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KvK: K130 vs K188

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 03/27/2024 08:48

Spring had arrived in Westeros at the beginning of March, before the Kingdom versus Kingdom event started, revitalizing the area surrounding King's Landing in K130. The anticipation for the event grew with every day that went by, and at last the day had arrived for Kingdom versus Kingdom to begin. This specific KvK was unique in that it would both restore lost troops and award normal tokens for killing and losing troops. Ashun was thrilled about this since he saw it as a chance to fight a lot more, which he really enjoyed.

As a member of N3O, one of the most esteemed alliances in all of Westeros, Ashun is a formidable warrior. Throughout his life, he has participated in numerous alliances, acquiring expertise in all areas which has made him extremely adaptable in any kind of battle. Even though he is now a member of N3O, he still lives in the same kingdom as his former alliance, SKR, and they maintain friendly ties with one another. Because of their relationship, he intended to demonstrate their commitment by making this KvK a good battle. The Alliance Conquest competition was bound to start after this KvK. It is one of the most prestigious tournaments of which Ashun is participating in with hopes to win it for the first time, as N3O has been improving more and more with each passing day. His morale was up, just like everyone elses from SKR, who have high hopes for everything to come. Their cooperation was to bring about great change towards the best to the atmosphere in Ashun's eyes, who believed today was a good day for fighting. The goal for this KvK in their eyes is simply to boost enjoy each other's company and have a good fight!

The goal itself sounds quite simple, just enjoying each other's company on the battlefield as well as the battles to come. However with an unknown opponent, that could turn out to be quite hard, but first, how do SKR and Ashun plan to fight tonight? The answer to that was the usual, SKR never plans before the fight starts for KvK. Everyone just does their own thing to protect the Kingdom to the best of their abilities, which gives Ashun freedom to do as he pleases whilst inside N3O. Usually during KvK's however, SKR's approach is similar each time, they start with hiding themselves, waiting for the enemy to expose their lines and then ambushing them. With fighters like Ashun and Sir ST taking the lead on everyone who wanted to partake, they had managed to win every time. Ashun himself, although strong and has a knack for the right strategies, doesn't like planning all that much as he considers everything luck-based in terms of opponents one could face, thus this freedom he receives every time is what fits him. The same goes for Sir ST, who as the best fighter in SKR, he only expects to crush his enemy and doesn't plan much, as he is by nature, a reckless fighter.

As Ashun woke up on the day of the event, he was filled with excitement about what lay ahead. He hoped it might be his lucky day, where his fighting skills could earn him even more merit. But he was soon met with a surprise. As he reached the meeting point with SKR, it was unveiled that K130 was about to face against K188, the home Kingdom of a few NBe and WTF players. This meant but one thing, this KvK announced itself to be a fiery battle, or one where no one is going to fight.

Now the KvK had begun, every SKR player was waiting for the enemy to make a move, but nothing was happening. Sir ST surprisingly seemed to be very patient, aiming to wait for the enemy to make a move first. As for Ashun however, due to his restlessness, he was soon found by the enemy.

This enemy was a member of WTF but was playing inside Nii for the event in order to boost their fighting prowess. He used a blockade on Ashun and called out for his comrades in order to initiate a rally.

Ashun noticed the gear that Dopehop, the enemy, was using, seeing how he was wearing spear gear, switching himself to infantry seemed to be the most logical approach for himself. Thus now Ashun did what no one would expect of him under normal circumstances where his troops would not return, he switched to infantry.

The rally was still a success for the enemy, making Ashun start the KvK on the wrong foot, losing precious troops against a formidable foe. Seeing the result of the first rally, he was not going to get hit once more, thus he protected himself with a bubble and waited for everything to calm down and rest himself.

Once he awoke, everything was on fire, SKR had taken over the KvK with zeroing most of the Nii fighters, leaving them with no chance to fight back - Sir ST had gone on a complete rampage, but sadly for Ashun, he was not there to see it for himself. However, from this point forward, he was ready to give it all he's got to make up for what he missed. There still were a few targets around, with Sir ST ready to rally them.

Unfortunately, the target was unwilling to take the rally on after being blockaded, thus a new search started for Sir ST. After some help from Ashun, he managed to find yet another target, it seemed to be online and in gear, but that did not matter for Sir ST who was certain he could overpower everyone in this fight after the unseen fight from earlier.

Fortunately for Sir ST, this target was willing to tank the hit, making his efforts be rewarded once more.

After this, Ashun noticed some commotion around the map, he was eager to participate in a battle once again, as he missed way too much in this KvK. He could not prove his skills in fighting, as he only was defeated until now. But with this commotion, he has a chance to redemption. Now he has spotted his target:

Thus he lay in wait, opportune of a good moment to show up once the opponent has lowered his guard. After just a few minutes, the target seemed to get fervor, making this the perfect moment for Ashun to attack, this was his cue to do so.

With this, he has now gotten a good fight that he could be proud of, a redemption for himself in the triumphant KvK event in which he sadly missed most of the action. On the other hand, Sir ST could not have enjoyed the fight more, dealing as much damage to the enemies as he could, with help from the multitude of fighters from within SKR. Now, this served as a good boost in morale for everyone ahead of the Alliance Conquest season, will that momentum keep on building, or will it collapse once the season starts?
