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SoW Semi-finals - TsM vs Unb - End of the road

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/21/2024 08:56
Edited by eyaka1 at 07/21/2024 17:06

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End of the road...

Eyaka woke with a start; the night had been a restless one but a deep sleep had finally taken hold and, with the depressing paucity of a dreamless sleep, morning had arrived. The sun shone through the drapes as though they weren’t even there and seemed to burn straight through his eyelids. It was no use trying to sleep in. Besides, even if the wretched drapes were doing their job, the apprehension for the upcoming match was already clawing at his chest. TsM would be facing Unb for the second time. The reports from their first meeting were still fresh in memory.

TsM rarely faced such crushing defeats. Unb simply outclassed them in pretty much every aspect. The only area they might possibly be evenly matched in was their desire to fight. This was little comfort. Their defeat today was so much a certainty that the main source of apprehension was the possibility that many lords would not turn up to fight at all. Eyaka’s only real desire from this match was that his alliance would do themselves proud and fight regardless of being outmatched.

“My Lord, a raven arrived last night after you retired and if I am not mistaken it is from one of the lords of Unb.” Maester Gu’Gol handed Eyaka the message“and please get dressed my Lord, we must depart for Winterfell as soon as you are ready”.

Eyaka cursed to himself, there was no offence meant by this message, he knew that. Michiel Snow knew TsM didn’t stand a chance, this was a kindness. No, the curse was not for any insult but because he knew himself so well. This letter, though not intended as one, was a challenge and there was no way to avoid rising to it.

“Maester, please respond, tell him that we thank him for his kindness but that I plan on putting up a fight nonetheless”

The journey to Winterfell was both uneventful and surprisingly short. Usually the journey felt like an age. Perhaps it was because, unlike in previous matches, there was absolutely no pressure to win. This match would be about one thing only: eliminations. The earlier apprehension about turnout had long been forgotten as that singular focus had taken root. Arriving at camp would have quickly dispelled any concerns about desertion anyway; TsM had arrived in great numbers. At least fifty commanders were gathered, equaling their number for the glorious victory against tSN only days before. The inevitability of their defeat had not dissuaded anyone from participating. This brought a rush of pride, TsM WOULD fight, even against impossible odds. Some would call this foolhardy but to Eyaka this was the most laudable trait one could have as a warrior.

“Eyaka, ready for one more dive into the abyss?” Neveziad had the same smile seen on Scott’s face in the previous match, though, without the gore and sweat framing it. “I see from your grin that you are eager for blood too Nev, you are aware of course that we cannot hope to win?” It was rhetorical of course, this was after all one of the most experienced generals in their ranks. “Of course we can’t win but as LadySam herself noted, all we need concern ourselves with is being as much of a nuisance as we can and putting up a fight. This will be a pleasure.”

The commanders of TsM readied themselves and the horns of Winterfell blew. As usual Eyaka led his men straight to the hot springs. Unlike usual he did not arrive to a few ranks of enemy cavalry. Unb were truly legion, it was hard to fathom how they could be here in such great numbers with fewer commanders on the field. “Well, nothing else for it, once more into the breach”

The fighting was intense, all around banner after banner fell but it seemed to be only those of TsM hitting the dirt. Spears were being shattered, shields splintered, the sound of horses crashing to the ground and yet the host of Scarlet clad enemy soldiers did not seem to shrink in its terrible size.

Losing all three armies this quickly had not been part of the plan, however, nothing would break the resolve. Fresh soldiers were prepared and sent straight back into the chaos. The ground was becoming a bog of mud and effluence, the fighting frenzied. Eyaka tried his best to maintain some semblance of order and discipline, hoping beyond hope that his men were at least taking some of the enemy with them as they fell. Fall they did, his support soldiers were targeted first followed by his second line troops but even his frontline, the most seasoned men he had under his command, fell once again.

The time came to head to Winterfell, Unb might be destined to take the treasure but Eyaka would make damn sure it was not an easy ride. Hospital emptied and the lines reformed he marched on to the great castle to meet the foe head on.

TsM were not letting up but they could not halt the steady march of Unb. The treasure had made its way to Base 4 and a valiant but ultimately doomed attempt was made to wrestle the base from the enemy before the package crossed the threshold. Unb secured the first treasure and now the allied troops found themselves grossly outnumbered and “behind enemy lines”, still they fought to the last.

Yet more healing and armies refreshed. The plan was the same, back to Winterfell to fight once more for the treasure. A rider found Eyaka on the battlefield: “Lord Eyaka, I bring word from my master ScottTeller, his armies are depleted and he cannot afford to continue, he has to withdraw.” This was bad news, Scott was one of the strongest commanders in TsM, his soldiers would be sorely missed.

The fighting was fiercer than in any match in memory, never before had so many been lost at this stage of the match, however, they were close to half way and while Unb had secured yet another treasure, that was only two. However costly, there was no doubt the enemy were being hindered greatly by this war of attrition.

Word was coming in from ally after ally that the fight was proving just too costly to continue but the enemy did not seem to be letting up at all. They had passed the halfway mark and by his reckoning Eyaka was maybe fifth or sixth in the elimination rankings. At least fewer TsM commanders on the field meant fewer eliminations available for the enemy. Obviously, more allies would always be preferable but there HAD to be a silver lining.

Eyaka would have second thoughts about this “silver lining” when he found himself alone at Winterfell, completely surrounded by enemies with only a few ally soldiers even within sight.

Returning with fresh troops once again, the third treasure was released. Eyaka and several of his more tenacious allies were chasing down the enemy escort. 

“Neveziad, somehow I knew you would be leading the charge!” The shout he thought was lost amongst the deafening sounds of steel on steel. “I knew you’d be right here with me, we fight to the very end!” Any faltering there may have been in morale was squashed. They would fight til the end. With renewed vigour Eyaka led his spears head on at the escort, they were met with ferocious strength but for once his soldiers outnumbered the enemy and by some miracle the treasure was ripped from the foes. Of course, they had no base to send it to and, even if they did, the full force of Unb was bearing down on the hapless spearmen. They fought for their lives as they carried the treasure as far from a base as they could but… they fell.

By the time troops were healed and armies were readied once more, the enemy had secured the third treasure. The match was coming into the final stages though and TsM had managed to limit the gains Unb could have made. There should have been time for five or six treasures but only three had been released. This was already a success but the fourth treasure would soon be out. Back to Winterfell, there was no such thing as surrender.

By rights, any sane commander would have withdrawn from the battle at this point. A blood lust had come over Eyaka that was almost frightening, sane he was not. While assembling yet another army at the base camp a raven arrived, it flew straight to the battered commander: 

“Eyaka, you have fought well, I know we promised to withdraw but it is impossible for you to reach the minimum points for rewards now. As it is evident that you knew this would be the consequence of your actions we will grant your wish for a fight and stay on the battlefield. Yours, with great respect, Michiel.”

The smile that spread across his face would have terrified even the most fearsome of opponents. It was manic… alarmingly similar to that of the white walkers seen relishing every fallen man in the last great invasion from beyond the wall. Looking across the assembled army of loyal soldiers was like looking in a million mirrors. Each wanted blood; they set out once more to get it.

Time was almost up and while myriad soldiers were cheering to be admitted back onto the battlefield, most were in no fit state to fight. There were only enough soldiers to fill one last army at full strength. They marched out for one final stand, knowing they would all fall. This was the bravery of Eyaka’s bannermen. Many would call it stupidity but to them there was no greater honour than to fall in battle.

The horns of Winterfell blew once more. The battle was over. The match a categorical defeat. However, despite the vast difference in score it did not feel like a loss. TsM always knew they could not win but here they had been, fighting to the last. They had tried anyway, despite the odds and what more could anyone have asked for?

It was almost a week later that Eyaka would get further vindication of his efforts. Despite only playing two matches in the playoffs he had reached third place in eliminations and earned some valuable rewards; rewards well worth the hospital bill from their final, epic match.
