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Outmatched but not Overpowered(Siege of Winterfell )

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/26/2024 01:57

                                            Outmatched but not Overpowered

                                                      (Siege of Winterfell )

     It was a warm summer day when I awoke and gazed at the sky from the window of my castle at the Crown Lands. I watched as the clouds began to drift playfully across the sky unlocking its clear bright blue depths above. The sun blissfully shined its golden rays of light from above the heavens like a beacon, that was brighter than any flame or star that could ever behold.

Looking down below was the vast land of our kingdom that was surrounded by endless fields of green grass that had grown plentiful during this season. The wind that was present softly blew on each blade of grass. This serene and peaceful scenic view of our kingdom made me feel at ease and as if no wars ever existed in our realm. But that thought had all ended when I saw the most peculiar sight.

    Snowflakes began to gracefully fall from the sky down by the sill of my window. I couldn’t believe my very own eyes. “How could this be happening?? The season of summer is still ripe; there is no way possible that snow could reach us during this time of the month.” I thought to myself as I stood here astonished. I held my hand out in disbelief from the opening of my window to see whether they would fall on my hand or not. Proving if these snowflakes were truly real or a fabrication from my mind. Shortly after snowflakes began to fall once more and sooner than later a few gently landed on my hands, melting within an instant of my touch.

I was taken aback once more, but then it dawned on me…. 

   The battle for the Siege of Winterfell would soon be upon us! I could feel the city of Winterfell as if it was calling to me from afar. I could also see the color of the blood red leaves from the weirwood trees, feel the warm mist that came from the HotSprings and hear the distant howling of the direwolves. This brought back many memories of when I had once resided in that Great City with my alliance WLZ and fought alongside them in many battles including the one that would occur shortly today. Soon I would return to the great city of the forefathers and founders of Winterfell and fight alongside my alliance TQL, in this battle once more. I would now have to prepare for this battle as the entrance to the battlefield would soon be opened.

   The previous night, I remembered that a Raven had flown to our kingdom delivering to our alliance in King’s Landing the battle report that would reveal which opponents TQL would be faced off against. Everyone in our whole alliance eagerly awaited for the moment to learn which alliance we would be matched with for our first battle of this new season of Siege of Winterfell. Our Queen, Bella, who was the first one to discover the exciting news of our first opponents, announced to her whole alliance that our first battle for the Siege of Winterfell would be fought against AV0. 

     At that instant we all knew that we would be doomed from the start as AV0 had a very powerful warrior in their alliance and he was renowned to many as being quite competent in battle. He was called Ganicus, and was known for being a menace in the battlefield. I would know as I had once faced him during the War of Kingdoms a while back when I had joined my former alliance FuK. Of course many had fallen to his sword and my former kingdom had lost. Ganicus’ strength and prowess was far superior to any of the members of TQL, despite most of the members here being very powerful. We knew our chances of winning this battle were bleak but we were not going to give up on this battle. As always the masters of war Nelt and Elrik along with our Queen and some of the other leaders would come up with a good strategy for each and every match to try to change this outcome.

         Now I stood waiting for the last minute to end and for the entrance of the battlefield to open. A moment later the clock gave its last tic and the gates to the battle of the Siege of Winter had opened as if to welcome us in its extended arms. Soon after almost all of the members of TQL began marching into the snowy battlefields of The North. We all had gathered in our encampment waiting for the countdown to cease and for the barrier that was placed by the Seven to vanish.

I was not confident that we would defeat our foes during the first round but that would not stop me or any of my fellow allies from trying to win this battle!! As the snow began to fall around me and I felt the cold chilling air of The North I felt this surge of determination. Our alliance would fight until the very end. We all knew what to do during this match…. Beforehand we had been given clear instructions on what strategies our alliance would be using for this battle. One of the war commanders, Nelt, had given us the order to make sure that we captured the Armory and HotSprings and had everyone split into two teams and had assigned us to both of those buildings until the golden bag containing the resources would respawn at Winterfell. Before I knew it the countdown had finally come to an end and I watched as the barriers that obstructed us from running into the battlefield vanished. All forces of TQL began charging off into the battlefield.

   We had all gone into two groups. With one marching towards the armory and the other to HotSprings taking as many bases as we were capable of capturing while we ventured our way down to our primary targets. I went along with the assigned group down towards the HotSprings. At a short distance we could see many armies from AV0 swarming by the HotSprings. After running a few miles in the cold snow we had finally arrived. However to our surprise it had already been captured by our enemies! They were adamant on keeping it for themselves. “Everyone march forward to defeat our enemies and capture the HotSprings. In the name of the Queen!” said Nelt who shouted as he ran ahead with his forces to battle our enemies guarding the HotSprings.

  The rest of us had arrived to join our commander in this battle. We fought with them in a heated battle in what seemed like an endless battle. Our enemies had fought with such resistance and finesse but TQL had fought even harder. We had fought with such valor and speed attacking them with every muscle that held our body together. Our mighty forces were continuing to fight our opponents without rest but we surely were beginning to grow weary. The number of our forces were starting to dwindle and losing the battle at the HotSprings was becoming inevitable.

But TQL would not back down. We fought on but soon the fight at HotSprings was coming to a quick end. It was beginning to become a bloodbath at the HotSprings. Scarlett red blood filled the once snowy ground now flooded it with blood of defeat. This blood was sadly not from our enemies but from our own troops. 

  Soon the Queen had ordered us to fallback and regroup as our chances of capturing the Hot Springs were very low. Despite our recent failure to capture HotSprings our alliance was doing very well in this battle and had currently gained the lead of the battle.


  Soon the bag had spawned at Winterfell and Nelt wanted to have a team of reinforcements ready to journey there to help our allies who had already been stationed there to fend off the enemy troops that seeked to destroy our regiments and help them collect and safeguard the bag.

A team of our forces had already secured the bag but were soon under enemy attack. It was now up to the rest of us to try and make it there on time to help them deliver it to one of our bases safely.

The way there was not easy. As if running in the snow was hard enough. Imagine having to run and fight all at once while being pursued by your opponents. Well that was precisely what had happened. I had run as far as my steeds could take me to where our allies were trying to hold the bag while the forces of AV0 chased after me. Luckily the Seven had been with me and I was able to arrive in time to help our allies fight off the enemy and safely deliver it to one of our bases.

   Now that the first bag had finally been transported to our base the next one was beginning to respawn. It was now time for our forces to return to Winterfell and try to get there before our enemies could. However this time we were somewhat outnumbered. Some of our forces had already long gone to try at another attempt to capture HotSprings. Leaving the rest of our remaining armies here to fight for the bag at Winterfell. We would have no choice but to fight off our enemies and try to capture the bag regardless of whether we claim it or not. Unfortunately our enemies already had the upper hand as they had arrived at Winterfell first with hoards of their armies led by Ganicus.

      By the time we reached Winterfell there was already a few seconds before it would spawn. Then the war erupted once again at Winterfell to fight for the golden bag. AV0 was able to capture the bag but our allies would not give up. We fought them at Winterfell, to prevent them from progressing with the bag further for several long minutes. Their forces outnumbered our smaller armies as they fought us with brute force with Ganicus making any of our chances more difficult, until they had taken down most of our armies. The armies of TQL that had remained followed swiftly behind our foes as they began delivering the bag to one of their bases.

Seeing that we were greatly outnumbered and that our armies would not last long,Commander Nelt gave an order to those who were at the armory and the other bases to quickly come and aid us in trying to claim the bag. Within minutes of hearing the order by their commander, many reinforcements from TQL had come to support our fight for the bag and fought Ganicus and his allies relentlessly.

Despite our efforts it was not enough for us to defeat AV0’s army and take the bag from them.

Ganicus was just too powerful. They were able to deliver the bag but they were still far from catching up to our lead. TQL still reigned victorious in this battle aside from the fact that we had been outnumbered.

   Eventually the forces of TQL had fallen back and returned once again to fight at the HotSprings.

There we would find ourselves outnumbered and defeated again. I soon came to the realization that there was no point in us fighting here as our armies would continue to get eliminated by the numerous forces of AV0. I had instead retreated to the armory to help defend it with some of the allies that had already been stationed there once I learned it was under attack.

 With our efforts we had been able to successfully defend the Armory for the assault made by our enemies.


   Time had gone by as the battle progressed and TQL had still remained in the lead. They continued to valiantly fight against their opponents and successfully delivered a few more bags to our bases granting us enough points to allow us to stay in the lead.

   But the battle was not over yet. Another bag had spawned and with some time still remaining TQL wanted to capture their last bag in under to secure their lead and gain the maximum amount of points for this battle. All the forces of TQL could be seen marching towards Winterfell united together in unity to defeat and stop the forces of AV0 from delivering the bag. When they had arrived another war occurred between AV0 and TQL. As the two rivaling alliances fought against each other for the claim of the bag in the cold harsh conditions of the north, their blades could be seen colliding as steel clashed against steel. Blood once again began to stain and soil the white snowy ground that laid beneath the battle as snow began to fall once more as if to cover the constant violence that now came forth. Finally the forces of AV0 claimed the bag and began taking them to their base. We had to stop them! 

   I was at one of our bases when this battle had occurred and rode my mount down to join my allies as they pursued our enemies for the bag. As I continued to venture closer to the battle I saw from a short distance my husband Omaewa riding towards the spot where the battle was happening leading a small army of reinforcements along with him. Finally we had all joined the battle for the bag against AV0 as our chase led us across the bridge not far from where one of the enemy bases stood. We fought hard against our enemies, not giving up until finally Demice was able to capture the bag for the glory of TQL.

 Demice then began carrying the bag with its heavy weight across the bridge in an attempt to either deliver it to one of our nearby bases or to try and stall and distract the enemy forces.

Our allies had immediately rushed to protect Demice’s forces while he carried the bag but AV0’s forces were too numerous and surrounded our forces obstructing anyone from reaching help to Demice. At this point there was no choice but to fight out way through the enemy made barrier but this was only a ploy that they had devised to defeat Demice and retake the bag. Some of their soldiers were able to overpower and defeat Demice now that he left without help from our allies. With the bag back in their hands our enemies once again continued on the route with TQL coming behind seeking to take out vengeance on them.

   The battle would have continued to go on if it was not for the sharp loud sound that came from a battle horn. “Stop what you are doing and fall back!!” cried Queen Bella. We have now already gotten the rest of our points. Some of our allies had taken back some bases while we all fought for the bag here. Now let's let our friends from AV0 make their points before it all ends.” Upon hearing the orders set by our Queen all the members of TQL had begun to drop their weapons and return back to our encampment.

Soon the battle would come to an end as AV0 had the battlefield all to themselves to make points due to the kind courtesy shown to them by their friend the Queen. When we had all arrived back Bella gave us a smile of her approval being pleased that her commands had been followed as it was always important to respect our opponents despite all circumstances during these battles. “ Unknownst to our opponents this fight for the bag actually came in our favor even if we were not able to deliver it on time. As they were all distracted fighting us here, many of their bases were vacant allowing us to take them thus granting us additional points to secure our victory” Sadly for AV0 they had lost this battle, but Ganicus fought well and with honor. It was a pleasure fighting against them.” said our queen.

   Moments later the battle had concluded and TQL was crowned the victor of our first match of this season. Even though the forces of AV0 had been more numerous and stronger then our own forces, TQL had a great strategy that was able to allow us to outsmart our enemy and win this battle. We had all breathed a sigh of relief as we excited the Gates of the Event after an exhausting battle. “That was an amazing battle, great work to you all” said our Queen once we had returned back to the warm and sunny city at King’s Landing. We had all soon parted ways and II returned back to my castle. Now when I looked out from my window I no longer saw snow falling instead I saw a butterfly as if to represent hope and prosperous battles that are yet to come.
