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Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/21/2024 07:57
Edited by vangark at 07/21/2024 08:09

Lady Brissy, after losing the crown to her enemy Queen I, who was accompanied by her ally RRH's Anthares, despite having lost all her troops, and although Uriel the Great, her most loyal companion, was wounded after being attacked by Mnzz the Traitor, managed to regain her crown in a peaceful Castle Siege a few days later, despite the war-torn times that plagued those lands.

With a KvK (Kingdom vs Kingdom) approaching, and finding herself between a rock and a hard place, she decided to accept Anthares into her ranks, seeing it as more feasible to fight alongside her victims than against her companion Queen I, who had lost a good number of her troops after a Barbarian attack by WxC, Vanette's ally.

Despite having Anthares in her ranks for the war of the kingdoms, he did not fight, and K29 suffered a third consecutive defeat in this war.

The following days after that defeat were also not good. Both Anthares and Queen I resumed their attacks on unsuspecting members of GeN who did not renew their shields.

Although they always used their blue dragons to block Queen I and counterattack him, the situation was different now. Anthares was much stronger, and just like in the war of the kingdoms, there were not enough men sending their troops to fight in a rally as they used to.

Since creating that alliance, she has always sought to protect every one of her members, without exception, be they fighters or farmers, and has managed to deal with invaders only by using the shield, to bore them until they eventually left the kingdom, realizing they could not hit anyone. The tension between the queen and some alliance members grew day by day, as she constantly reminded them to keep their shields up, leading to emotional and physical exhaustion due to her advanced age.

These were dark days for the GeN alliance; nothing similar was remembered. They questioned each other, and Lady Brissy, sitting on her throne with her silent consort king, analyzed every word that reached her ears. The complaints from Vanette, who felt insufficiently reinforced in the war of the kingdoms, and similar but more bitter complaints from Uriel the Great, who noted that when Mnzz the Traitor attacked him in a rally, many active GeN members did nothing, pretending not to see and continuing their gathering tasks, not caring that one of the pillars of their alliance was attacked multiple times without any support.

The third consecutive defeat in the war of the kingdoms was the straw that broke the camel's back, and her warriors had a point: most GeN members did not fight and did not strive to fight, but the fighters always made efforts to protect them whenever they were attacked.

A raven arrived at night - black wings, black words - was her first thought when she saw the bird arrive at the hour of the wolf. The writer was an old friend and, like her, a king. He requested a meeting with her and her council in two days. She immediately responded to the message.

Two days later, both kings met. He came alone, and she with her three companions, Vanette, Sigrid, and Uriel the Great. The one who requested the meeting was Vangark, and he presented a deal to them.

He knew the situation GeN was going through and who each of those in front of him was. He offered them lands in K276, and to those who wanted to fight, to form a group of fighters, partly to benefit from each other and take advantage of the kingdom events' rewards equally. But he emphasized that only fighters should go; farmers were not admitted. Without more to say, he left.

The four GeN members debated and analyzed every word heard. It was a good alternative. Vanette had been in other kingdoms before and had fought alongside Vangark in the Arena of Honor, supporting the idea. Uriel and Sigrid indicated they would follow her wherever she went. Despite this support, she doubted; it was her first time leaving her kingdom, where she was born and knew every piece of land, and all she knew of other kingdoms was from the news brought by chroniclers to K29.

Now the complex part was communicating this to the rest of her members. She had to find the precise moment for it, but with news like this, any time of day was the least appropriate.

- "The queen leaves GeN!" -

Confusion among all who read the news; they all believed she was leaving the alliance, abandoning them. Some reproached her for it. She had to explain to each one so they could understand. The farmers who always lost their shields cried over the departure of their heroes and blamed her for such a decision. For many, it was a fact that GeN would succumb, and this was what troubled Lady Brissy the most: the end of her alliance if she left. It prevented her from responding to Vangark. She consulted her Council once more, and they agreed. Perhaps it was not the best, but it was the best they had at that moment, to fight alongside that king and his companions without fearing being left alone in the middle of a battle; that was what he had sworn to them.

Lady Brissy, after thinking it over for a few days, sent the raven to Vangark, responding that they would move to his lands and work together there. She reaffirmed to her members and reiterated to each of them that GeN would not end; she would continue to govern, one of her alts would take command, but they could not always be protecting those who did not help them in battles. Those four warriors took new paths; after reading the message, Vangark first received three of them; Vanette would go after fighting CCS. Time will tell if this new alliance is what both kings are looking for, and if GeN will still stand as an alliance. Time will determine if that decision was correct. Today Lady Brissy breathes a bit of peace in those lands, and they are already preparing together for the first battle.
