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Alliance Conquest - S18 - Match 3 - AllForDum vs DracaRYS

Wars & Stories in Westeros Alliance Conquest
Article Publish : 03/28/2024 19:48

Hello Lord and Ladies in another story!

In this match two alliances meet on the battlefield, one of them representing House Targaryen, the other one House Lannister, in an hour- long battle they are fighting for the control of valuable buildings, also for honour and glory.

One question remains: Which one will be the winner of a battle between the Lions and Dragons?

After winning the previous match against BTa, there was a high chance for us to meet one of the mega alliances in the second round. No surprise, we got WTF. No need to much introduction, top alliance, full of giga/mega whales, max accounts etc. They are definitely way above DUM’s league, simply we can not compete with these sort of teams. Exactly that’s why we didn’t take this match too serious, no point overspend our speed ups for a match what we can’t win. But that didn’t mean that we didn’t try to do our kind of fun! We were ready to play as long as we had troops, without going too deep into our personal speeds. Let’s see what happened… 😊

WTF team joined with very high amount of accounts 85, DUM had only 65 players! Since we were 100% sure that we had no chance, we decided we can use this match for some practice, what could be useful later on, when we have close matches. Our plan was to try to improve our intercept rallies and practising some hard swaps – if we have a chance.

We didn’t start the match very well, we only managed to win one race for the Mother, out of the 4. But at least we could practice swap under a big pressure (if you mess up a few seconds during the swap WTF would be there and you lose the building) We were all listening the countdown, fingers were on the speed up button:

Blue - DUM

Red - WTF

We are doing the swap in 3,2,1...disband and go go go go go go

It went very smoothly, managed to put mini Yagami into the Mother, with her stats, we might be able to survive couple of solos or even few waves of rallies!

On the other side of the map, we kept our eyes on the Targaryen Outpost, WTF didn’t reinforce it properly, so we suspected that they would try to swap it. We were right and also we were very fast, we have had an intercept rally on the building and with a quick rush but we weren't able to grab it before WTF! Meanwhile the Mother has been under constant attacks, bleed solos were hitting it in every seconds, basically, then rallies were coming and as expected we could only hang on for a few waves, then after we lost it.

We decided that we can rally the Lannister Outpost – building was held by a “weaker” account, so we set up some rallies, filled them up quickly and we were on our way. We use only speed rallies.

They were not perfectly timed, and not good enough, so we failed to take over again occupied it!

Red - WTF

It was time for the race for the Ports!

We were fast enough to get the close (Targaryen) Port and WTF managed to secure the Lannister Port. Seeing that Azuraz was the fastest, we decided that we didn’t to swap her out, just reinforce it and let’s see what’s happens! WTF did a super fast swap on their Port, we didn’t even have time to blink, let alone intercept it. 😂

WTF decided that before they would come for our port, they would have a go on Lannister Outpost, we were able to hold it against a few solos, even more than a few, so they initiated rallies on it. How can I say it? We were not very keen to reinforce it properly, anymore, we wanted to keep our troops alive for the incoming attacks on the Port. So WTF easily got the Outpost back.

And after they finished their job on the Outpost, they were coming for the Port, started slowly with a few solo attacks, then when they realised, it’s not that easy to solo Azuraz, even for WTF… dozens of rallies were popping up on our screens… few seconds later the rallies were hitting hard and very fast and we were standing there without any chance to hold it. 

Red - WTF

We had no time to fret, it was opening time for Casterly Rock! 

The racers were ready and when the bubble dropped, many arrows were flying towards CR, WTF was the fastest! They had to do a swap again, plan was placing QUENNY in CR, so at least WTF can hold it for a bit. Of course WTF knew our tactic so it had to be very precise, we had several slow marches on the way, they had to be very careful, when they disband it. WTF did the timings perfectly and managed to do a successful swap.We didn't want to take over CR, so we no start any rallies were, WTF kept CR until the end.

At this point, WTF had control over every buildings on the map and had a big loss of points, and since we were mostly out of troops – what we have left we did hide in fake rallies, just in case, we might have a go on the mines – we can say that the game was over. There was nothing else to do then wait, well maybe WTF played it too, because we didn’t give them much more action for the rest of 15-20 minutes. 😝

Red - WTF

When the mines opened up WTF team managed to secure both mines, at the start! Of course, we didn't bother trying to take over any of the mines. With that WTF scored all the points and win this match with a big advantage. what is way more than we could have expected, of course it didn’t change the fact that we lost the match, but at least they finished it strong! Congrats to WTF! With this result DUM can expect an easier match in the fourth round! We will see which alliance we get in the next round…

Total Elimination

Total Healing

Final result

Anyway, thank you for your attention, follow my next stories, and see you soon! 😊
