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The Lethal Executioner and Blade Vortex Combo in Infinity Kingdom!

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Article Publish : 06/21/2024 00:27
Edited by m a ë l at 06/21/2024 02:22

Hello, it's Press Officer Mael back again! Today, I have an exciting article about game mechanics and the synergy between two well-known and widely used skills in the current meta: Blade Vortex and Executioner. We'll dive into the details of these two skills, explore how they work together, and see if there's a counter to this combo. This is why we love Infinity Kingdom—trying new tactics, exploring synergies, and enjoying the endless strategic possibilities the game offers.

Now, let's break down and detail these skills.

Skill Breakdown: Blade Vortex

Blade Vortex (later BV) is a top-tier skill featured in the Triss Blessing Event, accessible upon reaching ToK level 50.

Blade Vortex was initially exclusive to the Triss event and accessible only through purchases. However, as described in this article, the 2.6.7 patch introduced an alternative method of acquisition. Now, players can obtain Blade Vortex by selling ability skill stones earned from the Legion of Frostborne for Cinder of Wishes currency in the Triss Shop, making it available to free-to-play gamers as well.

Note: If you've unlocked all skills in Legion of Frostborne, you might temporarily be unable to earn Cinders this way. Plan your skill stone conversions and Triss shop purchases carefully.

BV is a very destructive skill that inflicts physical damage on 3 random enemy units every 12 seconds, applying the Tear effect that deals additional damage over time. Enemies afflicted with the Tear effect endure 150% physical damage every 3 seconds over 12 seconds. This effect remains active constantly on 3 out of 4 enemy units, totaling an impressive 2250% physical damage upon activation.This ensures constant pressure on enemies, averaging an impressive 187.5% physical damage per second (DPS). With a 100% activation rate, which is rare for damaging skills, it stands as the most powerful Physical damage ability in the game by a significant margin.

In my opinion, here are three synergies to maximize Blade Vortex's effectiveness:

  • Blade Vortex benefits Lightning Team setups by debuffing enemies, thereby boosting the lightning dragon's ability, Ghostly Drumming, and enhancing the damage output of your lightning Immortals.
  • Pairing Blade Vortex with Loki enhances its effectiveness; Loki's abilities are more potent against enemies with Tear or Bleed debuffs, and Blade Vortex increases Loki's chance to confuse these targets by 25%.
  • Additionally, combining Blade Vortex with Executioner is remarkably powerful, as we'll explore later in this article.

This skill is ideal for physical damage dealers such as Peter, Khan, Khubilai Khan, or Alex. If you're not using a lightning team or Loki, focus on Immortals with the highest physical damage stats to maximize its effectiveness. BV is versatile enough to fit into any main march setup effortlessly.

In my opinion, Alex stands out as an excellent candidate, given his widespread use and success with this skill combination among players.

Skill Breakdown: Executioner

Executioner is a Premium skill currently available in the Triss Blessing Event and unlockable at ToK level 51. It can only be equipped by Range and Attack immortals as suggested by the "position Limit" symbols in the skill description. Again, players can obtain Executioner by selling ability skill stones earned from the Legion of Frostborne for Cinder of Wishes currency in the Triss Shop, making it available to free-to-play gamers as well. This is one of my favorite skills based on its mechanic, I'm looking forward to acquiring it when I reach conquest.

Executioner is a physical damage skill that works uniquely: after dealing continuous damage 8 times, it deals additional physical damage (350% damage rate) to the entire enemy team. It also applies the execution effect, boosting damage against targets with less than 30% troops by 50% for 6 seconds. This skill not only increases damage significantly but also effectively finishes off weakened enemies with its debuff.

It's important to understand that Executioner only triggers with continuous damage, so it won't work for immortals who rely on direct damage from their ultimate skills such as Seondok.

Some immortals like Gilgamesh or Elizabeth Bathory, whose ultimate skills deal continuous damage, are ideal candidates for Executioner, others such as Harald (free-to-play) and Poseidon (available through pay-to-unlock) also fit well with this skill.

Any immortal can be transformed into a continuous damage dealer using Tower of Knowledge skills such as Chaotic Blade, Garrot, AND Blade Vortex. This article focuses on describing the synergies between Blade Vortex and Executioner, which is arguably the most effective combination in the game right now and one I particularly admire.

Note: Avoid using Chaotic Blade or Garrot, and Blade Vortex simultaneously. Each applies the Tear effect, so using one will replace the others rather than accumulating them, reducing effectiveness.

Combining Blade Vortex and Executioner

Pairing "Executioner" with "Blade Vortex" creates a devastating damage combination. "Blade Vortex," with its strong continuous damage and high DPS, sets up targets perfectly for "Executioner," resulting in unmatched damage against enemy teams.

We'll now demonstrate the effectiveness of these skills through battle reports.

Here, the BV and Executioner combo makes up more than 62% of Alexander's damage output, clearly showing the synergy and potential these skills offer when paired together.

In another battle report, the BV and Executioner combo makes up nearly 60% of Alexander's damage, quickly taking down Athena and weakening the enemy team. This performance against an Athena Holy team clearly shows the synergy and potential these skills offer when paired together, creating a devastatingly effective damage combination.

These examples show how the BV and Executioner pairing can change the course of a battle, making it essential for players wanting to maximize damage and effectiveness. Combining skills, testing strategies, and exploring synergies make this game exciting. With countless possibilities, Infinity Kingdom offers endless opportunities to refine tactics and find the best combinations.

On the other hand, let's explore how to potentially counter this deadly combo.

How to Counter the Blade Vortex Executioner Combination

After showing how effective the Blade Vortex and Executioner combo can be, it's clear they rely a lot on damage-over-time effects and debuffs. Now, let's look at ways to counter this strategy.

Skills and combos typically have counters, but the situation with Blade Vortex and Executioner is unique. The most effective counter, is not widely accessible, allowing Blade Vortex and Executioner to dominate the meta. However, there are strategies to mitigate their synergy.

Introducing two counters through immortals:

Athena is the best counter to the Blade Vortex and Executioner combo, despite being vulnerable to quick takedowns by Alex, as seen in the battle reports above. As my personal favorite Chaos immortal, Athena's ability to consistently cleanse all negative effects from her allies makes her the most effective counter against this combo.

Athena's ability to cleanse all negative effects from her team is crucial against strategies reliant on debuffs like Blade Vortex and Executioner. If equipped with her exclusive artifact, she can boost all allies' physical defense for 12 seconds, adding 20% more physical defense based on Athena's high attributes.

However, getting Athena and leveling her up is very challenging due to her being a Chaos Immortal. So this counter is definitly not Free-to-Play friendly.

Theodora provides a more budget-friendly alternative to the absolute Beast that Athena is, although she also requires pay-to-unlock access. The famous Holy Immortal healer excels in healing and can also remove damage over time (DoT) effects, making her a strong counter to Blade Vortex and the DoT that trigger Executioner.

Introducing a counter through a TOK Skill:

Purification is a Premium skill currently available in the Triss Blessing Event and unlockable at ToK level 38. (more details about this skill here). Purification is another choice if you can't use Athena or Theodora, or an extra boost if you can. Indeed, while it may not completely counter the combo on its own, it can significantly reduce the damage from Blade Vortex and Executioner. Purification removes debuffs or Abnormal states on 1 random friendly unit representing therefore a 25% chance to removing debuff on each immortal hoping it is the one affected by this combo.

Opinion: By lowering the overall damage taken by your team. It's a valuable addition to your strategy to counter Blade Vortex - Executioner, especially when used alongside other counters such as Theodora, or Athena..

The Blade Vortex and Executioner combo is a powerful force in the current Infinity Kingdom meta, delivering unmatched damage and effectiveness. By applying continuous damage and the Tear effect, this synergy can dominate battles, making it a top choice for players.

As shown in battle reports, even strong setups like Athena can be quickly taken down by this combo. Athena is the best counter with her ability to cleanse debuffs and boost physical defense, but she's hard to obtain and upgrade. Theodora offers a more affordable alternative with her healing and DoT removal. The Purification skill from the Tower of Knowledge also helps by dispelling debuffs and reducing damage. While it may not completely counter the combo, it adds valuable support.

Infinity Kingdom's strategic depth and endless possibilities for combining skills make the game exciting. Keep experimenting, refining your strategies, and exploring new synergies to stay ahead.

Thank you for reading this far!

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m a ë l

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