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Team strategies around Yi Sun-Shin in Infinity Kingdom!

Guide Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 06/08/2024 22:26
Edited by m a ë l at 06/09/2024 01:00

Hey, it's Mael back again. I've had a few friends asking about Yi Sun-Shin and why he's getting more popular lately. In Infinity Kingdom, some Immortals don't get much attention because they seem less effective. Yi Sun-Shin, an Earth immortal and frontline tank, is one of them. But recently, players have started using new strategies, showing that Yi Sun-Shin can be very powerful, especially in the late game.

Chungmugong Yi Sun-Shin: Korea's Legendary Commander

Yi Sun-Shin, a legendary Korean naval commander, is best known for his heroic exploits during the Imjin War against Japan in the late 16th century. Famous for his innovative use of the "turtle ship," a robust, ironclad warship, Yi Sun-Shin masterminded a series of stunning victories, most notably at the Battle of Myeongnyang, where he defeated a vastly larger Japanese fleet with just 13 ships. His brilliant tactics and unwavering leadership have cemented him as one of history's greatest naval strategists and a national hero in Korea. "Chungmugong" is an honorary title given to Yi Sun-Shin, which translates to "Lord of Loyal Valor." This title was bestowed upon him in recognition of his extraordinary bravery, strategic genius, and unwavering dedication to protecting Korea during the Imjin War. 

Yi Sun-Shin's strategic brilliance and innovative tactics have not only made him a historical icon but have also translated into impressive potential in the world of Infinity Kingdom. Recently, players have been tapping into his unique abilities, devising new strategies that highlight his prowess on the battlefield. As an Earth immortal commanding cavalry units, Yi Sun-Shin brings a fresh approach to the tank role.

Guard of Devotion

Let’s talk about Yi Sun-Shin’s skill, Guard of Devotion. It protects the team by reducing the damage all allied units take by 30% for 6 seconds. This makes Yi Sun-Shin awesome at keeping other immortals safe, giving them more time to deal damage without losing much health. While it might not seem as powerful as some other abilities, when used smartly in a team, it can really change the outcome of a battle. This game is all about strategies, synergies, and trying out new tactics. That's what makes it so enjoyable. See, even abilities like Yi Sun-Shin's Guard of Devotion might seem simple, but when you use them smartly within your team's strategy, it's like unlocking a whole new level of gameplay. And discovering those tactics is what keeps the game exciting and fun.

In my view, Yi Sun-Shin's exclusive artifact, the Spear Ship, is a real gem, despite being a bit tricky to obtain (only through Triss, and not available in the shop). This artifact does something pretty cool: it boosts the healing received by all allied immortals for the duration of Yi Sun-Shin's skill activation. Now, that's some serious synergy right there. It perfectly complements other skills commonly found in earth teams, like Vitality Touch, Purification, Shelter, and Berserk, as well as healing immortals such as Zenobia or Theodora.

Given Yi Sun-Shin's historical significance as a renowned naval commander during the Imjin War, where he famously utilized the Turtle Ship in battle, "Spear Ship" could be a symbolic name for an artifact related to naval warfare or ship tactics in the game, drawing inspiration from Yi Sun-Shin's exploits in Korean history. The Turtle Ship was a type of naval warship that was heavily armored and equipped with weaponry, including spikes and cannons. Its design resembled that of a turtle, with a domed roof covered in iron plates, which protected the crew from enemy attacks.

Acquiring Yi Sun-Shin: Steps to Unlock

Players can acquire Yi Sun-Shin through various channels within the game. Initially, he becomes available through the Legion of Frostborne during season 3. Later on, players can find him in the Hall of Immortals. Beyond season 3, Yi Sun-Shin's fragments start appearing in the Daily Pearls Shop, allowing players to collect them daily. Once unlocked, players can further enhance Yi Sun-Shin's power by purchasing additional immortal fragments through the in-game bundles called 'Eternal Glory'. This multi-stage process offers players multiple opportunities to recruit and strengthen Yi Sun-Shin as they progress in the game.

  • Initially available via the Legion of Frostborne during season 3.
  • Later accessible in the Hall of Immortals.
  • Fragments appear in the Daily Pearls Shop after season 3.
  • Obtain Yi Sun-Shin by purchasing additional immortal fragments through 'Eternal Glory' bundles.
  • Also obtainable from King of the Hill and Lucky Spin.

Team Strategies Around Yi Sun-Shi

Alexander the Great has long been the go-to damage dealer in Earth or Hybrid teams. However, there's a new buzz stirring things up. Yi Sun-Shin, after some time in the shadows, is making a surprising comeback. As players explore different combinations, it's becoming clear that the game's shifting strategies might be favoring a change. Instead of solely relying on Alexander's might, some are now experimenting with a setup that features a tough dual tank frontline, starring Charles and Yi Sun-Shin.

But there's a catch: this strategy needs a strong damage dealer in the backline, and there are several contenders rising to the challenge, including Elizabeth Bathory, Himiko, or even Loki for added control. Let's take a closer look.

Here, we'll delve into the best team configurations featuring Yi Sun-Shin and Charles as dual tanks, designed for various budget levels, from Low-Spenders (no free-to-play-friendly setup included) to Mid-Spenders and High-Spenders. This ensures that players of all resource levels can discover a strategy that fits their means.

Budget-Friendly Team Setup with Yi Sun-Shin

The first team, designed for low spenders, consists of Charles, Yi Sun-Shin, Elizabeth Bathory, and Zenobia. This setup emphasizes solid defense with Charles and Yi Sun-Shin in the frontline, supported by Zenobia's healing and control (depending on Skills equipped). Elizabeth Bathory serves as the primary damage dealer from the backline, maximizing damage output. It's important to note that while categorized as low spenders, this setup requires Triss Skills for optimal efficiency, which have become more accessible. F2P and wants Triss Skills? Check this article.

While assembling this team, the goal, as stated, is to establish a robust defense with dual tanks and to maximize Elizabeth's damage output. This objective should guide your selection of skills for each immortal. For Zenobia, prioritize skills that enhance healing, crowd control, and survivability. As for Bathory, focus on equipping skills that optimize her damage output, with Blade Vortex and Executioner being particularly effective for this objective, synergizing well with her damage-over-time ultimate.

Opinion: Players without access to Triss Skills may find the traditional Alex and Charles setup more suitable.

Mid-Spenders Team Setup with Yi Sun-Shin

Let's delve into a setup tailored for mid-spenders. Personally, I have a soft spot for Himiko due to her exceptional control abilities, which don't hinder her potential as a primary damage dealer. With Demon Ambush, which deals significant magical damage (450%) to all enemy units and gets a boost with her unique artifact (+30% damage increase), Golden Seal, she becomes a force to be reckoned with. What sets Himiko apart is her ability to send a backrow immortal into the void for 6 seconds, rendering them unable to attack, cast spells, or regain energy. While Himiko comes at a slightly higher price point compared to Bathory, who can be acquired with gems from the market, her unique skill set makes her a worthwhile addition to this setup that I'm eager to try out.

Replacing Bathory with Himiko brings huge magical damage and superior control abilities to the team. Skills like Armageddon and Annihilation complement this setup well, enhancing her damage output and control capabilities. Additionally, considering skills like Demoniac Contract and Battle Stance aligns with the core strategy of a dual tank team, which aims to sustain and prolong battles.

Another option is to replace Zenobia instead of Bathory, resulting in a Himiko-Bathory backline. This setup allows for the unleashing of both significant physical and magical damage, along with potent control abilities. However, careful skill selection is crucial to compensate for the absence of Zenobia's healing abilities.

High-Spenders Team Setup with Yi Sun-Shin

Let's explore team setups tailored for high-spending players.I've curated three options for this budget tier team strategy alongside Yi Sun-Shin.

First option: Yi Sun Shin, Theodora, Charles are all focused on one goal: safeguarding Himiko, ensuring she stays alive to deal damage.This team's resilience makes it challenging for enemies to quickly overwhelm them. Matches often extend beyond 60 seconds, sometimes nearing the 90-second limit. Consequently, skills like Demonic Contract and Battle Stance are crucial for Himiko, as they enhance her damage output over time. These skills also amplify the devastating effect of Armageddon, dealing massive damage 50 seconds into the battle.The remaining skills prioritize shielding and healing the team to maintain Himiko's health

The following report is truly remarkable and showcases the immense potential of this team. As you've gathered by now, the primary objective is to sustain the team, empowering a single backrow immortal, Himiko, to inflict substantial damage. In this particular report, the victory comes as the battle lasts the full 90 seconds, automatically granting victory to the defense. This strategy is not only intriguing but also exhibits tremendous potential, especially against formidable opponents like the Holy-Chaos March. Even players with significantly stronger teams often find it challenging to secure a victory before the 90-second time limit. Thank you SelfZi11A.

Second option: Add Loki to the mix alongside Himiko or Bathory for increased control and damage, utilizing Loki's Confuse ability.

Here, we forego Zenobia's healing abilities but maintain a solid defense with our dual tank setup. By introducing Loki, we enhance control, causing confusion among enemies and making them attack their own allies while Bathory serves as the primary damage dealer.

Opinion: I believe Himiko would be an even better option. As mentioned earlier, she possesses abilities to deal massive damage and offers control abilities that Bathory lacks. This combination could synergize wonderfully well alongside Loki. What are your thoughts?

Third Option: While I haven't seen this strategy in action yet, I believe it's worth exploring.

In this setup, we introduce Fu Fei, renowned for her exceptional healing abilities and immunity to control effects. The objective aligns with the Mid-Spenders team or High-Spenders Option 1, but with Fu Fei as the healer instead of Zenobia or Theodora. Fu Fei's healing prowess equals Theodora's, boasting an impressive 300% heal value.

Comparatively, Theodora, with a base energy regeneration rate of 66, requires 15 seconds to cast her first ability, while Fu Fei, with a rate of 100, needs only 10 seconds. Assuming all spells cost 1000 energy to cast and monitoring energy regeneration with a timer, this showcases a 34% increase in energy regeneration, translating to a 34% boost in healing throughout the battle, statistically.

With Himiko's significant damage output and control abilities added to the mix, this option holds tremendous promise. Let me know your thoughts on giving it a try.

The comeback of Yi Sun-Shin in high-level play shows how strategies evolve in Infinity Kingdom. What was once unpopular now shines in well-planned team setups, changing how the game is played at its highest levels. This mix of Earth and Shadow not only highlights Yi Sun-Shin's strengths but also shows how being flexible and planning ahead are key to winning.

As the game changes, other forgotten heroes might also make a comeback, reshaping how battles are fought. While no team is unbeatable, this Earth-focused strategy gives you a strong foundation for success. Whether you spend a little or a lot, this guide helps you build a powerful earth team that can take on any challenge.

Thank you for reading this far!

By Mael, Press Officer for Infinity Kingdom

References include insights from Press Officers and players, such as Myrahk, SelfZi11A.

For more insights, check out my previous articles here or discover exciting content on my newly created YouTube Channel. Reach out on discord if you have any questions : mael_ik

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