had their moment, which i have mentioned previously, and the fort was also theirs for a moment.

A fairly honorable defeat.

The overall battle has taken an hour long, and many, i mean many soldiers have been a casaulty of it. This is the life within the Westeros life unfortunately, that those whos profession is participating in the countless battles, very often don't see the next sunshine.

BAIZIMING has become the ultimate ruller of Lordsbane Fort, and below can be seen rankings of those who have killed and lost the most during this event.

I believe the courage and efforts we have shown should be remarkable enough to be respected by our enemies. We have shown unity and ability to conquer anybody even if the situation doesn't support us from the beginning till the end.

I believe it is essential to stick together as united possible, and that can harm even the most feared encounter, as per one of the most famous lines from Game of Thrones mentioned by Melissandre 'the night is dark and full of terrors'
