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A Close Encounter(The War of Kingdoms)

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/21/2024 08:36
Edited by *dariya* at 07/21/2024 19:59

                                                  A Close Encounter

                                                (The War of Kingdoms)

         The Night King has been slain. The curse that plagued the land, corrupting and covering it in eternal darkness has finally been lifted after his death. Peace has now been restored to the whole kingdom as the days of total darkness and war had come to an end. A celebration had taken place in King’s Landing to honor the victory of this great battle.

All the members of our kingdom had relished in this triumph. We would now be able to finally rest and enjoy many days of peace. However the Seven had other ideas. 

    War was once again brewing. Another battle has returned to Westeros,the War of Kingdoms which would end the reign of peace upon the kingdom. As the new moon arises the rift that separates one kingdom from another will soon be opened allowing two kingdoms that have been chosen by the Seven to open fire on the opposing kingdoms and declare war.

It would be a long, tiring and sometimes tedious battle that will occur against the two opposing kingdoms. They would both fight each with all their might but in the end only one kingdom will reign as the winner.

That one would be the one who is able to successfully defend their own kingdom while taking over the enemy’s and earns the most points for their kingdom. They will not only be crowned the victor by The Seven would also be granted the rights to harvest level five blue diamond mines as a reward for their victory. With the War of Kingdoms coming near the members of TQL now must unite together and prepare to defend their kingdom from the enemies that seek to conquer it.

    Several hours have passed after the great battle over our kingdom had begun. Our realm had been matched with kingdom 74 which was home to the alliance NBe who had some of the strongest warriors in all of Westeros. Most of the kingdom had already gone to rest at this late hour or had been gathering resources in the enemy’s realm. Many of the members of TQL had wanted to avoid crossing paths with the warriors of NBe. As most of our capable warriors and leaders had gone to slumber and would await to battle their foes once the sun came up and they had awoken.

   I now found myself in the midst of it all holding King’s Landing and a few other Great Cities with no one to keep me company or reinforce our castle other than little Chizuru. Though she was one of the smaller members of this kingdom, the Queen had instructed her to join our alliance during this battle to scout and hold the castles in our kingdom. The number of Chizuru’s troops were so scarce that they could take and scout castles without being detected by the enemy soldiers or suffering much consequences. This would be ideal for holding King’s Landing and claiming it for our kingdom. With the help from the small young warrior we were able to take hold of most of our kingdom for a while. 

   So I stood here inside this great fortress of a castle in the stillness of the night with almost no sound or utter breath from anyone who lived in this realm. From what seemed to be a quiet and calm night, this was far from it. The usual dark starry sky that loomed above me was nothing more than an angry sky that raged over me.

It looked as if the sun and the moon had collided into each other as if to tell the tale of the chaos that was soon to unfold. Despite being here without any enemies present there was no rest. I would have to keep my guard up at all times lest I turn my back and have the enemy strike at our castle when I was not looking. Then allow them to take over our kingdom and leave young Chizuru defenseless. 

   There was this feeling I had of unease that kept eating away at me. I knew I had to be here and hold on to King’s Landing for as long as I could. We held King’s Landing with a watchful eye for what seemed to be many hours. During this time I could still it in the air as if something was not right until I saw how late the hour had grown and that feeling had finally vanished. Being now flooded with relief I now felt it was time to rest for the night and had decided to dismiss my soldiers from their duty and give the order for us all to return back to our castles. Just as I had begun to give the order to withdraw from the great castle, smoke began to appear with our castle. Flames could now be seen spreading outside our castle as a great army of enemy troops led by a powerful champion from NBe started breaching the fortifications of our wall. King’s Landing was now under attack!

    At that moment all I wanted to do was stay in the castle to fight and defend it with my troops but I knew that doing so would only be in vain as I was almost alone and outnumbered and that enemy forces from NBe were far more superior than my own. Fighting against them would be useless and in vain. Though I did not want to let my kingdom and alliance down , me and Chizuru’s only option was to flee from King’s Landing and try to make it back to our castles in one piece.  


   Hoping that my adversary would not spot us, I gathered our forces and began to depart outside through the entrance leading to the otherside of the castle. Praying to the Seven the whole time that they would grant us a safe passage. After some marching we were beginning to arrive closer to our destination and I could feel the rapid rate of my beating heart begin to gradually decrease. I saw the welcoming sight of my castle and my determination to reach it burned within me urging me and my soldiers to move forward. Soon we would all be safe and this will be over. I thought. However in my moment of ease I heard the siege of King’s Landing come to a short end. 

   Nidos, the mighty warrior of NBe who led the assault on King’s Landing, stopped his troops in their course of action as they had almost taken over the castle and instead turned their attention on us. He saw us leaving! I then beckoned my army to move faster to our castle as I could hear them gaining in on us. With as much speed as we could muster on our mounts we rode faster than ever before. We were moments away from entering our castle but then we had reached a dead end. Nidos outran my forces and slaughtered and wounded nearly all of them. Myself,Chizuru and a small number of our troops were all that had remained from the armies that came with me. With the Seven’s intervention we were able to escape back to our castles but at a high cost. Blood began to pour and spread like a river of sorrow throughout the battlefield how I mourned the lives lost of my men and how I pitied those who were severely wounded.

  I saw them laying helpless across the ground near King’s Landing unable to reach them. All I could was watch and hope that our attacker would leave our kingdom. After Nidos had defeated me he then sent his armies straight towards King’s Landing. Now without anyone there to defend it it was easy for them to capture it. Moments later they had captured the Great City and once it was taken I saw one of the enemy soldiers take down our banner and rip it into shreds and replace it with one of their own banners. I saw it now waving proudly in place of ours with a sickening feeling in my stomach as I saw Nidos and his men drinking and celebrating at our downfall. However it did not last long as once Nidos got what he had wanted he soon left King’s Landing vacant to go cause havoc on another poor target.


   When I saw that the enemy was out of sight I took a small amount of troops and took back our Kingdom. I sent my soldiers out to find the wounded and bring them back to the infirmary to get healed. Our ownership of King’s Landing had now been restored and I now felt that it was safe to leave. I took my troops out and headed back to my castle now for good to end my day. I was going to need this rest to continue fighting in this war for the next day.

   The following morning I had awoken to the shining light of the sun. I would not enjoy this beautiful gift of sunlight that the day had granted us. Instead I got ready and rushed into the battlefield with my surviving army and little Chizuru following behind me. I saw the forces of our leaders and officers of war gathered outside preparing to fight against the forces of NBe. I noticed that they had been fighting against them all morning until I had arrived. I soon found out from listening to an exchange among some of the officers that despite our kingdom being in the lead a new problem had arisen. The enemy kingdom was beginning to rapidly catch up to us if we didn’t do something. The King who was among the leaders present in this war gave the kingdom the command to do all that was within our power to prevent and keep the enemy from taking the lead from us.

   Luckily one of our brave and powerful warriors Clannister had taken King’s Landing for the name and glory of TQL. This was helping us stay in the lead of points. I didn’t want to just stand idly by while he fought alone. I came and reinforced him. I soon learned this was a mistake. Lord Clannister had soon seen the sight of the mighty warriors of NBe that gathered within a circle around our King’s Landing.

He knew that they would soon begin to strike at our castle and warned me that he could disband our armies at any given moment if he saw a threat. I however paid no heed and disregarded his order. I kept my troops inside the castle hoping to gain an upper hand with points. Unfortunately King’s Landing had been under attack and Clan had no choice but to send our armies back. Sadly our forces ( mainly my own) were either wounded or killed in the process.

King’s Landing was now once again captured by the hands of our enemies.

   They once again had left after taking us down to return to their home kingdom and fight our allies who came to their kingdom to take their castles for our alliance. With King’s Landing now empty I once again joined forces with Chizuru and sought to bring glory back to our kingdom.

With the rest of my troops and the aid granted to me by this young warrior we had been able to successfully take back King’s Landing.

   The battle would continue to go on with our forces trying to stop NBe from capturing the Great Cities of our kingdom by fighting back.




    In our home kingdom Chizuru and I along with some of the others, would constantly fight back as the forces from NBe kepting on attacking our kingdom. They may have been persistent but we had always succeeded in reclaiming our Great Cities.

As the battle went on the powerful warriors of TQL persevered and drove the enemy back in their kingdom putting us ahead in points by a large mile against our enemy. 

Soon after fighting non stop in a long battle full of prevail, the war had come to an end.

TQL was once again granted the champion in the War of Kingdoms.

Through perseverance, determination, and good leadership provided by the warriors of TQL our kingdom had been able to defeat our enemies and win this battle.

 I was now able to finally breathe and bask in the fresh air of the near ending day as now the war was over. Soon I would return to my castle in King’s Landing to plan and prepare for the battles that laid ahead for us in the future, but until then I would rest and enjoy the peace and harmony and short reprieve I would be granted upon returning home.
