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All out War and the secret of the dragon eggs.

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 10/17/2024 22:57

The all-out war has reached its climax. In Essos, a brutal battle rages between the forces of Westeros and the mainland, which has decided to retaliate after months of attacks by the armies of Essos. The great houses of southern Westeros have mobilized their massive legions, advancing towards a continent filled with enemy forces.

All of southern Westeros and the great houses are stationed with their massive armies on the mainland of Essos. Most of the cities have been swept away and conquered.

In the south, the slave cities of Meereen and Astapor have fallen under the steel tide of the armies of Westeros. The cruel slave lords have seen their domains razed to the ground, while their slaves, now freed, unite to form a free people.The shadow of tyranny has been lifted, but the cost has been high.

Meanwhile, in the north, the Dothraki peoples remain sheltered in their khalasars, watching the advance of Westeros' troops with suspicion. However, Queen Daenerys has managed to establish a fragile non-aggression pact with the last and most powerful khalasar, led by the feared Khal Raegho. This agreement is vital to the queen, who knows that her success in the war depends as much on the loyalty of the Dothraki as on the skill of her own warriors.

As the borders of Westeros expand, BlackLion has sent scouts into Khal Raegho's territory. Reports are coming in of their rapidly growing power, a sign that these Dothraki are more than they appear at first glance and inside the Black Lion does not trust the pact established between the queen and this khalassar.

On the other side of the continent, the battle against the free cities of Pentos and Braavos intensifies. After weeks of fighting, Pentos has fallen, and the Golden Company defending Pentos deserted. Braavos, however, continues to resist. Its warriors, considered among the best in the world, fight with a ferocity that has cost Westeros countless lives.

They count on the leadership of the warrior named x717x, considered the best living fighter in the world.

X717x was not just a Bravossi warrior, he was a man born under the destruction of fire and blood. Descendant of a noble family that long ago had been betrayed by the Targaryen, burned and sacrificed.

He had been trained in secret, by the best masters, and knew more about dragons than any living being.

BlackLion, who faced this formidable warrior in a tournament held in Pentos in the past, was defeated and seriously wounded by x717x. Since then, he has had a particular hatred for the Braavosi.

The Black Lion has become a major lord of Westeros, and he has the full loyalty of his Targaryen queen. In the council, the great lords are debating what to do next.

-We know nothing about the dragon's eggs,” the queen said sadly, ”the dragon's eggs that were stolen from me and for which I am here on this continent again. All this pain I have suffered has brought me to where I am. The dragon eggs are the legacy of my dynasty. Without them, we are lost,” he concluded regretfully.

BlackLion stood up and, in a firm voice, replied:

-We must infiltrate Braavos and discover where the dragons are. I will personally go to Braavos and unearth this mystery. I know the land and the city better than anyone else here. As you know, I lived in Braavos for a while and personally faced their leader, x717x, in a duel. I have unfinished business with them.

The discussion went late into the night as they searched for a way to infiltrate the heart of Braavosi territory and capture x717x.

The next morning, BlackLion, , embarked on his risky mission. Disguised as a fisherman, he joined a group of men who had been selected. Together, they sailed across the waters to the statue of the Titan of Braavos, which stood as a guardian of the city.

Upon reaching port, the group dispersed into the crowd, camouflaging themselves among fishermen and merchants. They spent several days investigating the streets and markets of the city, listening to rumors from every corner.

Finally, after days of surveillance, BlackLion and his men discovered the location of x717x. The warrior was overseeing the construction of a camp on the outskirts of the city, a center in the defense of Braavos. With this information the Black Lion's men drew up a plan to capture the warrior.

At dawn, as the sun began to peek over the horizon, BlackLion and his men set out. They crept toward the village where x717x was supervising the construction work,

When they arrived. BlackLion, , gave the signal, and the group went on the attack.

First they finished off the garrison protecting him, which was scarce and quickly neutralized. Suddenly, their big boss came out of the tent, with his armor half on due to the rush, and directly confronted Maveric, BlackLion's companion. 

The battle was terrible. Both contenders engaged in a fight in which no one could intervene. Even though x717x had been surprised and didn't even have his full armor, he was still a formidable opponent. Maveric took a knee twice, but twice he got up.

-Let me help you! -said BlackLion.

-Get out of the way! -Maveric replied, determined to continue.

Finally, x717x, with a devastating blow, pierced Maveric through the back, who fell to the ground. However, before exhaling his last breath, Maveric grabbed x717x's ankle, making him stumble. The Black Lion seized the moment, lunged at x717x and grabbed him by the neck. With the help of his men, x717x was finally restrained and gagged.

The capture of the great Braavosi leader claimed the life of a great lord of Westeros. Maveric, considered by many to be one of the great warriors of the east, died on the way back to the base of Excelso, where the armies awaited.

After several days of travel, BlackLion arrived before the queen with prisoner x717x. Needless to say, the interrogation was harsh. Sometimes, it is necessary to do a lesser evil for a greater good. x717x spent several nights of torture in the queen's dungeons, and finally, after three days of interrogation and torment, he asked to speak directly to her.

The room fell silent before the imposing presence of that formidable Braavosi warrior who, in a deep voice, began to speak:

-I will tell you where the dragon eggs are,” he began x717x. They have been taken to the high tower of Valyria, where they will rest in the Hall of the Undying forever.

He paused, his eyes filled with a mixture of defiance and resignation, and continued:

-Your dragons are death made flesh. Ancient Valyria was raised with dragonfire and succumbed to the ambition of kings and queens like you. Now, the dragons will rest in their hometown. Dragon Castle is at the center of ancient Valyria and is guarded by our best soldiers.

“Your dragons are not symbols of justice, Daenerys. They are the ruin that ended Valyria and will end you as well. If you do not control them, they will consume you and all you love. Fire is untamable, and you are but its next victim.”

The great warrior, with a fixed gaze on the queen, showed no fear or regret, only the weight of his truth.

-It will not be easy for you to enter there, because the great city of Valyria is protected by the eight watchtowers. You will have to take the watchtowers if you want to enter the city,” said x717x with a defiant smile.

-This is treason! -You have declared war on Westeros and stolen the legacy of my dynasty. You Braavosis are the only ones to blame.

-No,” x717x corrected. We are not the only ones. The treachery is greater than you think.

A laugh escaped x717x's lips as he wiped the blood that still flowed from his mouth.

-The Dothrakis helped us, even Khal Raegho, with whom you have made a pact I have united the peoples, and each plays an important role, and I needed the Dothrakis with their savagery to reign in the anarchy I have unleashed to deal with you,” said x717x, laughing even louder. The entire room was in shock, unable to believe what they were hearing. Khal Raegho and his Dothrakis are the ones guarding the dragon eggs in the great castle,” he continued with a chuckle. Besides, the slaver lords helped us with their ships, and their personal hatred for you was just what I needed. We sailed ships from Meereen to Dragonstone to slay your dragons and steal the remaining eggs. As I told you, your dragons are death made flesh, and Essos is united in a common cause: to end that which no one can control... not even you.

-My queen, we must execute this man,” BlackLion said, his fist clenched on his sword. He is the mastermind of this conspiracy. He has united an entire continent against Westeros. His treachery cannot be forgiven.

The queen sighed deeply. After a few seconds of reflection, she finally said:

-I, Daenerys of the Storm, sentence you to death.

X717x, still defiant, shouted as he was dragged back to the dungeons:

-You will never win. The eight watchtowers are filled with our men and Dothraki warriors, and the great dragon castle is protected by a sea of Braavosis swords. You will never win this war.

The council was shocked by these revelations. Everyone cursed Essos and debated whether they should raze Braavos to the ground. They also discussed what to do about the betrayal of Khal Raegho, whom they had trusted so much. The night passed slowly, as if time had stopped.

Before dawn broke, the trumpets of war broke the silence. The lords dressed quickly and ran to the battlements. What they saw stunned them: two great armies were approaching down the mountainside. On one side, the banners of Braavos were flying, and on the other, thousands of Dothraki horsemen were advancing, shrieking as they massed for battle.

Braavos and Khal Raegho had come to rescue their leader.

With little time to prepare, Westeros' troops were quickly organized, and the battle began with a fierce Dothraki charge that broke through the initial defenses. The Dothraki were unstoppable, and BlackLion fought alongside his men against a tide of savages, while the Targaryen queen did the same against the Braavosis forces. The contest was brutal, and thousands of lives were lost in what became one of the most terrible battles ever seen.

After more than twelve hours of fighting, BlackLion's forces, with a wall of spears, managed to hold off the Dothraki advance. Seeing his army crumbling, Khal Raegho dismounted from his horse and, with his great arakh in hand, challenged BlackLion to single combat. The lion accepted the challenge and approached the great khal with his sword raised high.

The world seemed to stand still. The two hosts were silent as the warriors clashed. Khal Raegho's arakh hissed and sliced the air with each blow, while BlackLion's sword danced in deadly play. After a few minutes of fierce combat, BlackLion dodged a blow from the arakh with a somersault and, in the same motion, launched a deadly lunge that pierced Raegho from below, skewering him like a spike.

Khal Raegho, eyes wide in disbelief, let out a scream before kicking BlackLion in the head and falling dead at his feet, his sword pierced through and through.

The Dothrakis, seeing the death of their leader, fled in terror, and the battle ended a few hours later, when the Braavos trumpets sounded and their forces retreated. Although the Westeros camp had been badly beaten and its troops decimated, victory was assured.

A wounded jailer approached the Targaryen queen, his head bloodied, and informed her:

-My queen, x717x has escaped. During the battle, a group of Braavos soldiers gained access from behind and entered the dungeons, freeing their leader. Only I have been left alive... I am sorry, my queen.

The queen sighed, but replied calmly:

-It doesn't matter. If their leader is still alive, I now know everything that has happened. X717X is no ordinary enemy. He is a shadow who has waited generations for this moment. He has conspired, he has manipulated all of Essos. But now, he has also revealed his cards.” I know where my dragons are and how far this conspiracy has gone. I know all I need to know and why I came here, to Essos, to claim justice.

As she spoke, the lords and generals came forward to listen to her, and BlackLion, bloodied and held by his men, appeared in the crowd.

-My sons,” the queen continued, ”we will fight on. Today we have won a great victory. Despite the lives lost, we have finally stood up to horror and death. We will break the wheel that crushes rich and poor. We are here to break that wheel and make the world a better place. Will you support me?

All of Westeros, united, shouted in unison:

-Yes, we are with you!
