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[ToK Skills Review]: Unveiling Purification in Infinity Kingdom!

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Article Publish : 01/06/2024 02:10

Hello Commanders! Mael here, returning to explore a fascinating skill in Infinity Kingdom called "Purification." Drawing inspiration from the historical and philosophical roots of purification, let's unravel the secrets of this premium skill, found in the Triss Blessing Event shop at Tower of Knowledge level 38.

Historical and Etymological Nod:

In the spirit of purification, a concept deeply rooted in history and philosophy, this skill echoes the age-old pursuit of cleansing and renewal. The very term "purification" comes from the Latin word "purificatio," emphasizing the timeless theme of purification across cultures.

Understanding Purification:

Purification works swiftly with a 3-second trigger, targeting a random team member. Its main job is to clear any debuffs or abnormal effects on that immortal. If there are no such effects, it provides a bit of healing. However, its random nature can be a challenge, as it might prioritize healing without considering urgent debuffs on other team members.

Breaking Down the Skill:

It's crucial to grasp how purification works. It doesn't handle control effects like Freeze or Stun, nor does it deal with continuous damage. But it excels at removing stat alterations such as Wound, Attack speed decrease, Energy regen decrease, and increased damage taken. One notable feature is that it clears all these effects in one go, making it powerful against multiple debuffs.

Healing Insights:

Purification's healing follows the source's HP and doesn't include critical hits. Though the recovery rate is 160%, a modest figure, it ensures consistent healing with each trigger.

Best Use Scenario:

Purification's versatility shines in dispelling, making it valuable for any Enabler/Disabler. For maximum healing, it's best used on a backliner. Frontliners may not benefit as much due to their consistently lower HP.

While purification stands as a commendable skill, it's sometimes overrated. In past metas, it played a crucial role, especially against wound effects and healers. In the current meta, it's nearly essential for top-tier teams using the Hybrid Earth/Wind composition.

As we journey through Infinity Kingdom's ever-evolving landscape, the role and impact of purification remain dynamic and context-dependent.

Please tell me in the comment section which Skill you want to be covered next!

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