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Arena of Honor Season 2 Round 8 - The pursuit for glory points

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 10/14/2024 15:37

Its sunday again, also known as have fun in Arena of Honor day among [N0X] members. The sun is setting, its evening and the reunited [N0X[ team is assembling at the table to discuss strategies for yet another fight. In the round prior to this one leadership decided to go with trade posts instead of military camps for strongholds as it was seen more safe, so Shado as commander asked everyone else what should be build for this fight and after some quick discussions it was decided to go with trading posts again. The decission was taken just in time as the gong to enter the battle was resonating in the room.

For this fight Old Gods decided for [N0X] to join House Greyjoy, as for opponents there are [VME] for House Baratheon, House Stark invited [7FD] to fight for them on tonight's match, House Tyrell has [NW1] as guests, [NBe] is fighting alongside House Targaryen, and [BwF] is on House Lannister side tonight. Before the match start Shado made a quick scout on enemy teams and noticed that there were quite a few strong warriors along so today's match wasn't going to be easy but then its never easy. The fight started as per usual with the strongholds opening and [N0X] knights quickly rushed to occupy them and reinforce them. Shado as commander made however a critical mistake in the first 2 minutes of the fight that could've easily ruin the whole fight, didn't notice House stark build infantry camps and he left the House empty and unsupervised.

The notification that House was lost popped and Shado, having ptsd from 2 fights ago when [N0X] was lost for real, put everything else aside and quickly assembled a solo to retake'it, didn't even had a 5th commander selected in the lineup but it didn't matter. Luckily Starks were a bit slow with sending a lord and reinforcements so House was saved and from that moment on it was reinforced by [N0X] so it won't be lost again somehow.

After this major hickup fight continued normally for [N0X] with opening of the other strongholds alongside with the first altar. Shado as per usual was assigned to occupy the first altar and he did so, catching Lord Sid from [PHX] in the crossfire which sped his march a bit quicker than Shado and arrived just before him.

But the fight for the first altars is always hard and in the next 20 seconds Shado was scouted and attacked by QueenofTears of [NBe], her female/weakness cavalry march was too much to handle for Shado's infantry bleed and he needed a lot of carts to carry the death soldiers home. VERGO then stepped in and took the altar back and [N0X] managed to occupy'it. Having [NBe] next to their House ment the fight for altars would never end and they occupied another altar on [N0X] side this time by YgriTTE and they also reinforced. Shado tried a solo but it proved to be suicidal, the number of troops on YgriTTE's side was way too big.

The fight wasn't going in [N0X] favor, they were being boxed by the 2 Houses and at a point they were having a lot of troubles keeping the altars. A call was made by Leandra DE and Shado for the [N0X] knights to swap their attention to altars and in the next several minutes the altars were retaken, just in time for the City of Glory opening. VERGO, [N0X] rally banner made a rally to try and occupy the City of Glory as it is the most important building in Arena of Honor, but he met strong resistance from the other House's infantry lineups and [N0X] had little success with trying to occupy the City of Glory. [N0X] decided to not give up and they kept trying to occupy'it for the rest of the fight, while Shado got assigned to take altars back, his favorite assignment in Arena of Honor.

The decision to keep going for City of Glory was, in this fight, ultimately a bad one for [N0X], Shado wasnt enough to keep up with retaking the altars and [N0X] started dropping in points ranking from rank 2 to rank 5. Shado asked the other [N0X] knights to help him retake the altars and [N0X] started climbing back up in points but the fight was coming closer and closer to the end and [N0X] wasnt near the top 3 needed to score some glory points. Mining shafts were [N0X]'s last chance to climb, as they keep only 2000 points but they can be quickly empied, and a play on them was tried but it wasnt enough as the other Houses went for the same play and kinda offset what [N0X] was trying to do. When the end of battle was heard, [N0X] ended up on 4th place, at a small points difference of 3rd place and yet again with 0 glory points won.

What did [N0X] learn from this Arena of Honor battle? Despite keeping the other Houses with rallies on City of Glory, and the City remaining unoccupied by the end of battle, and not losing its sometimes better to change the strategy mid fight. Overall it was a good battle that sadly ended up with no glory points for [N0X] but hopefully next time it will go better. Have fun and see you on the battlefield.
