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[Patch 2.7.0] Legion of Frostborne Revamp

Article Publish : 06/24/2024 02:38
Edited by selfdestruct38 at 06/24/2024 02:52


Hello everyone! The much anticipated update to Legion of Frostborne is right around the corner. With it comes big changes to the LoF as we know it, requiring players to be able to quickly adapt to the new challenges and objectives. We will be going through some of the updates and what it potentially means for Infinity Kingdom as we know it. Without further ado, let’s first dive into what hasn’t changed.

What Stays the Same

Many of the fundamental aspects of LoF will stay the same. The rules surrounding Towers, Cities, Gates and Fog will remain the same. Players will also need to be in a level 4 and above alliance, and be at least castle level 15 to participate. This means that all the past effort levelling up alternate accounts and alliances would not have gone to waste, and will still be able to play a part.

New Changes

Even though the fundamentals stay the same, there are many new changes that players will have to quickly grasp in order to do well for the next season of LoF. 

  1. Matchmaking
  2. Factions
  3. Federations
  4. Alliance Tactics
  5. New LoF Events
  6. Victory Conditions
  7. Other Game Updates: Other Optimisations
  8. Other Game Updates: Balance Updates


 Matchmaking will now be based on multiple factors such as Lord Power and past performances in LoF. This will likely force winners of past LoF seasons to be matched up against each other, resulting in exciting battles between alliances of similar power.


Factions are one of the big changes coming to LoF. Choosing factions will be an important part of the preparations for LoF, as only alliances within the same faction can form federations with each other, Factions also cannot be changed for the entire duration of the season, making the initial choice crucial. 

The top 8 alliances in alliance power will be automatically assigned a faction based, with the aim of having an even playing field of 4 factions of similar power. However, this will likely result in many alliances trying to artificially reduce their power in order to get a faction of their choice, and avoid being assigned one. 

Another feature being implemented is restricting players from migrating to other servers once factions are assigned. This will stop the current practice of some players waiting for LoF matchmaking before deciding on which server to migrate to which has the best chance of winning.


Another big change is the Federation system, which replaces the current friendly alliance system in LoF. A federation can include up to 4 alliances who must belong to the same faction. Players in the same federation will be able to garrison allied thermal towers and gates, as well as rally and defend with players from other alliances in the federation. In addition, city benefits are shared among all the alliances in the federation. 

These are great features that the community has been requesting. Now that players from different alliances can fight together as if they are in one alliance, it makes it more important than ever to work together with allies.

Alliance Tactics

Alliance Tactics are also getting a change. In the past, Tactical Points would be issued to every alliance as the chronicle progressed. Now, it will be tied to the resources gathered by alliance members in LoF. Special Tactics are also being introduced, which will likely be stronger versions of Alliance Tactics that could have a large impact when it is used.

This adds another layer of depth into LoF, since it is now possible for some alliances to unlock tactics before others. Alliances can play with the power boosts that they gain from unlocking tactics before others, potentially snowballing a small lead into a win. 

New Events

New events will also be added in LoF, providing resources that can help to offset the high cost of battle. It will also likely provide buffs to the alliance, giving them an edge in battle against other factions.

New events are a great addition to bridge the gap between the long waits in LoF currently, and provide another way for alliances to gain an advantage over their enemies.

Victory Conditions

While Ymir remains the ultimate goal in LoF, victory will now also be determined with other metrics taken into account, including personal Legion Marks, Alliance Points and Faction Points. Since Legion Marks are mostly earned from farming honour, this could lead to many players farming honour from their alternate accounts. 

Victory rewards have also been changed, giving players a way to obtain immortals such as Manco Capac, Himiko, Theodora and Tomyris who are very difficult to obtain for free to play players. This is good news for players, giving us another way to obtain Holy and Shadow immortals.

Other Optimisations

Battle durations have been extended by a minute, from 90 seconds to 150 seconds. This will make it no longer possible to win battles by timing out the opponent, and every battle will have enough time to reach a decisive conclusion.

Festival event items will also be removed once the event ends, which makes it no longer possible to save items to use for the same event the following year. This will be a blow for many players who have saved up many limited edition items in hopes of being able to use them for future events.

Balance Update

Assist is a skill that can be unlocked in Tower of Knowledge at level 39. It is a great skill that is ubiquitous among many teams, and has unsurprisingly seen a nerf. There will no longer be a guaranteed chance for Assist to activate. Instead of activating every 10 seconds, it now has a 50% chance to activate every 6 seconds.

Drastic Action is a Legendary skill that has performed worse than its counterparts, and is seeing a buff that will increase its reduction in healing from 50% to 70% at max level. It will remain to be seen if this is enough to push Drastic Action to become one of the premier damage skills.

Wukong is a Legendary immortal that has been much less popular compared to its counterparts, and will also be seeing a buff. His base regen speed has been increased from 72 to 80 points per second, and his ultimate skill is also seeing a large increase from 510% to 600% at max level. Wukong was already very good on certain teams, such as Earth of Shadow, and will likely see a large increase in usage with this buff.

Community Comments

  • Seems exciting to have more chances at continuous action, but it would be nice to have more ways to obtain speed ups to have more troops for the new PvE (Player vs Environment) events. (Smithens, S38 SSQ R6)
  • Whilst a faster paced and more inclusive event sounds like a step in the right direction, I am concerned about how the new factions system will affect alliances in the same server, since this has historically been a server vs server event. (Legman, S38 AOW R6)


This will be one of the largest updates in months, revamping the LoF system as we know it. We can now look forward to the new system with anticipation, as we close the chapter on the LoF that we have known for years. 

What are your thoughts on the new LoF system? Leave your comments below!

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