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Tok Skills and Control Attributed Immortals: Do they work?

Article Publish : 09/22/2024 17:32



Control skills are the strategic backbone of any march, and when paired with the correct Tower of Knowledge (ToK) abilities, they can significantly shift the tide of battle. Immortals with control attributes in their ultimate skills, such as stun, silence, or confusion (charm), are designed to disrupt enemy strategies by incapacitating specific opponents. However, their potential is unlocked when properly synergized with complementary ToK skills and other immortals, creating an impactful and coordinated offensive.

In this article, we'll explore the following:

Immortals with Control Skills: A look at specific immortals like Loki, Attila, and Richard, and how their control effects work.

Practical Usage of Control Skills: How control effects can disable the enemy, and provide a tactical advantage.

Synergy with ToK Skills: The best ToK skills amplify control effects and create devastating combinations.

Building a March: Tips on building a balanced march, with control skills used with support and offensive abilities for maximum efficiency.

The goal is to create a synergistic setup that maximizes the impact of crowd control without sacrificing other essential aspects like damage output or survivability. By understanding how to utilize ToK skills with control-based immortals, you can create a versatile, disruptive, and fearsome march on the battlefield.


Combining Control Skills Effectively

When combining control skills, the synergy between your ToK skills and the immortals in your march is paramount. Productive combinations can impact the enemy's offence, lock down their key damage dealers, or prevent healing spells from turning the tide against you. However, it's important not to overload your march with too many control skills, as this can lead to diminishing returns and a lack of diversity in your team's capabilities. For instance, if your march relies too heavily on stuns, you might lack damage output or sustainability, making it difficult to secure a decisive victory.


The optimal approach is to balance your control skills with complementary abilities that enhance March's overall performance. 

For example, pairing an immortal with a stun ability with another that provides debuffs or healing can create a well-rounded team that should adapt to various battle scenarios. The strategic layering ensures, that your march is not just controlling the enemy but also progressing toward winning the battle.


Immortals with Control Skill Ultimate Abilities

A synopsis of Immortals with control-based ultimate skills:- a glimps of their workings and the value they could add too your play style.

Loki (Legendary): Loki's ultimate skill, Realm of Lies, inflicts confusion on enemies, causing them to attack their allies. This disruptive effect can turn the tide by causing internal chaos within the enemy ranks, particularly effective against strong offensive formations. Loki is really powerful and will benefit your gameplay if you are willing to invest in it. While it's possible to acquire Loki through in-game events as a free-to-play player, it may take quite a while before you can unlock him. Loki fragments will be found in the Updates Reward event, be sure not to miss it.


Himiko (Epic): Himiko's ultimate exiles are two back-row immortals with the highest troop power, preventing them from attacking or using skills. This ability is good for neutralizing powerful backline threats in PvP and PvE scenarios. GLOBAL DOWNLOAD SKILLS

Example of how Immortal Ultimate and ToK skills control attibutes work within a PvP scenario

Tomyris (Epic): Tomyris employs poison-based control, reducing enemy effectiveness over time, which can be particularly useful in drawn-out battles.


Merlin (Epic): His ultimate skill, Prophecy, deals AoE damage and has a chance to freeze enemies, immobilising them for a short duration. He is a strong Mage and beneficial early to mid-game. Depending on your build focus, he could be used End game, especially if you are F2P. New Patch Updates, have changed how you would traditionally gain this Immortal. Spamming the Hall of Immortal to gain Merlin is an option. Once gained the immortal fragments will appear in the Market for Gems or fragments.


Attila the Hun (Epic):  Attila's Wild Corrosion silences enemies, providing critical crowd control that is invaluable in early-game water-based marches. This skill is particularly beneficial for low-spenders and F2P players. It's important to note that Fragments can be obtained from the Market or Pearl Shop after acquiring the Immortal through Lucky Dip or Immortal summons. Making an early investment in the Immortal can enhance your Water march, but keep your end-game focus in mind for your primary March. Important to explore what the current End-game Meta marches.


Elizabeth Bathory (Epic): Elizabeth uses her Confusion (charm) to inflict a stun effect. Preventing, enemies from using their Ultimate skill, ToK skills, to move or recover energy. Perfect for controlling the pace of the battle by stalling enemy skill usage. The immortal is overshadowed, by the abilities of Himiko. And has limited benefit now in most P2P Primary marches. But, may feature in 2nd/3rd/4th March. It is easier to gain this Immortal, rather than using ViP privileges, the Habour after lvl40 will give you Shadow fragments. It will work well in an Earth march and is easier for F2P to gain this immortal.


Cyrus (Epic):  Cyrus's ultimate, Stactic Armour, inflicts a Stun, forcing enemies to target him. This control mechanic is a defensive ability and protects other units in your March by diverting enemy attacks.


Richard I (Epic): His ultimate, Heaven's Wrath, deals damage and has a chance to stun enemies. A versatile Immortal, capable of working in a few elemental builds, e.g. Water, or Fire.


Example of how Richard could be used to synergise with other Immortals with control attribute Ultimate Skills.

William Wallace (Elite): Wallace's Braveheart, has a 40% chance to silence enemy targets in front of him when maxed. Combine this with his physical dmg rate of 240% at max level, his Ultimate skill will have the enemy running. An additional layer of crowd control that will disrupt key enemy actions. Starting a lightning march early game, this immortal is one to watch out for. In general, a Lightning March is not considered an end-game primary March. There, are significant difficulties to overcome, for example, no support Immortal, a Mage that does not deal impactful dmg or a Tanky Tank. It is a solid March, just not one to light the sky with fireworks.


Brynhild (Elite): With her ultimate Water Surge, Brynhild will Stun her enemy, controlling their movement and targeting behaviour. During the early game, this is a strong immortal and will battle hard to win in PvP and PvE. 


John Henry (Elite): He uses hammer-based stuns that disrupt the enemy's rhythm, making him a solid choice for adding control to your march without sacrificing too much offence. Good early game Earth's defence is immortal. Obtained easily from the market and has an efficient drop rate in the Hall of Immortals.

(ss of Hall of Immortals)


Caenis (Rare):   Known, for her rooting effect, Caenis's skill will force the enemy to use their Ultimate Skill but can not use normal attacks. The enemy units can still move, adding a strategic level of crowd control. You can find this Immortal in the Hall of Immortals and have a 2% chance of obtaining 


These control skills can be crucial in turning the tide of battle by disrupting enemy strategies and providing your team with an advantage. 



Synergizing Immortals and ToK Skills


When integrating ToK control skills with these immortals, the key is to enhance the existing control effects without redundancy. For example, pairing Loki with a ToK skill like 'Silence' could overwhelm the enemy's capacity to act, but stacking multiple stuns on an immortal like Attila could lead to diminishing returns. Instead, use ToK skills that provide complementary effects, such as debuffs or damage boosts, to make the most of the control elements in your March.

Examples of TOK and Immortal Synergy:

• Adrenaline Rush for rapid ultimates.

• Weakness in reducing damage from controlled enemies.

• Energy Suppression to lock down energy gain.

• Thump to boost damage during immobilisation/stun.

• Rage Blessing to amplify ally ultimates while enemies are crowed controlled.

Each of these skills amplifies the control effects of their respective immortals by either increasing the time enemies spend under control, reducing their effectiveness while controlled, or speeding up the activation of ally skills. When used strategically, these combinations can create a march that dominates the battlefield by keeping opponents in a constant state of helplessness.


Pros and Cons of Using Control Skills with Control-Based Immortals




  • Amplifies the effectiveness of control strategies when the effect is stacked. 
  • Turn battles in your favour by neutralising multiple threats at once.


  • Control skills provide essential crowd control that can disable or neutralise specific enemy immortals, allowing your March to gain the upper hand.
  • They are effective in PvP and PvE scenarios, such as in battling against tough bosses or high-level enemy players.
  • Control skills can disrupt an opponent's strategy, making them an excellent choice for defensive setups where stalling or breaking the enemy's formation is the goal.




Overloading with control could reduce overall damage, or healing output, making your march vulnerable if the control attribute fails.

Control skills are countered by specific ToK skills that offer debuffs or cleanse effects, neutralising your strategy.

It requires precise timing and synergy; otherwise, control effects may overlap inefficiently, wasting their potential.



Harnessing control skills through the Tower of Knowledge can elevate your march from strong to strategically dominant. By pairing control-based immortals with ToK skills that enhance their disruptive potential, you can disable specific enemy units, gain crucial time, and shift the battle in your favour. Immortals like Loki, Attila, and Himiko thrive when their control effects are amplified by synergistic ToK skills, providing offensive power and battlefield manipulation.

However, the key to success lies in balance—while control skills are powerful, overloading a march with them can limit your overall effectiveness. Instead, blend control with other roles like support, defence, and offence to create a well-rounded march that can handle any scenario, whether in PvP or PvE.

Additionally, being aware of potential counter-strategies that opponents might use to diminish your control effects is equally important. By strategically combining these skills and immortals, players can craft versatile and formidable marches capable of adapting to a wide range of battle scenarios, making control skills a valuable asset when used wisely.

Building a march, with control-based immortals and ToK skills, allows for a dynamic strategy. That can respond to threats while dictating the flow of combat, offering you an edge against even the strongest opponents. 

Understanding the synergy between control skills and other abilities is essential. This article has provided a synopsis on how ToK skills with control attibutes, may work with Control attributed Ultimate Skill Immortals. In future articles, the aim is to delve into specific ToK skills and an immortal to provide details that may not have been covered in this article. Please watch out for them and I hope you have enjoyed this article and and any suggestions post I’d love to read them.

Thank you have a great day Honor:)




