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Choso's sow season takes a harsh turn!

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 02/21/2024 21:44

It was a bitterly cold winter night, colder than any other thus far this season. But there was no time to shiver, it was the second round of the Siege of Winterfell, and FuK's potential was about to shine brighter than ever. Their recent success in the Alliance Conquest and a triumphant victory in the first round of SoW had boosted their confidence, propelling them towards their goals with determination and high morale. Their history on this battlefield beforehand left no space for doubt even before this season started, as they were led by incredibly experienced warriors, such as Mariner37, a leader who has won the event prior. FuK is now going into the second round of the 12th season of this event in the Super League, where a place in the top 100 strongest alliances enables one to receive medals for an SS castle skin. The hope to reach their goal is sky-high and they are going to give everything they've got to reach it, this match will be a must-win otherwise the goals will crumble before them!

Their goals, what exactly are they? Well, they are aiming for top 100, which seems just like a dream as of now, as well as at the very least 3 wins this season for the season rewards, but this means they must win this match to get an even greater advantage over their biggest goal. The morale was up after the last match where they managed a win, the hopes were alive, growing with each passing second, but one question lingered in their mind, how will they pull this off? This was a question that Choso asked himself, but he couldn't bring any answer to. All he could think of was the fierce opponents that awaited them inside the timezone they are playing in. He was hoping for an easy opponent for a second time this season, but he knew that duels against FDH and WxC were inevitable near the top. But first the plans must be told at the Alliance Hall by the leaders, as well as the opposition reveal.

Thus he departed his home to head towards the middle of King's Landing where the alliance Hall was going to be found. The Alliance Hall building was made out of wood almost entirely, it was old, made around the time when the world of GoTWiC first started, Choso was surprised it could still stand on its own. When he arrived at the Hall, the wooden door was creaking louder than ever before when opening, making him unsure if it was about to crumble apart as Mariner37, the current strategist, opened it, but nevertheless, the opponent was to be revealed.

From Choso's position, he could see him clearly, he was wearing a worried look on his face, one that was troubling the on-lookers. Mariner37 is a great leader in Choso's eyes, as he brought everyone together, making everyone fight on the same side as a team, like never seen before. Their unity could make any strong alliance jealous.

As everyone finished gathering near the old Alliance Hall, the strategist spoke firmly, ''We are up against WxC, the hard matches are already here. As you all know, they are a top 3 alliance, this will be a massacre, we need to show them we can stop them as much as possible''. This was exactly what no one had wanted nor hoped for, everyoen seemed to have wanted an easy match to get the win for the alliance to accomplish both goals faster. In Choso's eyes, who was losing hope, he was also proud, this match meant that FuK had reached the highest ranks available to them. Once Mariner37 finished the sentence, although he wanted to seem motivated to put up a good fight, he put on a frown, but so did everyone else, their morale was sure to take a hit.

He then continued: ''The plan is to repeat what we did in the first round, we are going to fight on 2 sides of the map, namely, we will have an Armory team and a Hot Springs team.'' This was the tactic that was attempted in their last match with a convincing victory, they did not give their opponents a chance to react in the slightest. Everyone's job consisted of fighting for the buildings only, once they are secured, FuK as a whole is going to head to Winterfell and fight the enemy off if there was anyone still left alive, on FuK's side. The goal of the season right now is still to reach top 100 and have at least 3 wins, even if such a hard match has come so early, they had to put up a good fight for their strategist, and to test their limits.

With this said, all of the bannermen available had departed for the fight, led by Mariner37, who despite the worried and frowned look from earlier, was going to lead them into the fight with all of his might, wanting to check their potential. Right behind him there was Choso, who was seen to be lost in thoughts. The road there was as cold as it was dangerous, many were freezing, needing breaks to warm up with a campfire, thus everyone thought they'd turn out late to a most important match.

Once they arrived onto the battlefield, it became clear as day, the difference between the two armies was too extreme, the average member felt a lot of pressure right off the bat from very far away. Everyone had now become terrified of what the outcome could be, how horrendous and catastrophic the battle could turn out for FuK.

Having seen the big and strong army of WxC in person, the worry took over Mariner37, who despite what he said earlier, wanted to change FuK's approach to the match. Choso was watching him from afar, curious as to what the strategist could be thinking after seeing the enemy's might in full display.

Mariner37 immediately spoke up, ''We are now going to instead focus on only one side, we're going to put up a fight on the side where they are weaker, this is the only way we can delay their certain win. Having heard this new plan, everyone had gained a bit of motivation to fight the overwhelming opposition. A delay in points against one of the top 3 alliances? That sounded amazing in everyone's mind. The same applied for Choso, who expected such a call from their experienced leader, since after all, numbers were everything in this event, win by overwhelming your enemy with strong numbers and tactics.

Their opponents were led by CCCPC, who seemed to be highly motivated for the fight, he is also the strongest fighter in existence on the field of Westeros. Due to his might, victory was a must for WxC in every match of the season. But as Choso was admiring his opponent's strength, the match had begun. The FuK army went towards the Armory, and so did CCCPC, they were about to clash.

Not after a long time, the two have come face to face, CCCPC has charged instantly into the FuK army, reaching them before they could arrive at the Armory, he went inside the FuK army taking out countless fighters that were unprepared as soon as they reached the base! Choso seeing this had realised there was not much he could do to help anyone that was dying, the difference in power was just too great, he was left powerless with no chance at anything.

There were barely any swords clashing, CCCPC was taking everyone out before they had a chance to strike him. And in turn his strikes were so strong, he was cutting everyone in half with a simple swing of his blade. The sight was something that Choso and Mariner37 could not bear to witness. The fight had merely begun but their numbers were already reduced greatly!

The duel on the icy battleground became anything but more intense as seconds passed. The casualties on FuK's side were something that scared Mariner37, he didn't want so many of his bannermen to die. Thus he had a final idea, to retreat, to ask everyone to fall back as he himself was going to sacrifice his life in order to buy time. But as soon as he mentioned this, Choso looked at him, unwilling to back off, instead he wanted to help Mariner37 in his battle. The rest of the FuK team had now started to retreat. CCCPC didn't want to let anyone get away, as he was aiming for a lot of eliminations, that would bring him glory onto the battlefield.

Mariner37 and Choso had now jumped in front of him, attacking simultaneously, trying to strike at his body and shining armor multiple times. Due to the skill difference, they weren't able to, with CCCPC easily dodging everything they threw his way, but this was his longest battle thus far, he was enjoying it a bit.

They couldn't last long however, as with the first counter attack, CCCPC had taken both of them down with one strike. He was now trying to catch up to the fighters that ran away, some of the fighters weren't lucky enough to escape, but some had managed to get away from the terrifying fighter that is CCCPC.

This meant that FuK has now gotten their first defeat this season and will have a harder time reaching their goals by the end of the season if they will not recover from this loss. The road announces itself to be one with ups and downs, but this only excites Choso, who has high expectations for FuK, the same applies to Mariner37. Now he is feeling a lot of relief as they got the hardest match out of the way. The road ahead will be a tough one, full of hardships to overcome in order to reach their potential, but they all believed in themselves, however, believing and reaching the goals are two different things, will they be able to reach them?
