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[Review] Analysis of BUNS vs IMPK in IBL in Infinity Kingdom

Guide Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 06/23/2024 16:54


What’s up, folks? Welcome back to my Illusion Battlefield(IB) series where I take a closer look at different matches. IB is different from the IB League tournament in that you will use your normal teams, skill sets, talents, and decoration skins so strength is extremely relevant. The mode is also much slower-paced. Relocations and marching speed are slower. The event is one of the most entertaining events in Infinity Kingdom that players enjoy spectating, almost like a sporting event. In this article, I’m going to take a closer look at the Week Five match between Server 73’s Snugglebunnies(BUNS) and Server 170’s Imperial Knights(IMPK). IMPK’s positions in this match will be denoted in yellow while BUNS’ will be in red.

💠Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Starting Positions and Talents
  • IMPK
  • BUNS
  • Tower 1
  • Tower 4
  • Central Tower
  • Altars
  • Home Towers
  • Play-by-Play
  • Summary


BUNS was ranked first going into the match with a 4-0 record and one of the few teams who has played and won every single week so far. They were ranked third in Seasons 3 and 4 and a force to be reckoned with. IMPK, on the other hand, had a 3-0 record and had already skipped a week to focus on their LoF efforts. IMPK was ranked 18 in Season 4 and 8 in Season 3 so they’re no slouch either, but BUNS should be considered the favorites in this matchup.

💠Starting Positions and Talents


  • Started with 36 players and ended with 40
  • 8 Attack talents
  • 23 Defense talents
  • 5 Support talents


  • Started with 36 players and ended with 38
  • 10 Attack talents
  • 18 Defense talents
  • 8 Support talents

💠Tower 1

BUNS sent 10 players to Tower 1 and IMPK relocated 12 with one overlap. BUNS’ relocations are very standard and impeccable. They have always been extremely good with using markers to denote where each player should move and they won’t take a lot of risks. Four players are next to the towers and they contested the bottom right corner spot where IMPK conceded. IMPK’s relocations are slightly less stellar. They have one overlap and they wisely gave up the corner spot since they didn’t have any good edge spawns and would get to the tower later than BUNS would. IMPK has a slight numbers advantage but the outcome of the battle at the tower will hinge on who rallies and garrisons more quickly.

💠Tower 4

BUNS relocated 14 payers to Tower 4 and IMPK sent 11. I don’t particularly like BUNS’ relocations here. Tower 4 is significantly closer to the yellow team than the red team so IMPK will likely always get there faster than BUNS will. Too many BUNS players were being overaggressive with their relocations and tried too hard to contest spots that they had no business trying. Since many of IMPK’s relocations would arrive first, BUNS would likely lose several of their relocations and waste their early numbers advantage. One of IMPK’s players also relocated too deep into BUNS’ territory where his relocation will inevitably be destroyed.

💠Central Tower

BUNS sent 6 players to the center and IMPK sent 8. One of IMPK’s players moved to BUNS’ side of the tower. That player should immediately recognize his mistake and cancel his relocation.


Neither team sent any players to the altars.

💠Home Towers

BUNS had three guards at their home tower while IMPK only stationed one.


At Tower 1, BUNS and IMPK traded rallies back and forth but IMPK was slowly winning the battle on the bottom side of the tower. Players from both teams did well to move to the backline when their prosperities got low and the other team didn’t really focus on zeroing them. Both teams also did well to occupy their teammates’ spots when they became open. What gave IMPK’s advantage and the lead was their quickness to garrison their teammates when they became the target of rallies whereas BUNS only focused on rallying. BUNS lost focus for a minute and IMPK was able to capitalize and took the tower at 10 minutes by using their support talents.

At Tower 4, IMPK blocked three relocations and destroyed another, turning a 3-man disadvantage into a 1-person advantage. Similar to Tower 1, BUNS and IMPK traded rallies, and BUNS got a small advantage by forcing an IMPK player next to the tower back which freed up the spot. Unfortunately, BUNS didn’t take advantage and left the space open for another IMPK player to fill. The BUNS players who were blocked eventually returned to the scene of the crime. BUNS lost sight of the tower for a minute again and IMPK took the tower at 7 minutes despite having fewer players in the vicinity. IMPK controlled three side towers shortly after the center opened.

In the center, BUNS destroyed one relocation. IMPK’s center team wasn’t nearly as good as their teammates at garrisoning. BUNS zeroed one and forced a couple of others further away from the tower. At 13 minutes, BUNS decided to activate Quick Occupy and chose to go all in on the tower. They captured it shortly after and it was their lone bright spot and saving grace to keep the score close. BUNS was down 5,000 points.

Meanwhile, at Tower 1, IMPK may have gotten the first strike on the tower, but BUNS’ numbers and resilience proved difficult for IMPK. BUNS started zeroing multiple players around the tower, took their spots, and forced others backward. They recaptured the tower at 13 minutes which gave BUNS a one-tower advantage. BUNS proceeded to clean house. IMPK’s mistake was not being able to clear Tower 1 quickly enough so many players were still occupied there while Tower 4 needed more help. IMPK players from Tower 4 should have moved to the center as soon as they saw BUNS had significantly more players at Tower 4.

At 27 minutes, with IMPK down 6,000 points, four players teleported to BUNS’ home tower. BUNS responded in kind and used four of their own teleports, in addition to the three guards that were already there. IMPK sent more and more relocations to Tower 3 and eventually managed to steal the tower right under BUNS’ nose at minute 29. The problem, however, was that the number of BUNS players around the tower, the proximity of the tower to BUNS’ spawn, and the lack of IMPK reinforcements meant IMPK wouldn’t be able to hold onto the tower in the long run.

IMPK needed to take another tower, either Tower 4 or the Central Tower. Unfortunately for them, both towers were heavily guarded. This meant IMPK’s only shot was to consolidate their players from Tower 4 and the center at Tower 3, but that didn’t happen. A few minutes later, IMPK was already losing steam and BUNS recaptured their tower at 32 minutes. With most of their teleported on cooldown and the other towers defended, IMPK ran out of cards and could only watch as the win slipped away from them.


BUNS’ Mike was the match MVP as they won with 100,000 points to IMPK’s 68,600. IMPK got off to a hot start, seizing both Towers 1 and 4 before 10 minutes, but they spread themselves too thin and tried to do too much. IMPK didn’t rotate well and played the macro game extremely poorly. Even when they had no chance to hold Tower 4 or the center, they chose to waste their time trying to take both instead of combining forces to take one. BUNS was not mistake-free though. They failed to defend Towers 1, 3, and 4 at various points in the game despite having enough players around the towers to stop IMPK from seizing them. They lost all three towers in a similar fashion which was uncanny for the two-time third-place team. However, they showed they respond well to adversity and make good rotations to fix their blunders. If they want to get far into the tournament, they’ll have to shore up their ability to garrison their teammates and defend the towers.

Do you think BUNS can make it back to the top three this season? Let me know in the comments below!



Version 2.6.9

💠Related Links

Infinity Kingdom Official Website




#infinitykingdom #buns #impk #ibl
